San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Playable Naga & Satyr would be neat too, in my opinion. I saw some people doing the upright naga suggestion, and in fact the Nerubians who are upright in this upcoming expansion reminded me of that a bit. Personally I’d hope they’d keep their snake tails, but I know that’d be kinda hard to do with mounts. Armor isn’t a problem though, given the dracthyr.

For San’layn, I think the most obvious choice is the missing blood princes, Theraldis and Atherann, along with using Naxxanar in that temple of En’kilah (spelling?) and/or Ghostlands. All of the above would be really neat to explore.

We still don’t know where Blood Prince Dreven came from. Plus, who knows. He could very well come back. Much as I utterly hate Shadowlands, the beginning of the expansion before everything went to the garbage had been interesting, even if the rewards were wholly lackluster.

Lorewise - Lana’thel, the blood Princes, and some other scourge members were brought back to cause chaos. There was also Lana’thel’s soul or something found in Shadowlands, I don’t remember much about that though, as I didn’t play the expansion through because again, I just really hated it. There were the one-off lore tidbits here and there that could come up again.

Some folks bring up Tha’lena. Who knows, she may be used again. I think exploring her story would be neat.

But by far I am most interested in the missing blood princes, and wouldn’t even mind a new character coming out of the woodwork for the San’layn like Dreven did, though this time without the villain bat and something to explore a viable story that makes sense like DK/DH/Forsaken.


Don’t forget Blood-Princess Thal’ena is maybe still alive. We can defeat her in the Violet Hold but nothing tell us she is deceased in the lore. So maybe she could come back as new ruler for the San’layn.


Blood-Princess Thal’ena becoming Blood Queen and leader of the San’layn could work if the San’layn are able to get control of their real selves as opposed to whatever the Blood Curse is doing to them. She could even employ the missing Blood Princes and any other Blood Royalty as well. Obviously, this needs a lot of fleshing out, including the whole Blood Curse the San’layn have, but it is an option with some decent storyline possibilities.

And with that line of thinking, it could tie into the whole reuniting the Elf Tribes thing. There is going to be a reason and need for the unification, which we likely won’t learn until we get closer to when Midnight launches. When it comes to the San’layn, helping them regain their actual selves, dealing with their blood curse, reconnecting with Silvermoon, and being a big help against the big bad of that expansion and their forces would be good examples of motivation of being part of the unification. And since Ghostlands would be getting a revamp, it’s the perfect place for them to reside as well.

I also have to wonder if Kael’thas could somehow play a role. Not that I expect the Venthyr to let him out to play, but Lor’themar did go to talk to him at the end of Shadowlands…which wasn’t really shown in-game or talked about at all. Something else to think about, I suppose.

And if Blood-Princess Thal’ena gets a bigger role, then something could be done with the soul of her mother. As a reminder, her soul was in Torghast and wasn’t intractable. You can read more about that in this post I made about it:

Then of course, the return to Northrend will be a thing shortly after Midnight, so the San’layn could also play a role of some sort in that expansion. Seems like things are lining up nicely for San’layn, but I don’t want to say it is a surefire thing. In the meantime, there is quite a bit that we can speculate and flesh out our ideas.

Looks like I’ll have some more to think about and type in in future posts. :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


I’m back for a couple of months, mainly due to wanting to try Classic hardcore, and just stopped by, after trashing Blizz in Ogres forum for 19 years without the second member of the Horde being playable, to continue to support playable San’layn for the Horde. Horde only, none of this give Alliance werewolves and vampires or the salt pile from no Ogres for 19 years will be a salt bonfire. :salt::fire: Pay attention Blizz.

So on to the Xpac news. Appears Midnight is best chance for San’layn in my eyes and here is why.

  1. It is uniting the Elf tribes. So Elf related.
  2. I think that is when we go back to Northrend which is where the San’layn were most populated.
  3. The Nerubians return or reintroduced which goes PERFECT with one of my scenarios I had written years ago of a questline to help the San’layn join the Horde. :wink:

Right now San’layn have a VERY real chance of being playable in my eyes. Hoping Blizz has been paying attention to this forum and picked up some ideas from us to use. Some very good ideas have been tossed around. Don’t let us down Blizz.

And as much as I don’t even want to mention High Elves I think IF they were ever going to silence the HE fanbois this would be the time to once and for all just give them to the Alliance and be done with it because the HE fans do not like anything or any explanation as to why BE’s or VE’s are HE’s.

EDIT: As much as I dislike the LF Forsaken I’d rather have them as playable than these stone dwarves.


Yeah, the only thing Naga can’t wear is boots. Everything else is already doable on the models.
As for mounts, they could always make some sort of side saddle style coiled animation for being seated, but I didn’t mind the Nazdorei concept either. That definitely solved the mount issue.

I’ve also thought Satyr would have been a neat horde addition opposite Night Elven Worgen for the alliance.

Happy December everyone! :christmas_tree::man_vampire:

Next to Halloween, this is another favorite time of the year for me. I’m planning to make the usual festive posts once Winter Veil starts in-game for here and a few other race request megathreads. I’ll likely make the usual couple of New Year’s posts as well when it gets to the end of the month.

Hoping everyone has a fun, happy, and safe holiday season! :snowman_with_snow:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


These bats are getting excited for Winter Veil coming up! They’ll be asking Greatfather Winter for playable Horde San’layn under their Winter Veil trees. You too can wish for this and help to these bats and many San’layn in general happy!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

I know I’ll continue to wish to see a few new playable races under my Winter Veil tree! :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :polar_bear:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Logged in today

Still no San’Layn

Still sad



We should get more lore about the San’layn in The Las Titan because San’layn are a part of the Northrend bestiary. It will be very surprising to get nothing for them when we know we will get more lore for Taunka, Tuskarr and Frostborn Dwarves and they are a part of the Northrend bestiary too.


It has been awhile since we discussed jokes and flirts for San’layn. Lately, I’ve been thinking up some I wanted to share. Chances are either myself or others have shared some of these before, so I apologize in advance if there are any repeats.


-The next person to ask if we sparkle will learn the true meaning of “living blood fountain.” Don’t. Even. Try me.

-No, we don’t glow blue or purple while hearing voices in our heads. Those are Void Elves. The OTHER emo elf.

-For some reason, I get irrationally angry when I see people carrying whips. I can’t explain why.

-What a wonderful night to have a curse.

-We San’layn are fierce fighters, but sometimes we get caught up in the moment of tooth.

-I took this human out for a quick bite. I discovered they weren’t my type, so it was all done in vein.

-I get suspicious looks whenever I walk by the blood bank. It’s not like I suffer from withdrawals there.

-People keep expecting us to despise the Worgen for some reason. Not sure why it’s a popular expectation, but it’s really getting really annoying.

-It’s getting hard to get good sleep lately. Sometimes, I just can’t stop my coffin.

-I wish people would stop trying to pet me when I turn into a bat. I’m a phantom of the night to be feared; not some cute squeaky rodent to be cuddled!

-You know how hard it is to look so good when you can’t use mirrors?

-I got kicked out of art school recently. I had a fixation on trying to draw blood.

-I keep annoying my friends. They tell me I constantly drive them batty.


-Interested in seeing fifty shades of red?

-I’m quite the neck-romancer.

-I could show you a bloody good time.

-I serve the blood wine before its time.

-Don’t I look dead sexy?

-Is it bloodlust I’m sensing, or perhaps just…lust?

-Do you believe in love at first bite?

I’ll try to think of more to share gradually in the future. :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


I laughed out loud in a very quiet classroom thanks to you. :joy:


Winter Veil is now live in WoW Retail. Huzzah!

Hoping that San’layn get to enjoy the festivities someday!..and yes, I know his hair is sticking out of the hood behind his head. It’s an unfortunate graphics bug regardless of hairstyle used I hope gets fixed sometime. If you wonder why I usually take screenshots from the front, now you know why.

I’ll be taking some festive screenshots like I usually do each year, some of which will be for a few other race request megathreads. I’ll also make my usual end of the year and beginning of next year posts like I usually do as well. It’s a busy but fun time!

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil! :christmas_tree::man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


:heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


So I actually bothered going through a few thousands of these replies… people essentially just want thiccer blood elf. I can get behind that but the emo look is already there among the Void Elves.

Void elves are not San’layn. One of our jokes pokes fun at it even.

Nor is the void the same as vampiric thememing…

They’re very different thematically.


Never said that either.

As is part of the usual tradition of Winter Veil in this megathread and a few others I frequent regularly, I’ve gone and taken several screenshots of the Winter Veil sleigh ride, which is one of my favorite parts of the Winter Veil features.

And of course, this means the return of Santa’layn, off to spread cheer throughout the Horde and hopefully grant wishes of the San’layn to come true! I tried to take as close to my character as I could, since zooming in too much makes the sleigh transparent, so apologies if the screenshots are a bit too zoomed out.

Enjoy the screenshots with some fitting music below:

More festive screenshots to come! :christmas_tree::man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


So it looks like San’layn Deathknights are part of the new hero talent choices for DK’s in next expansion.

What that means for the future of an actual allied race or even cosmetics is yet to be seen.

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I wouldn’t expect it to change the possibility or not.

The San’layn are darkfallen and not every Death Knight is a darkfallen. Its just a neat thing for DKs to play with using their blood aspects.

(Which I will totally be using on mine.)


Yeah, it’s not hopeless or anything. It’s interesting. We have void priests as a class and void elves as a race, so who knows. Vampyr as a race would be wonderful.

But yeah. We’ve seen ‘themes’ reflect in both classes and races, so the door is certainly not closed. If anything, now is the time to talk about it more than ever, because it shows they’re acknowledging the interest by embedding it so deeply into a game system.

A likely temporary one (even if they said it’s ‘evergreen’, fairly certain they said ‘but only for a few expansions’ which is NOT evergreen. But whatever.), yet still interesting.

This gameplay stuff is of 0 interest to me if there’s not cosmetics/effects/lore tied to it, though. They can talk about numbers all they want and put on a bunch of fancy labels, and that won’t matter if there’s no cosmetic effect (including something that imo should last a while or even be perma while ttoggled).

This is the time to talk about what we want to see.

I want to make a post breaking down my thoughts on each piece we’ve seen so far and make suggestions as to what I’d love to see visually for each ability, as someone clearly invested in San’layn.

But I’m also incredibly tired and have slight doubts they bother to look in here for anything, so it’d be like screaming into the void.

So I’ll need to muster up the energy to do so. Eventually.