San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


There is zero chance The San’layn would ever be implemented before this expansion pack is over, it just takes too long.

The odds Sylvanas is still Warchief of the Horde by the time Blizzard decides to add the San’layn as an Allied Race, are pretty close to zero as well.

Lor’themar Theron got a makeover for a reason, and there is no chance that the San’layn infamous for their loyalty to Kael’thas Sunstrider would ally themslves with the NPC with the click message that there will never be another king of Silvermooon.

Kael’thas is the one who delcared this, the San’layn were loyal followers of kael before they died.
I think they’d be somewhat flattered to find that Lor’themar has honoured this wish, honestly.


I was afraid of that. I’d love to know what they’re smoking so I can have some. The San’layn will never be part of the Alliance.


The fact that a group of San’layn already joined the Horde and where hunted down and killed by Alliance throws the idea that they would ever join the Alliance in the garbage.


Plus, it isn’t even that Alliance are boring. They aren’t, and have their own charm depending on who looks at it. If someone thinks they’re boring, remedying it with an AR that makes no sense on the Alliance would be silly. I know I said “the boring faction” but I meant it in the context that the pandaren was talking about. There’s things I enjoy about the Alliance as well, like night elves and how humans are descended from Vry’kul. As for my void elf comment, yeah, as a blood elf main, I am seething in jealousy that they get really cool hairstyles (aside from tentacles) :stuck_out_tongue: That one I can admit flat out.

Many like how the Alliance are, and spicing it up with a different sort of beastly race could work just fine. But San’layn specifically being on the Alliance would be like how Mah’gar feel like on the Alliance. It doesn’t make sense.

Something like… Sethrak, Jinyu, and all that would bring a bit of spice.

Void/High elves have an applicable story, and they are more malleable. But undead SIN’DOREI loyalists just… don’t make sense. Void Elves never agreed with the joining of the Horde, and High elves never left the Alliance. San’layn, however, were loyal to their city during Lich King and died for their city. Loyalty, meaning agreeing with the joining of the Horde. And further, undead, mostly able to connect with others of which are undead, like the forsaken.


We remember what the Alliance did to our packmates in Northrend. Still, we put aside that hatred and happily joined up during the Cataclysm… so that we could strike when you least expected it.

Just kidding, of course!

Maybe :smirk:

In all seriousness, I recognize that lore is malleable and subject to change at any moment, but… no I can’t see the San’layn ever joining up with the Alliance. Best to keep the undead-related things on the Horde where they already have a sizable population.


Plus, Blizzard could actually pull off the werewolf v. vampire thing correctly. Cliche, maybe, but in an interesting way with the already twisted lore of both.


The worgen already despise undead, it was destined to happen

I, for one, am eager to welcome our vampiric elfy overlords.


If we are going to lose the sindorei who chose the void w/ Umbric, maybe we can regain those sindorei who gave their lives for quelthalas in northrend. I’d go even further and say that rather than merely San’Layn, we should get a more all-encompassing “Dark Elf” race which includes the san’layn, dark wardens, and Sylvanas’ royal dark rangers. What we need is some kind of story tying these 3 dead elf races together under one banner under the Horde, or Sylvanas in particular. The dark elves are Sylvanas’ trump card and they aught to be playable. They are at the forefront of the faction conflict story line too after Darkshore, making them way more likely than a lot of other options.

Sira Moonwarden and the entire darkshore undead elf story lined seemed very canned and forced to me, HOWEVER, when rolled into the larger subgroup of darkfallen elves including the dark rangers and san’layn, their place in the ranks of the Horde all of the sudden starts to make sense. I am assuming that there will be future character development for those night elves who defected. What better way is there to solidify their transition than to band with the other darkfallen races?


They could totally do this. I mean, look at Mah’gar. I think it could be a great game plan myself. It’d satisfy so many people at once.


yeah especially since all three sects of darkfallen have extremely small populations, but when combined they all of the sudden seem like a very robust option, rich with backstories to rip from to create a unique kind of undead culture we haven’t really seen yet. The customization options would be epic. I Imagine they’d bring Naxxramas/Naxxanar to be the new Undercity for the Forsaken.




Yeah dude!!! I have to keep editing because I am realizing all the possibilities and how amazing this idea is! It would be sick for the Horde to have a flying zigurat of death to go toe-to-toe with those pesky draenei space ships!


Kobolds would be so awesome.

Let’s be real, nothing could hold a candle to lightforged kobold paladins.
You may take candle, but the flames of light shall never extinguish!


they could do a elemental lord scenario. Establish a friendly high ranking official in each sanlayn royal family and create a diplomatic power struggle to set sanlayn up with the horde.
I dont think many of the sanlayn royalty will agree with a horde relationship after we diced up there queen and several princes.
i wonder what would be a goood alliance equivalent to us getting a necropoloisc?
Maybe the northern world tree reinvigorated ?

we must take flame and protect flame. spreading the mighty word of candle constantly.

i would love to see a vampire the mascarade clan options inspire there racial buffs / lore.
Like the independent families could have selected buffs and customized piercings or disfigurement.
The loa from zandalari are the real hope for a interchangeable racial buff but its a pipe dream.

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the alliance already has like 5 flying warships of doom between jaina and the draenei. Plus, the Alliance gets the entirety of Lordaeron… either give the Horde something giant and flying, or tell Gallywix to fire up the goblin ray gun…

Hearrrrr me out. nightelves could help the alliance reclaim and regrow the world tree Nordrassil but they will need numbers. Trained ancient druids… maybe the ones put to sleep for using the worgen form? They would honestly respect tyranda for being elunes chosen champion, may come to terms with serving under the alliance completely.
with this we could have soooo much malfurion drama!!!
so this is what i see happening to make sanlayn possible.

  1. We are gana kick tentical old god butt and notice that the old god yogsaron is returning.

  2. Alliance druids will attempt to recreate the world tree nordrisile to keep yog saron contained.

  3. The alliance lost allot of forces so they need to unlock the sleeping worgen druids to perfect this dangerous ancient ritual.

  4. Sylvanis ( if alive at this point ) sees the presence of alliance troops north and notices the power of a world tree at the alliances control could spell doom for the horde.

  5. The spies sent are masacared by the feral worgen druid.

  6. Sylvanis burns there plans because of the previous nordrisil actually corrupting the land but in doing so yog saron never gets fully stopped.

  7. Sylvanis still thinks alliance want the power of the world tree so she establishes a foot hold to maintain a presence.

  8. Sylvanis and friends reconnects with the sanlayn and other reclusive undead intellectual scourge

  9. Sanlayn obviously decline due to our involvement in northrend taking down the lich king and there queen. Bolvar being put in jailer made them restless plus they dont like sylvanis betraying there true lord arthas.

  10. Sylvanis hatches a plan to get sympathizers of the horde from the royal family in her pocket and establishes a puppet ruler ship.

  11. We return to ulduar to cleanse the old god yogsaron using the blade xalath.

New warfront.
2 new allied races.
New raid ( return to ulduar? new bosses in ulduar? )
a ton of plot threads with lich daddy bolvar.
Sylvanis interactions with long lost memories?