San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

San’layn shamans confirmed???question mark???

Blood Magic is a type of life magic.

We have alementals so bloodmentals aren’t odd sounding in the slightest (except for the name, needs a better one).

We’ve got a raid boss that’s kind of one =D


man all this info is… mental…
get it.
ill leave i’m sorry.

If they follow the same schedual its gana be soon TM
jokes aside i think next week. maybe 2 weeks ptr for 8.2 will come out.


we do!
Those dark shamans btw kinda point towards a more…
" forced " relationship with the elements?

Go run inside Lorderon and find out :joy:

Forsaken and undead anatomy is interesting. On one hand you see DK as actually having all of their organs still working. Then we see San’layn and they’re practically living because they must consume. Then, Forsaken, affected by the blight but not with a gas mask on–just like the living. Necromancy is wonky.

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Ohhh yeah I still need to see that movie.

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Me too I really want to.

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I’ve been putting some thought into San’layn hunger myself. We know for a fact that they need to drink blood to survive because Prince Taldaram in Ahn’kahet confirms this via his dialogue during the encounter.

So the question then becomes “How can we sate their hunger when the war is over?” We’ll most likely need an alternate form of sustenance or countermeasure to prevent them from turning on us.

As a disclaimer, this is just me spitballing ideas and therefore not canon.

That’s when it hit me, the San’layn would need a font of Blood/Necrotic magic to satiate their hunger in addition to resurrecting their fallen (kind of like Ra’s Al Ghul’s Lazarus pit in the Batman comics).

To balance the resurrection factor out Blizzard would probably have to write it so that only the most powerful San’layn can be brought back from the dead (Blood Princes, as well as the Blood King/Queen). However, doing so would drain it and potentially cause the font to enter a “recharge” state to replenish itself over time (This is to prevent “unlimited lives” shenanigans).

Now, for example if some random mook tried to be resurrected then the font would end up consuming their soul as fuel. This is where it gets pretty fun as this rule can apply to non San’layn as well. As a hypothetical let’s say that the Blood King was resurrected (Theraldis or Atherann) and caused the font to enter it’s recharge state. The rest of the San’layn can either present an offering in the form of a sacrifice or have a specialized team of “Blood Priests” to speed the process along by directly infusing Blood Magic into the font itself.

Obviously the concept would have to be tweaked somewhat as I just thought of it about an hour ago. But it would be pretty great to have. I get that we want to play San’layn but we can’t have them thinking that their allies are living juice boxes when we’re not at war (kind of like what Dreven did to those Forsaken sailors in the Alliance War Campaign).

Perhaps this could tie into their recruitment scenario?

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That’s pretty neat, but where would the blood come from? I think that, since the world is constantly always at battle, their hunger could be satiated like anyone else satiates their food needs, just with humanoids. Target an enemy faction (maybe not even Alliance, if we stop with the nonsense faction war) and use their members to replenish the bloodwell. There will always be hostile factions no matter what, and in war and battle, they’re going to die anyway.

Why not use them?


That could work. Perhaps ritualistic “Blood Hunts” could be used to replenish it? It could be further lore justification for San’layn hunters.

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That or call in the Royal Apothecary Society.

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Or Blood Drive mini-holidays!

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Yeah that works. And if it’s enemies of the Horde, it shouldn’t be an issue, because again–we’re killing constantly anyway, why not use them.

So creepy yet effective at the same time hehehe.


Yessssssss (while also hopefully inspiring real world good too).

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And then sometimes you try to raise a corpse and you get a ghoul instead. Yeah… I’m not sure we really know the intricacies of how this all works.