San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

They can take alot of inspiration from the Druid Deathknight decks from Heartsthone. Nerubian tank forms sounds cooL!

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Oh damn that actually does sound really cool… plus “crypt fiends” have only semi-tongue-in-cheek been asked for as a playable race for a while.

It opens up for undead druids though naturally and shamans if we get a new batch of allied races which is good.

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This stuff?

I can’t find the tank you’re talking about D: The crypt fiend tank.


Annoying as hell to deal with.

Ah ok I see

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It would be a great way for them to be added ingame as playable. Via druid form. Wc3 race!!!


Little did Blizzard know they opened pandora’s box by adding arakkoa as a playable race via the Zandalari druid balance form. Now… now I want more…


Ikr, I’m going to spend so much time gliding around as one

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Yeah it gives them more of a chance to be added, I believe. Hoping we get those folk too :smiley: I’d roll one for sure.


Same, friend. Obviously I’ve got a bit of a thing for beast races!

… don’t read too much into that…



All your ideas are amazing guys. Stop being so amazing!


i don’t really know anything about drust lore but i started googling them and they even talk about druidic death magic at blizzcon. so who knows? it doesn’t seem like an impossible stretch. won’t hold my breath, but i am hoping.


Hehe thanks very much!

As for the death magic bit, yeah I think it’d be a lot of fun. I doubt they’ll do it but hey at least if they look at this thread they could get ideas.

Checking in to show my continued support for playable San’layn


As much as I would want High Elves, San’layn is also a good idea. Druid Tank form- Crypt Lord Cat Form- Spider (Maexxna)
Travel Form - Bat/mist/fog/wolf Balance Form- not sure…


I want/need this to become a thing. I want to play one so badly. I’ve always been drawn in by elves and vampires, so the mixture of the two and being able to play them = win for me. Please Blizzard! PLLLEEEEAAASSSE! I have never asked much of Blizzard in my 14 years of playing and buying all their games. I have spent… thousands if not tens thousands of dollars towards blizzard games and I am a poor person. I once tweeted during pandaria blizzcon to Metzin that i wanted to see a redemption story for Illidan. I got that with legion. So here I am trying my luck again! GIMME DEM SAN’LAYN.


Thanks for your continued support friend :smiley:

There could also be things like spider or bat cats if they want to keep the same animations. They did use a turtle for Zandalari bear though, so I think bear form is flexible.

I feel ya there, really hoping we get them in! Hopefully news soon too.

Man, the Quill stuff still hasn’t been put on the PTR. The suspense is killing me.


The Quill alone justifies me taking/keeping Inscription this go around.