San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Unfortunately, no one uses Silvermoon City anyway (lack of updates probably, it’s a gorgeous city). Maybe instead of Silvermoon it’s more of a Ghostlands warfront or something. Not only that but our bronze dragon friend, Zidormi, could allow access to the old Silvermoon.

Silvermoon is in eversong woods, not ghostlands, which is why I thought the latter might make more sense as a warfront.

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Ghost lands would definitely make a lot of sense. If the Alliance really wanted to cement their stranglehold on the Eastern Kingdoms, but don’t have the forces to dedicate to a full-blown siege on a capital (especially since Dazar’alor just happened) then claiming the ghost lands in order to contain the blood elves would be a prudent tactical move.

The Draenei haven’t been doing an awful lot in the war, so they could station some of their forces there, supplemented by the Lightforged and Void Elves for narrative reasons while the blood elves are supported by the Nightborne and San’layn.

It will likely never happen, but that’d be an amazing warfront I’d love to play…


Me too. They’ve got a good opportunity right there, but this expansion has been one of many missed opportunities.


I rather choose Death and Vampire Elf Lore than the Void vs Light writing.

Plus Death Lore is Better than what’s going on in Story thus far.


So sad to hear about those that lost their jobs today.


Definitely. Both are interesting but Death is just more appealing than Void imo. Especially when it involves vampires.


Yea. That’s why I liked Wrath of the Lich King so much. You got your Vampire Elves there along with Snow Elf High Elves all mixed together into a awesome theme expansion.

What’s so cool or unique about the Old Gods/Void? Old Gods are kind of your same old flying super evil generic tentacle monsters and same with the void.

I hope the next expansion will be about Death/Scourge theme one. Plus I would love for not only playable High Elves but also San’layn as well. San’layn are pretty much the True Dark Elves of WoW than 3 Blue Elves we have right now.


Wish I had something productive to offer.

Alas, all I feel is…


Curse you, Blizzard! :stuck_out_tongue: I really wished I was trust level three. I’m only trust level two right now.

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Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to this Old God stuff that’s approaching and learning more about it. I can’t wait to accept the gift of N’zoth. But Death stuff just seems more grounded (no pun intended) to me.

San’layn are basically Warhammer Dark Elves, as you said, mixed with Vampire Counts. Flipping sign me up for that. If they did release another undead expansion I’d also love to be able to join the Scarlet Crusade on my Alliance Paladin - I currently wear the tabard proudly.


Your gifs are productive enough. :joy:

That Gilnean groundhog is absolutely dashing.

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Surprised we didn’t get a PTR update on WoWhead. I’m itching for info on the quil.

I like how I can hear this gif.

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Is it saying “Curse you, He-Man?”

Unintelligible skeletal screeching

Off topic ponderance here: How would he even do that? He has no tongue.



Maybe its just me who is kind of sick of the hype of the Old Gods being hyped up. Its same with Legion. Now unless of course if Void/Old Gods had different colors of dark void corruption instead of purple I wouldn’t mind them so much.

But you know. We’ll just have to wait and see what the Naga Zone holds and N’zoth.

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