San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

He rubs the bones in the back of his throat together at a high pitch to simulate screeching.


Lots of water, seaweed, tentacles, naga, aberrations and more tentacles is what Nazjatar will hold.

Check out. He must use magic to talk, though. He’s quite the talented sorcerer.




Guys Zandalari appear to have gotten a unique dance.

Does this mean we might see unique dances for other ARs? What about San’layn? We should totally start brainstorming what dance we want.


I remember reading somewhere where they said that they did indeed want to do this for all the ARs. However, I’m not sure I would bank on this becoming reality anytime soon. It was pretty clear just by looking at the Zandalari and Kul Tirans that they were a bit more “special” compared to the rest of their AR brothers and sisters.

As for your question… I mean, Thriller’s the obvious answer, no? :smirk:


True, true. Still, a girl can hope! And yes, obvious choice, but doesn’t someone else have Thriller already?

Don’t believe so, no. Night elf men have Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean dance, but nothing specifically from Thriller iirc.

The undead just rock an invisible guitar.

Evidently there’s a whole TV tropes page for dancing vampires; time to start narrowing it down

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I expected this for male Worgen instead of the crap one they got.

Well then I don’t care what you want to be. It’s a stupid idea.

Cool, we can disagree then. I don’t think it’s a stupid idea at all. Have a nice night!


The Thriller dance, is used by the Female Necromancer, in the original Guild Wars game. Male Night Elf/Nightborne get the dance from Beat It! So no, Fallynn, none of the races in World of Warcraft here, have the Thriller dance!

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Someones not getting any punch at our sanlayn party.

i was very " meh " about that idea first but i just rewatched the video. would fit perfectly.


I know multiple people floated this idea before but…
do you think theres gana be a third faction?
Hear me out. Sylvanis isnt getting through to any of these old war historians so she might split and form a revolutionary forsaken faction.
A true power house of san’laynn, frost trolls, Undead orcs, Really undead forsaken ( skeletal and all ) and even those crazy looking giests.

I’d love a third faction, where races from each side had ‘subraces’ in the third faction, like nathanos humans, san’layn, plain forsaken would fit too honestly, same with goblins. it would be a nice factional choice to have


Logistically it is impossible to form a third faction with the current implementation of WoW. The systems that divide the playerbase up just wouldn’t support that. Imagine doing old leveling content that was faction-specific before the third faction was introduced, or doing battlegrounds, etc. etc.

That’s why I think we have the whole “do you support Sylvanas” rp choices on the Horde, so you can at least roleplay being on a pseudo-third faction. For the time being.

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exactly, and it would then splinter the playerbase up even more and it’s already hard enough to find groups at times with only 2 factions. and what if we have Forsaken players in our raid guild, that would pretty much force them to pay a faction swap and possibly play a race they don’t want to or to find a new guild.

It’s far too late for this to be an option.

They would have to rebuild the core game and every Xpac from the ground up.

The time to add this would have been BC with the first new continent and before the game got even more built up on the 2 faction systems.

Yeah like everyone’s been saying, unless they legit open up guilds and grouping between all factions, and make major cities of opposing ones not kill them, it’d be impossible. Guilds would be shattered and such. The concept is very cool but I don’t think it can be reasonably built.

I fully support Thriller as a dance for San’layn by the way.


Blizzard, YOU CAN HAVE MY MONEY! Just give us San’Layn!!!

If Alliance gets High Elves to complete the pair, it will be happiness for everyone!