San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s a dinosaur…ankylosaurus, but instead of doing the job correctly, they did it poorly and left off the iconic tail. Really disappoints me. Kinda like the weird cat thing instead of a raptor for feral. :frowning:

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I am Painis Cornholio.

I will support San’layn if They have the Underworld Vampiric Wings.


The zandalari cat and bear forms both look pretty bad IMO. I wish they made them look like real dinosaurs (like a ravasaur for dps or direhorn for tank), instead of those things they stretched over the cat/bear skeletons.


The ankylosaurus was a neat way to go since it’s armored, but it’d have been a lot better to have made a proper model with it’s tail that slapping it on the bear rig like you’d said.

The Zandalari ravasaur would have been great for feral. I wish there was a glyph. Even the travel form is odd as it’s not the Zandalari version.


Well not all ankylosaurs (edit: ankylosaurians) had club tails, and the raptor might have been a little too tall. I wish we had those ravasaur snoots tho ;-;

I liek pretty wings

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Any reference for that? Curious. It’s a specific trait of the genus/species from what I’ve seen.

Yeah I really like the snoot, I feel like a Zuldazar ravasaur should be a definite glyph option for feral.

Really wish they’d fix the stub tail on the Ankylosaur too. :frowning:
Would have kinda been cool having it smack around enemies with it instead of a swipe animation. Guess that’d have taken too much work. :frowning:

Looked it up, I did a taxonomic oopsie. There’s ankylosaurids, which is club tails specifically…and then there’s ankylosaurians which includes those and nodosaurids: very closely related but without the clubs.

Close enough?


Ahh, nifty. I’ll have a look.
I got to see some skeletons of them up in Wyoming at a museum. Was pretty neat. Googling I’d seen there’s also a pawpawsaurus…funny name, oh looks like it’s a nodo-

Also a better tail than the stub the one in game has =P

Huh… Looks neat!

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Sorta makes me think armadillo…


Yeah you’re right. I do wish the zandalari turtle had a long tail. I’m sad that it doesn’t. Alligator snapping turtles are neat.


But it’s not supposed to be a turtle…

Also a new gif for your bat collection.


The new darkfallen dance is looking great


I got so excited for a moment and then I saw the bat dancing and got happy sad.



Same hahaha. Well at least the bat has a cool dance

Edit: We’re out of luck. No news with the inscription questline. I think Blizzard might have just abandoned the idea of expanding the San’layn story entirely. It’s a shame. No relevance to San’layn at all. I don’t know if there’s a point to maintaining the thread anymore. I’m going to take a break from the forums for a while. I don’t feel like being laughed at right now.

Maybe something more will come out. Who knows. But at the moment I’ve kind of lost the remainder of the hope I did have.


Heck, if high elf fans can hold on to hope this long, I’m willing to squat in this thread for years if I must! I personally wasn’t expecting any immediate gratification regarding San’layn anyway. Considering how slow the pace of BFA is currently (especially when you look at how long it took them to get Kul Tirans and Zandalari out… and we STILL don’t have them!) I wasn’t expecting new allied races at all until maybe 8.3. I don’t think anyone is getting anything in 8.2, not even the Vulpera folks, unfortunately.

Still, breaks are good for rejuvenation and the soul. Take care of yourself, Fallynn. Hopefully you’ll come back to some exciting developments, be it San’layn or otherwise, and we’ll all geek about the fun stuff together.

Be well, and ciao for now!


True that. I’ll be back in a week or so probably. I just am realizing I put so much work into this and that I had way too much hope that the Quill would mean something. Nothing has come out to say that:

  1. All San’layn have been killed off.
  2. Dreven was a dead end, and it doesn’t matter where he came from
  3. There won’t be mention of any San’layn in the future.

I guess I got so caught up in truly believing that the quill would mean something due to its name that I let myself be very let down. In reality:

  1. We have no idea the actual number of San’layn.
  2. We have yet to discover the origin of the vampyr curse.
  3. Dreven had to come from somewhere and there’s 2 missing blood princes.
  4. They probably wouldn’t build hype up like that just to end it there.

So. I’ll chill out for a bit and return. We have to keep those key points in mind. Until they give us a “no” or confirm any sort of extinction, we have a shot. I also was worried that this is the only window of opportunity since they seem to be heavy set in building undead as evil and no one would ever accept them. But…we have no idea the story outcome. So I really need to be more patient.


I’ll also add that I don’t feel we really need the San’layn to play much of a role in the current lore or have their story expanded much in order for the devs to enable their playability. Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har orcs were both launch races for BFA, and yet they’re virtually nonexistent in the story. We have confirmation that the devs keep an eye on these threads for ideas in the future, and until we get the old “these guys are not planned in the near future” response it’s enough to keep my desire for them alive.


Maybe the dark irons actually are everywhere, in every zone. They’re just underground :o