San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Which by the way, they didnt use during teldrisil… like instant teliporting flying arsenal but they just forgot to gas it i guess.
What i think might have been the best option, gallywix fires there cannon destroying jainas ghost galian and those space ships but exploding in the process.
This will basicly set both horde and alliance armies back a tonnn to a level playing field and clean some plot holes.
Also, when the old gods come back when we have like zero big boy guns it would make a interesting story.

A part of me wants to see Stormwind blown to smithereens by that cannon for what the Alliance did to camp taurajo. lmao jk. But yeah, the draenei have been suspiciously absent. Why did they send zero forces to aid the elves? They require port control over Darkshore to even make contact with the elves and the Alliance…

I think the issue comes from the time discrepency. Did they just fly the Exodar/move their capitol somewhere else since Legion? The Draenei capitol should be a floating ship, hovering strategically over Kalimdor or EK, not a broken down junker trapped in time. These ships are also machines of the Light, and so the Light may not even allow them to use the ships for reasons which do not coincide with the vision that the Light has for the future. IDK

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I mean, it’s hard for blizzard to allow the Alliance to use their powerful assets in the story when the Horde currently has very few counters and is relying on badly written twists and plot armour

this is why we need some flying assets of our own

we could also use a few very powerful characters since the Alliance roster is teeming with them and the Horde is lacking in that department as well


Horde will get its Green Jesus back soon I think. Thrall will come back before BFA is done. I have no doubt that him, Rexxar, and Jaina are going to face off again at Theramore. Blizzard loves to redo the exact same story and then call it fate, cycles, history repeating itself, etc.

I tried to come up with some…
and theres like … none…
aight maybe gally wix and sylvanis ofcorse but besides that we got some basic warriors…
like we need guldan again man. make the horde powerful again

They could easily buff up characters like

Thrall (returned at least idk)
Rommath (Jaina counter)
Vol’jin’s spirit

…but I doubt they will bother doing that.

i could see these crazy nightborne being like over 9000 powerlevel.
Bending time or blasting stuff. idk about rexar tbh, unless he can like throw a axe harder?

I was thinking more along the line of his kinship with animals, he could muster up a pretty powerful force of creatures

Oh my god my first thought was snow white summoning a flock of random singing birds to do her hair.
Rexxar is the new snow white.

That or Stratholme.

Well, I’ve only played Horde until recently and can’t remember running across these guys. Had to level an Alliance toon to max to get the Horde War Campaign horse and saw these guys a couple times and have to say they were pretty dope.

I am tired of elves of any kind but these could be fun. Especially since in one quest I had to kill the Prince and he had body guards that when killed would kill whomever they were fighting. That would be a pretty cool, yet OP skill, to be able to mark one target say once every 10 - 30 mins that either dies when you die or takes a percent of your damage. They would have to be Horde though because Alliance has Werewolves already.

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Being so close to lorderon… this might be a good idea…
claiming a foot hold in the plague lands would lead to a small conflict with the ashen verdict / argent crusade butttttt they are useless anyways.

i could see them doing a touch of karma racial. that would be prettttty hard on the PVP community but they can take one for the sanlayn cause right?


We just looking out for our Blood Elf buddies.

oh yea bud but i mean the perks of being strategically located near several out of work plague facilities is just coincidental.

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I honestly hadn’t thought of that.

The apothecaries will be happy at least.

a happy apothicary makes a happy family!
They create more dead dudes when they arnt stressed af


Again, I know it’s off topic, but I’m not going post it elsewhere and get flak.

What do you think? It sounds like it’s not just for hunters after all.

Edit: I’m trust level three? Never been able to post a link without the tilde before.


That’s super interesting!

I wonder if becoming Darkfallen would fix the rotting and performance issues she has as a Forsaken…

Edit: Oh wait this is Scarlet Halls in Scarlet Monastery, not Crimson Hall in ICC. What does this have to do with the Darkfallen?

this is a stretch but the zeolts that hated undead where corrupted by a dread lord containing massive knowledge on necromancy.
They could have tomes filled with rituals. then again thats just speculation

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