San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, they’re chilling with all the pandaren that totally exist for real :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw it once and was like, “Who is that?!?”


Whoa. Was just checking in.

The game is advocacy. Even Blizzard telling you no isn’t the end of the game. At the end of the day you are a paying customer with a reasonable request. San’Layn are part of Blizzards lore, they are part of their universe and you are just telling them you want them to be playable.

It may seem like a trivial thing to advocate for, but like, when I’m asking Blizzard to make Quel’dofei playable I’m asking them to make a childhood dream of mine come true. That’s worth fighting for.

I understand if you are realizing that you may not get what you want as fast as you want, it’s OK to take some time to feel better, but brush your black gothic dress off and get back in there soon.

San’Layn are a benign edition to the game. They are going to make people happy, they aren’t going to hurt anything. Show them where the passion is at, and as a business, where the money is at too.

San’Layn are an easily achievable dream to pursue. Good luck, we support you.


If they’re planning some sort of expansion based around death, that’d be the perfect time to add them in.

Also keep in mind there was an expansion between the various references to Demon Hunters that were added in Cataclysm, to them actually being playable in Legion.

Who knows.


offers hugs

You have made a unwise descion. Hugs are my form of drugs.
i would have loved to put a hugging gif BUT BLIZZARD THINKS I CANT BE TRUSTED >:(

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I want to join in on that joke but this Orc Warlock might be onto something, usually people crave me hugging them irl o_0 i thought it was just normal but now that i think about it almost seems like an obsession to them, even 2 of my Exs still want them from time to time.


We’re good cuddlers :3

Breaking my forum silence to post this :slight_smile:

Got a commission of Falls (She doesn’t have the wings in game, but the concept I’m going for is blatantly obvious.)



Dang, that’s fancy.


I just want to say that anyone who doesn’t think bats are cute need to be drained of blood. :triumph:


You! My BEAUTIFUL Blood Queen Fallynn!!!


Snap crackle micpoppers thats dope!!


So totally dazzeled and impressed by the utter perfection of style and color coordination, he can barely type out the emotes
Flips hair
Sips tea

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Hoping we get some more lore on them for the Inscription quest.

Love the art Fallynn! That baby dragon is so adorable along side your character! :grin:


Being from a all forsaken guild, I support this 100%

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love the art, and support them as a race (even if it is more elves)


Thanks for the love guys ^^ I’ve thought things through and realized that it would be pretty silly to put some in depth lore into a profession quest that many won’t do.

The fact that it’s got a San’layn inspired design alone should be a good sign for us. I’ll be here with our supporters for years if we need. We’re patient! We can wait a while.

My primary concern was that if we didn’t get them while Sylv was in power, no one would ever accept them again due to negative stigma. In reality we have no how things will go.

I hope these folks get a solid redemption story ^^

In other news, 8.1.5 hype. It’ll be fun seeing the new races! I don’t plan on rolling one myself but I’ll enjoy seeing them in RP.