San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

My San’layn is meeting with Great Father Winter to wish for San’layn to officially become full members of the Horde. After all, San’layn were offered to join the Horde before in BfA, so that offer could still be valid. Let us hope his wish becomes true someday! :christmas_tree::man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


So I’ve been running a lot of old dungeons and raids I either haven’t done or like ICC am still farming Invisible for 200-300+ times without a drop. :angry: As I was in some of them I forgot that some were updated with other Xpacs and was thinking maybe ICC could get an update and the San’layn could also be updated in Midnight since we’ve seen Ogres, Gnolls and Furbolgs get updated in the past couple of years.

I personally would like San’layn to not look like NE’s but also to be different from BE’s and VE’s in appearance. I’d go so far as to say they should probably have a more attractive/beautiful appearance than those two races because vampires can use illusion magic. But I also think they should have a more monstrous form like worgen and dracthyr have their two forms and allow players to switch between them for those that want a specific form at a given time.

For the beautiful form I’m thinking old school ballroom elegance and over the top type of showing off your beauty. While the monstrous form would be a more undead or real look to them as if they turned off the illusion magic so you could see their true form with us able to fine tune our true form like undead with more or less bones and other decaying factors.

Right now Midnight is the only one of the three Xpacs I am interested in because of the possibility of playable San’layn and also because I could see an update to San’layn and ICC.

To each their own.


Nothing like singing some vampiric carols for Batmas! :musical_note::man_vampire:

And speaking of music, I found a pretty long Youtube video of several video game holiday/winter music if anyone needs some background music. You can see a timestamp for all the tracks on the video’s Youtube page under description:

Edit: The Youtube Video isn’t working emedded on here for some reason, so you can see the video by clicking here.

Winter Veil day is getting closer! :vampire::christmas_tree::woman_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


I hope God and Blizzard bless your vampiric crusade!



It’s been a while. Sorry for not being on here in the Forums alot guys but I hope everyone is doing pretty well so far near the end of the year and onward into 2024.

I’m hoping that Dark Ranger/Darkfallen of the San’layn will be expanded on into WoW and even being a Allied Race. Since part of me hopes they became a allied race in Midnight due to talks of Thalassian Elven Tribes or Factions that is shattered or lost within the World of Azeroth. My hope from Midnight would be seeing High Elves and San’layn playable in the World Soul Saga since Blizzard is already doing third reskin of a Dwarven Race. Might as well do it with the Blood Elf Model unless if we get something like Nagas or something unqiue and original.

But I am holding out hope for those who get their wishes come true.


I like the transformation idea, though of course I lean more toward a bat monster. Like these here:

Fun fact: Cabin in the woods bat monster inspired this bat-dragon monster design for my eldritch vampire sona. She can turn into this.

(art credit: @mortifer_um But the design is all me.)

I’d love the monster features to be bat-like. Though, both would be cool too, of course! The more the merrier, I’d say.


Yep, this is gonna be a big important post.

So, it’s about time we talk about the San’layn talents coming up for Death Knights, and the cosmetics we want to see. I’m going to start off this discussion with my opinions and ideas, but figured I’d poke our community in general to see what you all think as well.

Starting off this post of course with a song to get things in the mood:

San'layn Death Knight Hero Talents Opinion Breakdown


Vampiric Strike: Your Death Coil and Death Strike have a 10% chance to make your next Heart Strike or Scourge Strike become Vampiric Strike. Vampiric Strike heals you for 3% of your maximum health and grants you Essence of the Blood Queen, increasing your Haste by 1.5%, up to 7.5% for 20 seconds.

I feel like the effect for this one should be quite straightforward. A blood effect, either encircling the Death Knight, or drawing in to the death knight, like blooddrinker (I think that’s what the talent is called, it’s been a while). BUT… they should make the effect unique from what it already looks like for that one. I’d love a lunge forward and bite, but that requires animations - so I imagine it’d be better to have an aura or blood flowing around them.

Row 1

  • Newly Turned: Raise Ally revives players at full health and grants you an absorption shield equal to 20% of your maximum health.

The ally getting a blood red aura would be pretty cool. That could represent the shield, too. Could be blood flowing around them too, that’d be cool. We have graphics that represent this sort of thing already, though, so I feel like flowing blood should be added to make it unique. Maybe even bats encircling them for a bit.

  • Bloody Fortitude: Icebound Fortitude reduces all damage you take by up to an additional 30% based on your missing health. Killing enemies that grant honor or experience reduces the cooldown of Icebound Fortitude by 3 sec.

Basically the same thing as above. However, I favor the bats flying around the person for this one, I think that’d be really cool. For IBF, maybe even chilled or ‘icy blood’ looking bats.

Row 2

Infliction of Sorrow: When Vampiric Strike damages an enemy affected by Blood Plague or Virulent Plague it consumes the disease dealing 200% of the remaining damage. While Gift of the San’layn is active, Vampiric Strike no longer consumes your disease and instead extends the duration of your disease by 3 sec and deals 20% of the remaining damage to the enemy.

This is really neat and plague/disease related. Again, bats flying around them would be cool, but more sanguine effects. Blood flowing down the Death Knight for example, blood coming down their eyes, stuff like that. Maybe bloody wings, or bat wings, appear, bat wings that could have bloody mist. Speaking of bloody mist - maybe that could be an effect too, surrounding the enemy. When gift of the San’layn is active, I think it’d be super neat to have that indicated. Jet black eyes, perhaps? I’d prefer perma-red eyes, so I’d shy away from that. Maybe wings pop out for it?

Frenzied Bloodthirst: Essence of the Blood Queen stacks 2 additional times and increases the damage of your Death Coil and Death Strike by 5% per stack.

Definitely blood flowing from the lips and/or dripping from claws/nails. I think that’s straightforward and would be SUPER COOL. Also, the essence of the blood queen thing is super interesting, again another opportunity for wings ^^

The Blood is Life: Vampiric Strike has a chance to summon a Blood Beast to attack your enemy for 10 sec. Each time the Blood Beast attacks it stores a portion of the damage dealt and when the Blood Beast dies it explodes dealing 50% of the damage accumulated to nearby enemies and healing the death knight for the same amount.

Oh man, a BLOOD BEAST?! This is bloody cool and I can’t wait to see what they do. Now, you know what I’m going to say. It should be a bat. A plague bat, to be specific, like the mount. HOWEVER, we could speculate a TON of different ones. A wolf, perhaps? Blood tick? What if we could… choose? That would be neat. Maybe even a tiny blood-dragon. But in my opinion, the best one for this would be a bat made of blood. And of course - an explosion of blood would be warranted.

Row 3

Visceral Regeneration: Your Heart Strike and Scourge Strike have a 3% per stack of Essence of the Blood Queen to refund a Rune. Vampiric Strike doubles the chance to refund a Rune.

Every time it refunds a rune, we’d need a surge of blood or something, some cool visual effect for it. I’m open to ideas.

Incite Terror: Heart Strike and Scourge Strike extend the duration of Essence of the Blood Queen by 0.5 seconds. Vampiric Strike increases the extension by 100%.

This is a good transformation moment, where your DK turns into a bat monster or something similar. Or jet black eyes, the addition of wings, whatever. A hiss, baring fangs, but I feel like it should be turly terrifying. Maybe the DK, if Blizz wants to be lazy, turns into a bloody simulacrum version of themselves with bloody wings spread or something. How they’d apply this visually to that paritcular move, I don’t know. It’d apply at every heart or scourge strike - would that be reasonable? Hm… maybe toning down these ideas to be shadowy bloody wings when it’s going on.

Choice node

  • Sanguine Scent: Your Death Coil and Death Strike have a 15% chance to trigger Vampiric Strike when damage enemies below 35% health and it is guaranteed to critically strike.

When this is active, glowing red eyes or jet black eyes (preferred). Maybe, again the wings, or flowing bats around the DK. Maybe a puddle of blood forming under them, or something, which would also be cool.

  • Pact of the San’layn: Your store 50% of all Shadow damage dealt into your Blood Beast to explode for additional damage when it expires.

Stored energy has a shadowy aura for several moments <3


Gift of the San’layn: While Vampiric Blood or Dark Transformation is active you gain Gift of the San’layn. Gift of the San’layn increases the effectiveness of your Essence of the Blood Queen by 100% and replaces your Heart Strike and Scourge Strike with Vampiric Strike for the duration.

This is the meat and potatoes of the visual effects we need. That transformation for our DK. Dark transformation is for our minions, yes, which ideally would turn them into a blood beast or whatever model they plan on using that WOULDN’T explode, maybe another variant.

But for our character? Bat monster. Hands down, I suggest a really neat plaguebat monster, though am open to ideas. I think that would be SICK myself. I doubt they’d do that, though, so just gaining wings during that part like the Blood Queen would suffice.

Though - a toggleable outside of combat would be SICK.

Thoughts? I feel like there should be a toggleable effect if you’ve ‘specced’ into ‘San’layn’, where you would indeed gain additional eye colors like glowing red or jet black. That’d be neat. DK can’t have red eyes right now (-.-) so this would be a perfect opportunity to give us those.

Also - for unholy, they should let us ‘transform’ or ‘transmog’ our ghoul into some sort of bloody beast, that’d be cool. The blood beast that does not explode, I reckon.

Finally - an additional move I’d want to see is something like Death Walk but as a cloud of bats, quite like from Diablo 4 Season of Blood and that ‘dodge is actually a cloud of bats that curses enemies’ ideas. (well the curse applies under specific talents but my point is, maybe it can be an offensive tactic with that visual effect, of course.)


One thing I would like to say is that the San’layn Hero Talents are just oozing (heh) with love for the San’layn and Vampire themes in general.

So I’m very happy with how the play an homage to the San’layn and even make it feel like the player is directly channeling them.

I still think “Vampire” or “Bloodcursed” would be a better name since San’layn are specifically Elf Vampires but this isn’t a worse case scenario.

It also shows they have San’layn on the brain so I am hoping that extends to Midnight or The Last Titan.

If they are smart, they would be adding seeds to any potential plot involving them so keep an eye out. They are at least in need of some new models… And the detail may show that they could become player characters.


I like this but for San’layn and not DK’s. If you meant San’layn than I misread it but it appeared to be about DK’s from what I was reading. It reminds me of one of the Riddick movies where the “boss” enemy uses something similar just before getting it in the head.

Would be cool to have your body kind of just disintegrate into the individual bats and have them act kind of like a cloud and travel to your new spot and you appear at the new spot you dodged/teleported to. As a racial it would obviously have a longer CD than I’d want but it could definitely be used to save you in a tough fight. Kind of an OS move, lol.

Or, they could make every class that San’layn can be alter their movement abilities into that. Druids have some kind of leap ability that could be turned into the bat TP or rogues with that one ability that makes you appear behind enemy or even a mages blink is now a cloud of bats TP. It actually would be too much work for them and to get it to feel right for each move probably wouldn’t work. It was just a thought of the moment, lol. DOH!

As a side not, liked that bat GIF and can’t ever remember hearing about that movie. And I used to like 3 Days Grace before they switched singers (?) but it’s still a decent song which I’ve never heard.

EDIT: Diablo IV sucked imo. I can’t believe I bought that trash. Huge disappointment. The story was the only thing I was interested in and the atmosphere and after that there was nothing and stopped playing after the first season started.
Now Baldur’s Gate 3 was pretty good. Customizable characters, in cutscenes, romance options with some weird ones, and all the build options were nice though I prefer DOS2 combat/builds better.


Yeah, I agree with you entirely there. It actually gave me quite a bit of hope, because yeah, there’s a ton of love for vampires in the descriptions and yeah, San’layn there. It’s exciting, I’m really hoping we get some good lore from this. Lore is super important to me (I’m sure everyone here knows that, given I don’t shut up about it!) so more of it feels like it is indeed coming.

That deep dive into those talents was exciting, I will say. I’m feeling much more upbeat about it now that I’ve taken a look, and I really hope there will be some really cool visuals coming with it.

Blizzard does seem to have vampires on the mind. I did play Diablo 4 Season of Blood and actually enjoyed myself a ton. The story was interesting, even if I wish we could ‘remain a vampire’ or something, but I get they don’t do that because they want to keep it seasonal. There was a lot of cool powers (though I wish they showed more from a visual standpoint, but I take what I can get!). I got the ‘vampire’ title for my characters anyhow, so technically I get to stay one, haha.

But yeah! Very good point, I’m so curious to see how things go. It definitely sparked my hope again and interest that we’ll get some good stuff, because this stuff is a beautiful chunk of ‘vampire powers’ in general which is great to see.

That makes a lot of sense, and I agree. Honestly I think the coolest thing imo would be to have a ‘cloud of bats’ transform mount. I just imagine afking as that ‘mount’ and being a random cloud of bats there, which would be super amusing. But also really, really cool. I dunno, I think it’d be so neat.

We have transform mounts like Vial of Sands which is neat. How about “Vial of Bats”? :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, there’s also the floating brain secret mount! You know, if they do add San’layn lore and storylines, a cool ‘secret’ would be like that mount, where it’s a multiseater and each person is a bat (or additional cloud of bats).


I really hope the “Hero talents” have actual cosmetic stuff with it. Because currently, it just seems like normal talents but in a separate tree.


Happy Winter Veil Day! :christmas_tree::man_vampire:

Whatever your plans are for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Happy winters veil!

I’d love to see San’layn as an Allied Race in Midnight!


Not to mention if they did that they’d actually have further relevance in the expansion after it.


There’s a number of the names that seem a bit too race specific.

One of the videos from blizzcon showed the Mountain Thane abilities having a different visual.

1 Like

Been playing through old content lately and forgot that the Blood Trolls have a leech type thing going on and I still think San’layn should also have that. Nothing to powerful but each attack should leech imo. Probably 1%-5% of max health or 10% of damage might work.

Or how about as long as you are in combat you continuously leech 1% each, up to a max of 5% (?), from all enemies that you are in combat with. The visual would be a stream of blood from each enemy to yourself or a kind of misty red blood trail.

So for racials I’d personally like to see:

  • Swarm of bats flight form. Can be used as a ground form also when not able to fly so get it at level 1.
  • The blood trail leech from enemies up to 5 as mentioned above.
  • Illusion magic. The ability to copy the look of any player or NPC for an hour (?). Would love to also be able to be friendly with said faction so we could walk into Alliance territory in disguise, interact with vendors, understand their chat/language and not get flagged. I think that would be a fun little thing personally.
  • A possible teleport where you disintegrate and become a cloud of bats and they flutter over to new location to form your character. Needs work but very basic idea.
  • Increased character movement speed at night for both indoors and outdoors. Is there still a day/night cycle? This is my least wanted racial but can’t have all great racials so this is a compromise.
  • Just thought of this but 5% increased damage versus Worgen since vampires and werewolves are enemies.

EDIT: Here’s the DK San’layn tree.
Blood Death Knight Review of San’layn Hero Talents - Repurposing a Defensive for Haste - Wowhead News


Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! I’ll be making a bigger post once 2024 hits, but I wanted to reaffirm my support in playable Horde San’layn for the next year and beyond!

Whatever your plans are for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe New Year’s Eve and Day! I’ll see y’all in 2024! :fireworks:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! Always! :wine_glass::bat:


Well, I was going to start drawing again but all my old art is on a CD/DVD that I had burned before I built this new rig. The thing is that this new rig doesn’t have a CD/DVD drive, lol, and I loaned my old rig to my nephew because he burned his CPU out.

Also thought I had saved it to a USB but that was just 1 project I had started after I had burned that CD/DVD, deleted my old files and it was of a priest and not a San’layn. :frowning: Gonna have to start from scratch till I get my old rig back so I can take the burned CD/DVD and transfer it to a USB. Ugh, what a f*@&!^g headache.

Anyway, it was going to be of a battle between San’layn and Worgen with both sides taking casualties but now I might have to come up with something else since ALL of my reference pictures are on that CD/DVD. :sob: FML.


I feel this so hard.

You can find external ones for fairly cheap these days though.


Instead of me retyping or typing up something again I’ll just cut and paste what I left in the Stonemaul Ogre thread but change the end to San’layn since the sentiment is the same.

I came to say goodbye. I got banned again for a day on a thread about mass flagging/banning, lol. Just annoyed at how ridiculous the forums have become and Ogres getting passed over again. Also, I still do not like how classes/specs feel. They aren’t very much the fantasy type but more like they are just a class with minimal fantasy theme/design which I feel NEEDS to change.

My sub is up in about 20 days, I’m done with the forums after the latest BS and I don’t see myself coming back for anything in the foreseeable future right now. The stone Dwarves are not a playable race I want to play. None of the announced Xpacs even have my interest let alone excite me.

I wanted to share some art in the coming weeks but I do not even feel in the WoW mood after everything that has happened. About to start working on my UE5 game and with the gaming market not doing well and no really good games coming out for a while I figured I switch gears and game less and create more with my art, 3D modeling and game design.

If we don’t see each other again I wish you all the best, may you all live well, love well, have fun and may your dreams of playable San’layn come true.

EDIT: I’d come back for Druids or Paladins for all races.