San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

To be fair there is apparantly a ton of stuff with Mechatorque doing all sorts of crazy stuff fighting gallywix. After years of begging for some love gnome players finally get their day in the sun. But don’t get to see it cause it’s horde only.

The Alliance? lol no

Where any race with an inhuman/dark theme goes to be buried or ruined by the holier-than-thou aesthetic of the Alliance.
no thanks

It would make absolutely zero sense anyway


This looks solid! I think another pair could be Sethrak (A) and Saurok (H) as well.

Also yah, San’layn would be Horde. They’re Silvermoon loyalists… Well used to be… And are undead sindorei. Plus alliance hate them.


Yeah the guy who suggested them as an alliance option is probably trolling, smoking some good shizz, or they’re serious. The San’layn would never join the Alliance because the Alliance slaughtered them. Number two, Alliance hates San’layn and the impure in general. San’layn joining the alliance will never happen.


You forgot the
Mok’nathal and Broken

but yeah bring on the Wildhammer =D


you both forgot the most important races.
Tuskar and Kolbolds.
We no take candle. We take care of candle


I’d be fine with Alliance getting Sethrak if we got the Saurok, I really liked them.


this would be a much dope improvment. With the new worgen updates coming there skeleton might get a rehaul too.
So sauroks and the tiger dudes on alternet universe dreanor could actually be potential playable races.


I never really realized how badly I wanted a half-elf until it was mentioned via the issue of the Alliance-loyal high elves interbreeding extensively with humans (and as a suggested way to make potentially playable high elves look distinct from blood/void elves). Half-elves would be awesome, not just for the RP value, but from a lore perspective (and finally giving Arator and Kalec’s humanoid forms a proper model…) too. Not to mention having a model with shorter elf ears and hopefully non-glowing eyes in a variety of colors would be great.

Back on topic. I REALLY hope they give us an undead-flavored allied race double release. Undead NEED some more variety when it comes to playable undead (or heck, at least gives us more customization options like choosing our level of decay…a freshly slain and raised human shouldn’t have their bones sticking out). Frankly I think it should be San’layn for Horde and Redeemed/light-infused undead for Alliance given Calia being the first one and Uther’s revamped tomb in the WPL making for a perfect allied race ‘start zone’. And the dark/light theme contrast between San’layn (as dark as dark can be as vampires should be), and the light-infused, non-tainted Redeemed with Calia as leader determined to oust Sylvanas makes logical sense for them to be Alliance with San’layn Horde as Sylvanas has already offered them a place in the Horde whether it’s been clearly reflected Horde-side yet or not. With Sylvie’s days as warchief numbered and unrest growing among the other Horde leaders this is really the best chance for them to be made playable (at least and unless we’re gearing up for a return of the lich king/wrath of the lich queen expansion). If they’ve already been admitted into the Horde, they can’t exactly be kicked out even if Sylvanas is removed from power…no more than they could kick out all Forsaken from the Horde.

As for the 'no more elves!" crowd…people need to stop being selfish. If you don’t like elves there’s a simple solution; don’t play one. Seeing a character model running around Orgrimmar or any other city doesn’t impact your game other than your personal bias/annoyance…anymore than it impacts my game when I see a goblin, gnome or pandaren prancing about (races I personally don’t like and would never play, but other players like them so more power to them and let them play what they happen to like).

The more playable race options we have the better in my opinion. More, not less choice is always a good thing, whether you personally want another type of elf or not, plenty of players do, and if you don’t want a San’layn or insert any other character race you hate, you have the freedom to not unlock and/or make one and sticking to the races you DO like.


Kaldorei, Queldorei, Rendorei = Alliance
Shaldorei, Sindorei, Sanlayn = Horde

My apologies.


Please stop google searching me. Let me live my life in peace.


You mean like the Alliance slaughtered Blood Elves in war for 6 years before they went impure and joined the Alliance as Void Elves?

Or are you talking about the thousands year old Alliance bigotry against the High Elves before they again joined as impure Void Elves?

Or were you referring to Night Elf Demon Hunters which ate a demons heart and drank their blood in a demonic ritual to become corrupted by the Fel, whom then went on to join the Alliance?

Both factions slaughtered the San’layn at Northrend, so bad argument.

The San’layn would be the Alliance’s perfect answer to the Forsaken, the Horde can turn the dead, and the Alliance can turn the living.

First, that’s not something the Alliance would do at all. It goes against everything they stand for. Second…

“Blood Prince Dreven and his followers came into conflict with Shandris Feathermoon, eventually killing members of her party. Hunted by the Alliance, the blood prince was cornered traveling via boat. Aboard The Crimson Squall he was training other San’layn and alongside his followers were siphoning power from blood-infused crystals to bolster their unholy abilities. When cornered, Dreven killed and drained the Forsaken troops aboard his ship, intending to blame their deaths on the Alliance. The blood prince and his followers were ultimately slain by Shandris and an Alliance adventurer.”

And before anyone pulls the “BuT ThEy BeTrAyEd ThE HoRdE” nonsense, Dreven was cornered and without any food AT ALL. It’s not that far of a stretch to say that he did that out of desperation to achieve the mission he was given.


Oh gods you are serious

The san’layn wouldn’t fit in with the Alliance at all, in the practically non-existent chance that they’d join even, they are cold blooded killers from what we’ve seen so far, and 90% of the Alliance would be like ew no we aren’t working with these freakos.

They even warped Umbric (void elves could have been the Alliance’s cold and brutal race) into a “donate to charity, ooh the orphans” preacher during the war campaign, imagine a San’layn doing the same… nasty

Even worgen have been softened up by the Alliance, they are pathetic now and don’t even use their claws outside of Genn cinematic scenes.

I’m not sure what goes through your head when you say they should be Alliance, perhaps a veiled “I hate the san’layn” comment?

and BTW, the void elves are already using necromancy so the Alliance already has some sort of counter. And just because the horde utilizes it regularly now doesn’t mean the Alliance has to… smudging faction identity much?
I don’t see anybody ever arguing that the Horde should have the weapons the Alliance has been using, it’s always the other way around


Turning the dead goes against everything the Horde stands for as well, it has always been an issue, yet it happens … alot recently.

Right now the Alliance is suffering from Mary Sue syndrome, the San’layn would give the Alliance exactly what it needs to counterbalance the issue.

I can see Alleria Windrunner befriending a Blood Queen and bringing the San’layn into the Alliance.

perhaps because the horde is being lead by… GASP, an undead who has always had a habit of raising the dead to sustain her ranks because she has no other way.

Think raising the dead makes any sliver of sense under the Alliance leadership? I’d like to know what you’re smoking so I can avoid it, ty


Hahah I think you’re sanitizing Umbric a bit too much there, my friend. Umbric’s the guy the Alliance turns to to accomplish the more gruesome missions. He provides teleport directly into the Gallywix Pleasure Palace with the explicit intention of assassinating the leader of the goblins. He uses the power of the void to reconstruct colossal dinosaur replicas to unleash upon the Zandalari populace. He also covertly arranges for Horde diplomats to be sent screaming into the void by tearing void portals behind them while they attempt to negotiate with the Zandalari.

Void Elves haven’t gotten a whole lotta lore yet, but the little I have seen of 'em makes me appreciate their coolness even more.


I see how it is…

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No, we don’t need to appease to the boring faction and make a glorious race even more boring. You guys have your emo elves as void elves. If they’re suffering mary sue syndrome, breaking all that makes sense won’t help. It will anger people, it’d be like putting those lightforged paladin orcs on the Alliance. Mah’gar, on the Alliance. Already annoying enough that void elves have neat hairstyles and such not available to blood elves because the Alliance just had to be more ‘different’. Maybe making current Alliance races a bit more interesting could help rather than trying to claim what’s clearly been built as a Horde race.

Also, turning dead isn’t against what Horde does. Forsaken have been in Horde since Vanilla and were exiled from the Alliance because they hate the undead. At this point, fine, Alliance can have the LF undead if they do the concept right. Whatever, in my eyes, it’d be a throwaway race but if people like it? Sure, why not.

The San’layn, however, most definitely would go Horde. Already have Alliance slaughtered many of them. They have no home, they’re seen as abominations. They need to consume the living to survive, they’re outcasts. A place in the Horde would make sense.


I meant no offense, Rorr, but Blizzard should let you guys be more wild and vicious.
Unleash the beast!


I’ll admit, it would certainly be nice for rp purposes at least to be able to whip the bad boys (claws) out. Still, I find that, logically, a massive mallet and sword recovered from the depths of an old titan research facility would probably do more damage to the faces of my enemies :stuck_out_tongue: