San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Anytime ^w^

So hmm, they have to be careful with how out of symetry their bodies can get if they go for replacements and prosthetics. From what I know the ability to self-reattach is also very rare.

I’m not sure if its in those articals but yes they have to be verrrry careful. Even clapping can damage there brittle bones. The author made them to be more fragile then the characters we play. They are hundreds of years old so there bones must be deteriorating.
These where the first of the first who where broken out of arthas hold.

    they meet there family and there family aged from child hood to adult hood while they where forsaken. So they could be 60 + years of forsaken living.


Thats closer to 10 or so years.

really? o: damn
they need to drink some milk.

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yeah outright damage is somehting they have to be careful with.

This is what leads me to believe in the fundamental difference in maintanince and decay between soldier/adventurer Forsaken and civilian Forsaken, since if they’re all that brittle then Death Knights, Warriors, Hunters, and even Rogues couldn’t exist.

I do anytime I loot some.

Going off the articles Demontune so graciously provided, the blacksmith was civilian, even if he was making equipment for war he’s for lack of a better term “normal”.

He doesn’t have anything to focus his rage on to the extant that adventurer Forsaken do, pounding a hammer on equipment is a lot different than pounding on an enemy. He also most likely doesn’t have any access to fresh corpses and so has to sate his hunger using normal means.

Great father winter wants to have a word with you about milk surplus depletion.
I would like to hav a word with you about our great lord and savior Blood-Queen Lana’thel

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That commercial figurehead can bite me, and he better make it count cause my bites are nasty.

chin hands Go onnnnnnn…

Vampyr great father winter!! There tiny gnome and gobline helpers can devour the world!!

NOW we’re talking.

I wonder what happy holiday events San’layn would add? Blood drives?

I still adore that Hallow’s End is the Forsaken holiday… and a joyful one for them. They burn an effigy of Arthas while distributing candy and sweets to others.

Probably weirds everyone out like no tomorrow but hey, they’re actually happy right now and not trying to murder everything so shrugs

I kinda laughed when I found out this was an actual thing as I remembered some fan art of this female undead rogue (think she was a rogue, maybe hunter…anyway) she had defeated a night elf female and essentially got a boob job out of the deal. The mismatched colors were neat too, be a neat customization idea.

yep, actual /silly line for female Forsaken.

“Yes they’re real. They’re not mine but they’re real.”

Honestly I think it might be a combination of the two! Since the ‘terminology’ is cannibalize and such. I think that soldiers would have more access to corpses and can readily devour them, which is extremely effective upkeep. Citizens however don’t have the same access and so need to replace their parts more. Maybe they can’t taste normal food but love the taste of flesh–like zombies (but with a mind ofc).

This would explain how the soldiers can be things like DK and warrior, because they upkeep constantly in war.

Yah it’s so strange. Like, if Falls were slaughtered, you could take her soul and PUT IT IN SOMEONE ELSE! Haha, but really, you’re right there. Fun fact: DK can actually sleep, they just don’t need to and yeah were forced not to.

If we look into psychology for a minute, we see that sleep might be a chance for the brain to reboot. I wonder if the inability to do that due to being forced turned them into more compliant soldiers for Arthas… You know how we are when we’re tired. DK might not shut down completely by any means but I’m willing to bet that they were much, much more deadly with the clouded mind.

^^Here are your images for ya ^^

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I would as well!

No I agree entirely, but as a DK player… I suppose I’m already entirely sympathtic and adoring of my forsaken neighbors, because we went through similar. And San’layn too. I think it’s so sweet. And I think the ability to be happy again is needed for them. For once, just be relaxed and happy, and celebrate. It’s a wonderful thing :slight_smile:



Oh, that works pretty well with it.

Play on words, like when you say you cannibalized parts off one vehicle to fix another…makes sense.

I picture a Doctor digging through this big box of limbs tossing them over his shoulder looking for just the right one.

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my brain is fried at the moment.
im trying to find a world of warcraft comic that created masterful art. I think it was a gnome that talked about a legendary blade and a tauren saying " oh man you got that butter knife too! pretty coool "

found it. sorry

I was looking it up, but before it showed up on page, I was thinking…of another warcraft comic I’d seen a bit of…then the images loaded. Same one.

We have Highmountain Tauren which are tauren with Antlers, MAybe add tattoos, feathers hair garments to give High Elves more flavor