San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I really want to make a uganda knuckles meme refrence but thats not what this forum is about.

idk… i feel like we do need another class but… dark ranger by itself would be dope.
we need another mail wearer who can use bows…
blood wizard might be a cool glyph but thats about it in my opinion.
Necromancer is promising though, independently it could shine in all fields. damage, healing, or even tanking with the addition of a massive pet taking the hits.


Personally don’t want another class to level to max and keep updated with gear besides maybe bard O.o I would appreciate the sanlayn race more.


Fair points, I agree; I think the most ideal situation would be SL race. I mean… We have a cursed race already. Worgen. SL would be a Horde cursed race. Plus yeah, we’ve seen that SL can be different classes.

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Forsaken I see as their own thing :stuck_out_tongue: SL are both undead and cursed.

Like how human vampyr = / = Forsaken

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Hmm nods

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Yeah they have the benefit of being undead but never having to eat. Banshee work this way too. I mean forsaken can eat to prevent rot, but they don’t have to (from what I’ve seen).

Worgen are forced to shift in combat, which is similar to how SL must devour blood or life energy. I think the “conditions” are what make a curse.

  1. You’re different from what you were originally
  2. Something triggers and you have to do something (shift or drink)

Though… “Curse of undeath” means forsaken are too. So I’ll modify what I said in which SL would be a curse that requires them to do something.


Hehe, but yeah, good point.

Though from the old Tirisfal quests I always thought Forsaken were always hungry, though that may have been retconned? I’ll check.

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If that’s the case, second cursed horde race with requirements :stuck_out_tongue: very fitting though. I feel like SL and forsaken would get along well.

I see forsaken devouring corpses all the time too. I didn’t think they had to but… Does it curve their hunger? And why don’t DK need to devour corpses like it? If a DK does so, does that also prevent rot and keep them strong? Hmmm. Maybe DK are cursed with a requirement too, as they have to cause pain or risk insanity.

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We’d love to have our cool aloof big sis/bros around ^w^

Not technically, but from quick reading and recollection we’re converting the life energy to heal our bodies (gameplay and story integration).

Yes. We don’t need to eat to “survive” but we do get hungry, just like the San’layn thirst and the Death Knights have to inflict pain.

Specifc vices and hungers the Lich King implemented for different effects.



okay tin foil hat is on now.
What if… selected races could be dark rangers…
and they have shan lynn like atributes.
So if your a blood elf and you chose dark ranger bam, red eyes fam.
If you chose undead or human you get the nathanos touch up.
Trolls could contort into a more… " undead " troll? drakari of northrend

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no. They will fight like step children at the wedding over whos getting top bunk. SO HELP ME I WILL WRITE THAT AU FICTION >:frowning:





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…I also am tempted to write a short story with that concept now hahaha

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i think undead dont eat the corpses… but use them when consuming.
They have no natural way of preserving there body. in the before the storm novel the forsaken men and women must attend a specific apothecary to attach and reanimate body parts lost or damaged.
So in my un educated knoweldge i think canablizism is quick way for forsaken to steal body parts they need to replace.
They cant really taste tbh. There taste isnt really specified but deathguards comment on how everything taste like ashes. They did however perfect a alcholic beverage that packs a whallop even for the dead. The undercity skull shocker.

I will say though, death knights are a diffrent beast completely. Like they are war machines created through unholy accolyte magic to destroy without ending.
i think there consciousness can also be warped into another skin suit. guldan put his warlocks in fallen warriors creating the first deathknight.
Also, they where banned from sleeping. it was taboo for deathknights to sleep by scourge law.
edit : i suck at typing short paragraphs. sorry for the long read forgive please.

Does that include soldier Forsaken or just civilians?

Without having read the book myself I’m just theoyrcrafting and welding what we now together, those that have rage to focus on and indulge their hunger don’t degrade while those that try to be “normal” start to fade, so to speak.

This person was a blacksmith civilian. I would asume that specialized personnel get first choice in the body part selection. Who wouldnt outfit there troops with the best of the best right?
The blacksmith recived a authors hand, he commented on how there where no calicoes and the muscles where scrawny.

[quote=“Laeth-hakkar, post:1724, topic:18803, full:true”]

in the before the storm novel the forsaken men and women must attend a specific apothecary to attach and reanimate body parts lost or damaged.

Does that include soldier Forsaken or just civilians?

Without having read the book myself I’m just theoyrcrafting and welding what we now together, those that have rage to focus on and indulge their hunger don’t degrade while those that try to be “normal” start to fade, so to speak.
i cant link anyyyyyythinggggg
im simi aggrivated!!!

Include ~~ on the front and end I believe

GENIUS!! thank you laeth!

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