San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’d really love to see some proposed male San’layn customization ideas on par with the female ones in that video. It looked amazing and I’m all for some sexy vamp dudes. Balancing the sexy with the deadly is a challenge but if done right it can be a total win IMO.


this x100 the males never get as much love and they look so neat too


My lover is working on learning Blendr, and I’m working on improving my art :stuck_out_tongue: That miiiight take a while. But we’ll hopefully get there eventually!


San’lyn suck!

(Sorry, I couldn’t help it)


that joke was a pain in the neck…
10/10 thnx eevee

I need private shirtless versions. I demand 100% smutty sanlyn art now.


I admittedly don’t google the phrase often but I’m pretty sure “shirtless vampire” will give you a plethora of results

that is some low born smutt. i need the highest of quality!!!


What do people mean when they say San’layn have no connection to the Horde? They are literally the Blood Elves who followed KT to Northrend before getting mind controlled by the Lich King. Now that they are free, Sylvanas (w/ her Val’kyrs) are the best hope the San’layn have. Most of them probably knew her personally in life, and would relate to her now in death. How else can she defeat the worgen? The vampires counter the wolf’s full moon with a blood moon.


The sanlayn could be the best tactical allies. there necrotic knowledge could strengthen the forsaken population.
What im saying is those little blood orbs… oooooooooooo i need those in my life!


There’s no story in BFA on the HORDE side involving the San’layn. That’s something only Alliance players see and know about.

The Alliance is getting real bad about “gasp, they’re not with us and they don’t kill Horde on sight, kill them before they join!”

To be fair, iirc the story correctly, the San’layn ARE working with the Horde.

My only point is that we Horde players have no idea this is happening.

Yeah, honestly it’s really quite strange. You’d think a new ally like this would be kinda known, but the only thing Horde have are green mobs if we go out of our way during our campaign.

Who knows, could be a dead end and we never see them again, but I still like to hope otherwise and speculate reasons. Only time will tell now, and while there’s some (a small bit) of support for them, it all comes down to the story.


Yeah, there should be a Horde quest where we go and negotiate with them to join us. And that (in the context of the overall story) leads into the Alliance version.

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You would think. You’d also think that a quill specifically calling out Lana’thel would be linked to San’layn. My hopes have been… Strained. But regardless I’ll still hope and be here until they confirm they’ll never add them in.

I just really don’t want all this fun idea sharing to be shot down years from now when they could just save everyone the time and do so now. Under the assumption that it won’t happen anyway, which we also don’t know.


San’layn would be a fantastic addition to the Alliance, we don’t want a pretty vs. ugly faction.

Sanlayn and Queldorei
Ogres and Vrykul
Wildhammer and Forest troll
Vulpera and mechagnomes

I’ll be happy with that :wink:


San’layn would be a fantastic addition to the Horde
In the Alliance we want playable Queldorei.


That’s like asking for playable Orcs in the Alliance, they already exist and they are on the other faction.

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Honestly, war paint should have been added in the customization of dwarves for the people who wanted to roleplay as Wildhammer. They added a skintone for Dark Iron so why not?