San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I wouldn’t mind, I like the underground stuff.
I know back during the wrath expansion, it was said they’d have liked to have done a full zone for Azjol, so wouldn’t surprise me if they actually did it…but yeah you never know with the zones in War Within, but we’ll have an entire other expansion before we go back to Northrend and I don’t really expect any underground zones in the remake of Quel’thalas.

Finally got the “Vampire” title in Diablo 4 season of blood. I did it on my necromancer, who looks like this:

(Note: Eyes like this for San’layn would be bloody awesome. I wish.)

Blizzard did well with the vampire powers in that game, I feel. I don’t know how the vampire class from Immortal plays, but I heard there is nothing barring them from adding it. Vampires are clearly all the rage for them, at least on the Diablo team. I hope some of that leaks into WoW.

Something like Metamorphosis in Diablo 4 is a transform into a bunch of bats and dashing from one point to another. I still think a ‘cloud of bats’ mount would be really cool for the San’layn racial, or a teleport like that. Much of the racial vampire powers don’t feel super visual, though. The vampire monsters in that game have a lot of cool and bloody powers, though.

I hope the WoW team takes some inspiration from the Diablo team for vampire stuff, except for the ‘exclusively evil’ portion, of course. I really want a heroic story for the playable San’layn who lorewise would be working with the factions.

I’ve been thinking about the hero class thing. I hope there is a lot of lore added in with that, but am worried that won’t be the case, like with the ‘san’layn’ spell name for shadow priests. No lore, just a name.

Will these hero classes have any lore? Heavy quests tied to them? A trainer of this stuff? I really, really hope so. I liked the class order halls in Legion a lot, so if there’s quests like that for this stuff, that’d be nice.

The remodels for all the zones mentioned are interesting. I’ve wanted something for Silvermoon for a long time.

Ghostlands being a main hub for San’layn is very promising in my opinion. I think a necropolis would be a really cool home for them. I also really, really want to see Prince Theraldis and Atherann come back as the main leaders in some way for the San’layn. I would want them the most. They could even be working for Tha’lena. Who knows.

But yeah. Oh I also wanted to share this piece of art and the reason why my title in D4 is ‘Eldritch Vampire’. This really doesn’t violate ToS becaause of how gory some WoW official art can be with the scourge, but I’m spoilering it because of a potential jumpscare. It’s art I got of my persona by Raksz56.

Vampire jumpscare?


Been a bit, but I’d played it some. It kinda gave me WoW demon hunter and blood death night vibes with a little Belmont thrown in. I need to play it some more but I get sidetracked off to something else. I plan to get around to playing d4 at some point, and the blood knight would be a neat addition but I guess they’re not planning to do so. Something is being added but it’s all new to Diablo. Would have made for a cool addition.

I also kinda wonder if there’s any plans on adapting the class skin idea to them, sorta like a hero talent glyph that visually rethemes them and such. I’ve seen some complaints being that some of the “classes” are a bit too racially themed. Like the “mountain thane” for warriors.

A new Silvermoon is gonna be great. I’m curious to see how the zones all change with the remake.


Def not going to happen now. All hail your new DK San’layn

Yeah that’d apply for San’layn too. We’ll have to see. It seems very specific in in my opinion should be renamed to ‘the cursed’ or ‘blood-drinker’ or something. Even if just using the name won’t bar this race from being playable, of course, unlike some claim.


Torn on whether I should race change my DK from Forsaken to Belf for the heroic talents. I still love her being Forsaken though, and I have a lot of Belves.

True, San’layn does tend to bring to mind the elves more than vampire in general.
It’s gonna work nicely for my character, as he’s a death knight. I just don’t think that should be a requirement to be a san’layn though.
It’s a shame they’re so slow at adding allied races and such when there are so many that people want playable and would make great options.


I’m not sure if or how this might pertain to San’layn, but a ‘Vampire Survivors game mode’ has allegedly been datamined for patch 10.2.5. Not much is known about the game mode or what the rewards might be, if there are any.


My thoughts on this article are summarized by this wowhead comment, lol…

So annoying how everyone ignores actual vampire lore in favor of lore that isn’t vampires, and for an expansion that was absoloutely terrible. I left in Shadowlands, after all, and remain unable to stand the venthyr. That’s a personal deep (DEEP) dislike on my part, though. For the exact reason that we’re seeing here, of course :stuck_out_tongue: Everyone ignores actual vampire lore in favor of this new nonsense that isn’t vampire stuff.

Anyhow, hopefully it means something. Seems like they always are on the edge of actually implying we may get playable vampires while never actually giving them to us.

It does feel really disheartening to see a major article though completely ignore the San’layn and the lore behind it (so, basically copying blizzard), because it was the lore of the San’layn and vampyr blood curse (NOT the venthyr, which again - I really dislike) I was really hoping to see expanded.

Edit: Though the WoWhead comments are SLAMMING the article writer for not mentioning San’layn and for some reason mentioning a complete non-vampire when we have vampires in lore already (on multiple occasions).

For once, you go guys, in WoWhead comments!

But yeah.

I’m hoping maybe it’ll give us San’layn lore, or something. That would be nice. Rewards relevant to san’layn or the curse would also be nice. Earnable customization + lore would be better than nothing, but gods I really hope we get lore too.


This bugged me so much.

I cannot believe Wowhead got it that wrong.


With giving thanks being a big part of Thanksgiving, I wanted to give some thanks in here.

I wanted to thank everyone here for being one of the megathreads that inspired me to do what I do on the forums here, as well as helping to support playable Horde San’layn and even enjoying some of the stuff I type up on here.

Back when BfA was first announced (it still feels like BfA is going sometimes, oddly enough), this was one of the first megathreads I came across. It also was one of the big inspirations for me and gave me the courage to come on here to support the races I wanted playable, along with making both of my megathreads.

And throughout the years of posting in this megathread, I’m grateful that we’re still continuing on and that people seemed to enjoy the ideas and scenarios I’ve typed up for many a post in here. I guess I must be doing something right for people to like my posts, even if they can be far from perfect.

Next September, we’ll be hitting our 6 year megathread anniversary. Even through all the adversity and frustrations with the in-game storylines, we’re still standing strong. I’m happy I was brave enough to come onto the forums and to join others here.

Thank you all for your support and inspiration. Regardless of what happens in the future, I’ll still be marching in support of playable Horde San’layn as best as I can. Hopefully with the 20 years of planning and beyond for WoW that Blizzard has done, there will be room somewhere in there for San’layn to be champions of the Horde and among the saviors of the world (of Warcraft!).

Thank you all so much. It is greatly appreciated! :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Wowhead showing once again that it’s fan comments that make that site, not the articles.


We should get news about San’layn in the 13.0 because we come back to Northrend. It should be really strange if we can’t get news about them in this expansion when we know San’layn are a part of the Northrend bestiary.


Happy US Thanksgiving!..or is that Fangsgiving here? :turkey:

Hoping San’layn get to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty someday! :man_vampire:

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Good news everyone, Blizzard listened! We’re getting the race we’ve been requesting for YEARS, that’s right we can finally play as Earthen… a 3rd Dwarf race, because why not…

If only there was a forum megathread that existed for half a decade telling Blizzard EXACTLY WHAT DIRECTION THEY SHOULD GO IN… if only.

Man, I am so salty right now.


I’m very honored the work put into this thread inspired you <3 And your suggestions and work toward everything inspires me, too. You hold out hope even when I turn my back and wander off myself, which is phenomenal. Thanks for that.

I’m grateful for the community here too. We may be a loud minority but we’re at least passionate, and that counts for something!

I really, really hope so. Especially with how open-ended some of the major points are in Northrend, particularly where the San’layn were most concentrated. Lore is important to me, and I really don’t want it abandoned and forgotten.

Truly, I think the story of the San’layn themselves is as tragic and interesting as Death Knights and Forsaken. I feel like they should have a chance, too, and when we saw them in BfA, I was hoping it would lead to more. They made a huge point and got a ton of people’s hopes up with the San’layn looking for a home.

Only for the Alliance to crush that (still baffles me as to why people think they fit the Alliance of all things for that reason :confused: )

But yeah; I really, really hope they will someday look into the story more. I still get incredibly annoyed when the ‘venthyr’ are what people bring up as ‘vampires’ when they’re not even blood drinkers and again, a (in my opinion) badly written afterlife race that should be left in Shadowlands like the rest. And because San’layn are elves, they’re completely dismissed in favor of that nonsense (emphasizing again - ‘nonsense’ is imo). Stand by everything I said in this post 3 years ago.

Aaaand if they ever need a lore crafter, I’m open for hire :stuck_out_tongue: Though I’ve only self-published novels so I doubt I’d ever have a chance. I still strangely get a lot of hits on this article I wrote for my headcanon for San’layn.

May try for Community Council at one point but I’m not super active in the game so I doubt I’d have a chance. I’m just some washed-up lore nerd now who may talk about the game more on youtube someday from a former roleplayer’s perspective.

Also yeah, I understand people being upset about the Earthen >< They’re not my cup of tea at all, and I wish they added more along with them. That said, I hope it means the door is open for things like San’layn and all of the ways they can modify them to be unique (which are aplenty).


I’ve been thinking about the whole “uniting the Elf tribes” feature from the Midnight expansion and was trying to think about all existing groups of elves. I tried to list what I could think of, so if I missed any, please feel free to add to it:

Blood Elves
Felblood Elves
High Elves
Night Elves
Void Elves

I’ve also seen discussions about Naga technically being a part of the list since they use to be elves before. Can’t really say if they would count or not.

If the idea is suppose to unite the Elf tribes, I don’t really see how any of the above, aside from Naga, could be exceptions. I’d hate to see all groups of Elves get united except San’layn who get the villain bat for reasons, which would be very disappointing and frustrating.

Of course, we don’t know what the story will be for Midnight, and I have to wonder if there is a chance that some group of Elves will come out of nowhere and get an Earthen treatment. Part of me worries about this happening, as opposed to giving races that currently exist that people have requested for years.

Just a thought I wanted to type out. Hopefully, San’layn will be one of the Elf tribes we get to unite and get to be on the Horde side of that character creation screen. :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


If Naga count in Midnight then I guess Satyr could make the list.


No. I’d rather have one of the Venthyr vampires.

Elves. Mutated trolls. All trolls unite!