San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

tbh i thought you where going to war for the cause. Didnt even wear the fancy glasses just wearing the baller helm of doooooom


Ethereals are okay and while they’d likely join the faction with the Void Elves, I don’t really think there’s a way they could be Death Knights proper.

I’d naturally pair them with High Elves, but barring that I like the idea of Night Elven Worgen as they’d be similar in not being 100% Elf and would pair off the Vampire versus Werewolf archetype nicely.

But I do see them maybe adding Death Knights somewhere down the road, likely in some sort of event so that all ARs could feasibly have DKs and Pandaren as you mentioned.

I personally like the idea of San’layn Paladins myself, as a throwback to the more ruthless Sin’dorei nature of the BC era, which the San’layn themselves could carry on nicely as the Blood Elves themselves become more Light focused.

But as I said in another thread I’d welcome San’layn Druids, as they could bring something different to the table.


And then there’s Galakrond :3

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you know…
deadliest of all posions comes from the earth, could spin the narritive that harnissing the necrotic plants could create a druidic form.
balance might be the only one i can see being a problem.

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Blood elves and nightborne have astromancers. Which is basically balance druid magic (celestial magic)


valid point.
If they do have a balance form. full moon better look red.


They’re actually using Arcane Magic rather than nature magic though.

Balance is half arcane magic. The celestial magic is part arcane… much like how Illidan cast meteor in that event. Illidan also trained as a druid before.

if you want undead elves, we need good counter part of Alliance… Let’s add High Elves for once as Allied race we need!


i was thinking lightfordged undead.
They where already confirmed in the before the storm novel with calia menithil.
Also, with sylvnais neglecting her people ( in there eyes ) they may seek to convert into a holy… less forsaken form.
Also, lightfordged orcs?
maghar questline details the zeolites on alternate dreanor. With saurfang we could see a rise of new… " purified " orcs.
No fel green skin in the blood line but instead, paler yellow eyes and shocking new tattoos.

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Yeah they could drain the body and body slam the husk like Drevin did to that gnome :joy:

Also, I don’t know what they are doing when they appear and vanish but that would be a cool thing to work into their abilities. I feel the San’layn, like several of the other proposed ARs, could actually be a class of their own.

then again, a high elf option is long over due.
Honestly… we see then in island expidetions. I feel like the alliance would feel cheated if they get a blood elf model but with … blue eyes…
something else needs to be added to them.
I dont know what a highelf would truly look like compared to a blood elf.

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This is interesting.
You know theres a azerite trait called Endless hunger?
If you dont the azerite trait allows the wearer to suck the life out of nearby dead enemies, increasing versitility by 179 * without modifier * per corpse you run by.
it also restores health.
Maybe that could be a neet racial? Sucking small essence of life out of the dead and increase the general stats ( agi strength stam int )

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I would agree with you. Dragons, such as dnd dragons are awesome. But vampires are better than wow dragons anyday


Wow! So much work has been put into developing the San’layn! How many people played through Wrath and didn’t wish they could be one too? It’s probably been posted somewhere above, but I wanted to share this customization video. Very cool.


Fallyynn (the OP) made it xD


Pretty amazing! Now all Blizz has to do is add em! :smile:


Holy cow this is teh awesome sauce!! I wish I could give it way more likes. With so much work put into this I really wish Blizz would take notice.


Haha thanks guys ^^ I need to make more videos, speaking of which. Might actually do so this weekend, addressing the Quill and just sorta speculating what could happen from here for the San’layn.

A counterpart is interesting, yeah; San’layn (I am going to assume, I don’t know if this is true) would likely not be added sooner rather than later. We’d probably get quite a few other races first, it’s just a feeling I have. Again, I could be dead wrong.

But, yeah, counterparts could very well be:

  1. High Elves
  2. Night Elf Worgen
  3. If they pull Lightforged undead off, maybe, I just don’t want them to ruin the concept of undead all together. If there’s drawbacks to LF undead, and if it’s just another ressurection method, that’d be alright. I’ve… lightened up… about the idea, after intense discussion. :stuck_out_tongue: Still not a major fan, but eh, if it’s pulled off right, sure.
  4. Some have said a counterpart would be Junkers, since junkers would be less effected by SL and undrinkable.
  5. I’m not sure about LF orcs, I think the playerbase would be pretty negative to that one x.x
  6. I saw someone suggest Furbolg once as a counterpart
  7. Vry’kul could be a decent idea!
  8. I mean… something from left field. Like, I dunno;
    "Oh you guys want San’layn huh? Well… we should give the Alliance… I know! Saurok/Mantid/Tuskarr (though tusk would be a good neutral or counterpart to Taunka)/Jinyu(though I see those as being added in a patch sooner than later)/Who knows

Edit: What?! I put my glasses back on before logging, what is this madness?!

Edit 2: Someone shared with me a cool image with some neat ideas.

It wouldn’t be a race, but with the knowledge that multiple races can be affected by the vampyr curse, I think it could be neat. Now, alll of my current toons marked as “SAn’layn” wouldn’t be able to be this, of course, since they’re already in their classes, but it would confirm that a) yep, they’re out there and active, and b) we know that they can use different magic types, but this would embody a lot of neat stuff. In terms of RP, you would still be able to say you’re a vampyr, just using different base abilities, and whatever class this is would embody some of the most powerful of hemomancers.



Oh, I love your idea, Your Majesty!