San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Honestly I love these ideas. I’m so pumpee at your enthusiasm too! Can i link you’re post on the OP so your ideas are there and of course it’ll bring them to your post here? I like keeping our ideas in check.

I didn’t even think of that pattern either… You think I would. I think temporary stealth would be alright too, as in fading can work but has a duration.

cries I can’t mog my sunglasses over my real helm! Take it as an indication that if I’m wearing that helm, someone just died.

Very painfully.

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I think a dev said worgen are the most powerful race lorewise. Would be nice to get a horde counterpart.

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Everything about this idea is amazing and awesome and I love it.


Sure of course! :smiley: I love throwing around enthusiasm!

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More reskinned blood elf’s yay.

Do people just disregard the entire OP and just go all the way down to comment based on the title? These “no more elf” one-liners and the comment directly above indicates that. /sigh Like, at least put in the effort to read it or don’t bother commenting at all because your feedback is pointless. We’ve heard people complain about elves before.

Here, as a refresher to those that don’t bother to read:

I really don’t understand why it’s so difficult.

Not to mention: I really don’t care if you dislike elves. This is something I’d love to see in the game, your opinion on it negative or not. We’re not going to stop talking about it because of “no more elf parrots.” And like I said and keep repeating, no, I don’t expect it in place of or before any other race. It’s entirely not cool that just because there’s elven races in, suddenly every other concept should be shot down.


Well it is the general forums so ya, that and they probably do it to get a rise out of you.

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Fair enough. It’s worked since I’ve repeated myself hahaha. I gotta stop even bothering to repeat now, it’s pointless.

Edit: Logging off with neither my helm nor glasses… wonder if it will show up hehehe.


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Smart Queen.

Another skinned night elf yay!

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I always support people who want to bring new races or classes to WoW. And also i like to try to contribute because i enjoy thinking of racials for new races. So, here goes my input for the San’Layn.:

This is an obvious idea considering that this is a vampire race, but must be mentioned: some racial ability were the elf consumes the blood of his target (something like what we saw in the video where one of them kill a gnome) while doing this the San’layn wil have some positive efect, and his target a negative effect. Also, the ability will be channeled, and while the spell being channeled he and the target will not can move. Also the target abilities over the San’layn will have effect only if he do it at melee range. The duration of channeling effect could be 3 seconds, and have a max range of 25 yd, and a 2 minutes CD as most active racials.
Now let’s see which posibles positive effect can have for him and what negative effect can have for his target:

  • Heals you in an amount equal to your 10% of total your health, while consume “X” points of enemy health, while channeled. Scale while leveling.
  • After the channeling ends, increase your main stat by 10%, while reduce the main stat of the target by 10%, for 15 seconds. If the channeling gets interrumped, the effect will not happend.

That’s all what i have for now. Good luck with this, i wish Blizzard listen your proposal.


strength wise i can see them doing prettttty well against the orc counterpart however, i really do feel like night elves are the most op race. like thousands of years old

its allot of extra work to read. to be fair i only read it cause i saw pretty pictures.

Thank you for sharing :slight_smile: I love your ideas!

Well, it means the work I put in too formatting for pictures was worth it!


Donated blood today… no lovely San’layn around though.


I like that, it’s almost reminiscent of mana tap and arcane torrent, which is another aspect of Vampirism that Blood Elves grew out of and that San’layn can bring back.


Huh… I see tons of San’layn threads popping up suddenly. Well not tons, but a few. Am I missing something?


I think the quill got people excited.

Also we finally got Zandalari and Kul Tirans and people are excited for what’s next.

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people are starting to realise how juicy blood magic is and san’layn are the most likely racial-bridge to it as an AR I think


Makes sense, but the Quill has no San’layn lore— gets hit with a broom Ok ok I know I’ve said it a thousand times now!

You’re right! And they declined Blood Trolls. I know everyone hates elves right now but come on, for the undead these would be perfect.


It honestly doesn’t get better than Vampire Elves and as Drede said, after Zandalari and Kul Tirans, people are trying to influence what’s next, as the devs told us to. San’layn will be my horse in this race Hordeside.