San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

i can understand that argument for mecha gnomes… but sanlayn customization options will be too much for a main race customization.
Arched back, piercing eyes, marked and deteriated skin, hands with elongated nails, abnormal skinny torso * ribcage showing? *, facial withering * nosfaratu, and contorted ears.
There would be to much to be attached to a race. kinda needs to be its own or none at all.


The Blood Princes have the Male Night Elf skeleton and use Blood Elf animations. I think that would be a pretty good starting point for customization/uniqueness.

Edit: Added proper context.

OK, OK, I won’t post in your Hot Topic elves thread anymore.

No wait come back offers hugs and sales on Tripp pants

no no no this isnt a echo chamber. if you have points to make we all want to hear it and different opinions are great to see.
its just that i cant see them being a customization option for blood elves because of how much independent customization would be lost.


I’m confused, you say you want to play one and not look like a Blood Elf but then when we offer alternatives (As noted in Swift’s post in addition to my own) you respond like that?


EDIT: Added proper context


good starting point definitly.
most allied races have a distinctive skeleton connecting them with another race. i dont think there is a independent new skeleton besides the kultiran.
i would like to see more… tweaks? nightborne for example. At first look it seems independent and new but i think they share the night elven skeleton. yet both male and female have small details added. female have longer arms then there night elven counterpart and male have longer pointed chins to make it feel unique.

am i missing something? o.O

I was responding to Peppermint’s post. That was my bad I should’ve properly quoted it.

ah well i dont know if i came off like a D**k to the newcomer or not. idk man its weird to convey a conversation on the internet when tone and intention is just warped.

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…yeesh. So given a counterpoint they just up and run? Even though we offered a civil debate? :thinking: And now people are going to parrot that we’re unreasonable and don’t listen.

I see people calling us crazy and fanatical on other threads and we honestly did nothing to warrant it. I try to make it clear that we’re never demanding anything and just are like minded people that would love to eventually see this.

Even if they left, I’ll respond to customization. If they thoroughly look into San’layn lore and explain it in depth, along with how they can be paladins(which is something I believe is entirely possible with Zelik.), sure. Customization would be meh but acceptable if they went into it deeply enough. The vampyr curse is a big thing to explore and has been mentioned a lot. It’d be a shame to throw it to the dust. This is why I personally think an AR would be better.

I don’t understand why people need to devolve into insults either.

Like… This is uncalled for. We did nothing of the sort to be insulting and were sharing our opinions on it. If people disagree, that’s totally acceptable and fine. Everyone has a different taste.

I swear to gods if people start making false claims that we’re unreasonable, I’m going to be annoyed. I have a disclaimer there. We’d like to see them eventually, and if it’s after many other ARs, it’s perfectly ok. We aren’t demanding anything and are just sharing opinions and ideas.

Sidenote: Hunched as an option would be alright but I’d really hate if they were all forced to be that way x.x


Fallynn, My Lady… You will ALWAYS be my favorite Blood Queen! Or Princess-Consort.


And you among my favorite of Worgen <3 you and Rorrand are awesome puppers. Keep being wonderful!

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I love this! I would totally play as a San’layn. I have wanted one ever since WoTLK. Here are my thoughts:

Classes: I’d say Warrior (every race can be a warrior), Rogue, Warlock, Mage (but their arcane energy HAS to be blood colored for thematics), Priests, and Hunters (starting pets could be Spider, Undead Wolf, or a Bat!).

I think Druids could work if like the OP said, they do a lore where San’layn Druids learn to harness the energies of the Nightmare…but I don’t have faith in Blizzard to do something that cool, unfortunately.

Here are my ideas for racial abilities (note: I’m going in line with how Blizzard does it, so I’m going to do two active racials, and three passives as races are usually limited to five total perks):

[Blood-Queen’s Essence] (Passive) - 3% Leech.

[Shroud of Shadow] (Active) - an aura of despair and darkness emanates from the caster, dealing X amount of Shadow damage to all targets within melee range. The damage is doubled if the caster is below 50% health.
3 minute cooldown.

[Shadow Stalker] (Passive) - when not in combat for 10 seconds, you vanish into the shadows and are hidden from sight. Lasts until a hostile action is made or taken.
Cannot trigger more than once a minute.

[Hunger for Blood] (Passive) - targets near you affected by bleed effects have a 10% chance to drop a blood globule that you can consume to restore 2% of your health.

[Consume Blood] (Active) - you bite the target, dealing X physical damage and recovering 5% of your health. The target deals 15% less damage to you. Lasts 10 seconds.
2 minute cooldown.

So I really focused on the blood + healing aspect of their character as I feel it would make them the most unique in comparison to other races.

I also think that some people might find Shadow Stalker a bit OP, but it’s mostly just a flavor ability that has some utility in questing. It might be problematic in PvP but it breaks upon a hostile action, you wouldn’t be able to capture a base / carry a flag, etc. It would be cool.


you are 100% not reasonable. You keep swapping from stylish glasses to demon helm of war. pick a side >…>

this is interesting. honestly. as a person who stands in fire i want to have rewards for my suffering.


This one might be op. maybe make it like the night elven racial shadow meld? cannot move beyond 2 steps or its broken.

After (starting to) farm this miasma for the Blood Queen’s Quill we better get San’layn as an AR…

One Normal Run of Underrot gave me 2. I NEED 50

realllly!?!?! jesus it better give you someething good man

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It’s a really nice pen but still…

okay hear me out.
i looked at that pen.
pretty fancy pen
but it has zero protection from carpletunnle, zero gel grips, zero freaking tip protection… like
our queen deserved better. thats why she tossed that pen for a comfort fine tip pen.

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