San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Everybody hug Fallynn! She deserves it



hugs Fallynn


You all deserve hugs too. Thank ya so much :slight_smile:


I don’t do “hugs.” I do, however, have a racially-appropriate alternative.



My opinion:

Most likely race to be added: Vulpera
Second most likely race to be added in BfA: Ogres
Most likely race to be added after BfA due to fan request: San’layn

All of them are Horde races. :frowning:
But I’m happy for you. :wink:

BTW, I didn’t see the video/gif of modified model in the original post. That’s amazing! I wish we had someone to do high elf concepts like that just to show how our ideas would look like in practice. I’m envious! The art is amazing!


I feel like they still have ample opportunity to be added, even if Sylvanas is deposed.

If/when we head into a Void heavy expansion, I feel like it would make sense to recruit the San’layn as the Undead in Icecrown were largely resistant to Yogg Sarons influence and Allerias voices seemed to fear Sylvanas so the San’layn, along with the Death Knights would likely be effective in fighting the Void Lords forces.

This would also present a good opportunity and reason for AR Death Knights.


New pandaren deathknights too. I feel Sanlayn are very likely as a preexpansion feature especially if we are going with death for the next expansion. Perhaps the ally counterpart would be ethereals. I just hope they go with the San’Layn druid ideas. Playing a cheesy vampire with some scourge forms just sounds awesome.


You guys see the awesome new inscription quil?
lanethel had some fancy tools to write her fanfiction

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Yeah, a shame the quest for it is godawful lol. Blood magic item with a san’layn name and appearance from… A tortollan quest?




But no really, I had been curious what the vampire turtle Blood Scribes were about ever since I first saw one in Drustvar.

I would SOOOOO support the San’layn wow. omg yes. Vampires are by far my fav mythological creatures. I would buy all of blizzard dinner for this race.

I would race change so many of my characters. lol

Sadly, I don’t think this will ever be. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::sob:


I know. It’s really really dumb. Like they’re going out of their way to avoid the showing the san’layn while mentioning them. It’s like they don’t want us to get hopeful. It also could be that it would be odd for Alliance characters to interact with San’layn after killing some in the war campaign.

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Speaking of


Keep this alive! It’s got 5000000000000000000000 x google to the power of google votes from me.


It’d be neat if they gave the druid treatment to other classes for a race. Like instead of new forms, they could have new spell visuals.

Was playing my shadow priest and was thinking how neat it’d be for a San’layn if they were blood themed instead.


I agree! A San’layn Priest should have blood-themed spell effects!


I like how the San’layn theme is a twisted version of the Blood Elf theme.

Also I would like people not to despair. The more you keep at it the more likely Blizzard is to take notice.


i think its like the sombra overwatch. they tease and tease but they dont want to outright say it.
they want us to find it.
they want us to want it moreeee


Id be red-y to swap mains asap.


It bummed me out so badly lol. Just makes me worry too that perhaps they really don’t care about San’layn lore much. An item named after the Blood Queen but no sign of San’layn at all… Sad times. But, someone pointed out they might be saving such lore for everyone to have access too, and merely tease designs and reactions via the Quill to see how people like it. Who knows what they’re planning. I hope we get some good stuff for 8.2.

Same here! Haha I’d race change so many. The only mythological creature that beats vampires in my book are dragons. But WoW vampires are cooler than WoW dragons (and the aspect, all tied-together nonsense. I do love Storm drakes soooo much… if only we’d get more lore on them.)

As for not ever being, perhaps; I had lost a bit of hope too. But hey, if it means anything, talking about it and sharing our ideas shows interest, and maybe they’ll give us a look at some point and realize that cool stuff can come out of it. Never know! I’ll still be here regardless, until told “no” of course. While being as courteous as I can, anyway. (Key word: “As I can” :stuck_out_tongue: )

We’re still going for sure, and will be so long as I’m here and people wanna continue to support and discuss. Thanks for your kindness too <3

I agree entirely. Like Greenfire! But for other classes, of course. I wish we had more spell effect flavor for sure. Artifact weapons did a good start on it, ugh what happened D: Why did we have to abandon fun Legion concepts.

I went through that “emo” bit already and am back and kicking. What?! I have to be stereotypical sometimes don’t I?! Haha, joking aside, I realize that regardless, we should still express interest even if things look bleak, because you never know. Plus, there’s been so much mention of blood magic and the vampyr in general, I can’t help but feel it is indeed leading up to something special.

Sidenote: My glasses should be back again soon :stuck_out_tongue: I remembered to put them on before logging this time.