San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

its a self aware rom com. pretttty goofy watch when 2 bottles of wipe deep.

So long as i get my apple juice at the end i dont care what happens to my red internal goo.

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Don’t forget your shirt!

honest stuff IRL i have 3 of those freaking shirts. got them xxx large so its the best nighttime sleep shirt.

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Niiiiiiiiice, they are really nice shirts (I donate all mine, except for the time they gave me a blanket, my cats love it).

i think the neighbors with the scarlet crusade might be the very verrrry best choice.
Plus, theres still some necromancers skulking around out there in the plague lands. They are no friends of ours.

Id love to see sanlayn using drain soul, converting the blood into a soulshard and using that soulshard to replenish there hunger.


Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease let their be a Glyph/cosmetic for San’layn Warlocks to turn their fel easy bake oven into a punch bowl.


You have to watch out with those. they increase the gravity near beds by 200%. too comfy. creates a great hibernating aura.
also, i have a rando question. i just got a new cat and my other cat is being little to territorial, hissing and batting at her. Is there anyway to really help or just let those two furr balls fight it out?


Soulwell into a blood well!!!
all red and prettyfull


They do :3

Hmmm, you could try keeping them in separate rooms with closed doors so they can kinda sorta interact but not out right fight but that requires doing that -_-

No more elfs. Please.

I’m honored that your first post on here was a demon hunter alt just to say “no more elves”, but I addressed that in the first post, which you clearly didn’t read. I will say… I disagree.

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elfs? oh no these are necrotic abominations with pointy ears. definitly not elves.


They’re bats that got bit by elves.


exactly. no elves here. just flying pointy eared bat like humonoids.

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Okay, I’ll admit it. You actually made me spit out my water in a fit of laughter, lol.

That mental image though. xD

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Hehehe success!

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Not saying I don’t want to play one because


but at what point does WoW become entirely just different versions of blood elf?

Blizz needs to just add customization unlocks for some races. Like this could be an unlock for blood elves, instead of making them yet another blood elf race. Also wouldn’t mind blood troll customization unlock for zrolls. And I guess Alliance could get something too.

Eh, considering the major differences between a Blood Elf and a Blooddrinking Elf I think it warrants a new race.

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looking at lanathel and the princes, these guys can look very much unique enough to be their own race.

they aren’t just dark rangers or something