San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It finally happened 15000 Posts on this Thread for San’layn.

I would love to hear more news about San’layn when Blizzcon shows up.


Wonder if this thread will get a rollover at 20000?

Not sure that would be a good thing since the OP will lose the info/images.

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That is a good point. I’m not sure if threads still lock after a certain amount of posts or not. It may be a good idea to think about what to do in case that happens, as I still want to continue playable Horde San’layn support, even if they’d be a Customization Race.

Kinda says a lot about how wanted playable Horde San’layn are if we’re reaching the point of needing another thread to continue the support. :man_vampire:

In the meantime, this post’s spooky music is below:

—23 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Some of the lounge threads have been getting locked and automatically having new continuations made by “System”. So I’m a bit worried if it happens here what will happen to the info in the OP.

But that’s not for 4996 post.

Eredar skins have convinced me that are just done will Allied Races. No other way to put it.

Here’s hoping for good news.


Given Blizzard can’t even remember the correct expansion San’layn came from, I think I’m fairly disheartened by the fact that they have no intention of ever actually expanding their story or adding nuance to what I was hoping could actually be looked into.

As for the post limit, I wouldn’t plan on restarting the thread myself. It’s been five years and I’m lacking motivation more than ever. If someone else wants to pick up the baton should it reach that point, by all means. Could always just link this one anyway. :confused:


Looks like the deal went through. Not sure what that means for customization and story, but I hope it’ll bring about more hope then I’ve been feeling lately. I’d love to see both San’layn and felblood elves.

Felbloods now actually seem within reach given Man’ari, though they’re not vampires, they’re still something I find very interesting.


Everyone is going on about this Emerald Dream business and here I am trying to get my Ruby Dream. Maybe someday…

Speaking of sweet dreams, how about some dreamy sweets fit for the season? :jack_o_lantern:

For this post, I have some videos on how to make some neat bat cakes:

Supplemental info and videos for the above cake in that video’s Youtube page under the Description section.

Speaking of, why not supplement some sweet dreams with some relaxing music?

I know what dreams I’ll have, myself! :man_vampire: :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :tiger2: :polar_bear:

—20 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Suppressed they haven’t added them in 10.2 but they would probably need a story note as well.


Hallow’s End has officially started in-game! Huzzah! :jack_o_lantern:

Today I got some videos showing how to make bat pumpkins:

And of course, some spooky music to make bat pumpkins to:

More fun posts to come in the near future! :man_vampire:

—15 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Hey Blizz it’s almost Halloween so give us our Castlevania elves.


Driving people batty can be fun, though I feel like I’m just winging it at times. :bat:

For today’s post, I got some Do-It-Yourself (DIY) videos to share for some neat bat creations if you want some home-made bat decorations!

Bat Template for above video here:

And speaking of driving, here is some relaxing music you can drive or ride your mounts to:

10 days until Halloween! :jack_o_lantern: :man_vampire:

—13 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Halloween doesn’t have to be all horror and spooky things. It can be really adorable, like above. Bats are pretty awesome creatures if given the chance. :bat:

And speaking of sweet things, I got some recipes for vampire and bat cookies of different types for those interested:

And for food rich in taste, have rich music to go with it:

8 days until Halloween! :jack_o_lantern: :man_vampire:

—11 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Nothing like a cute bat to start your day. :bat:

For this post, I thought I’d link to a few San’layn art pieces, all meant to serve as playable Horde San’layn idea inspiration. All of them come from DeviantArt, which is a great source for art pieces in general.

First is Koltira as a Blood Prince, made by nighthair801 and uploaded on Oct. 31st, 2016.

“Koltira (The San’layn)” by nighthair801 on DeviantArt

Next is a San’layn in an armor set of some kind, which is helpful in imagining how San’layn could look in different types of armor. It was created by Elowly and uploaded to the website on Sept. 1st, 2017.

“Darkfallen San’layn Final” by Elowly on DeviantArt

And lastly is a female San’layn of a caster class of some kind. It was created by KityMewNeko and uploaded to the website on Oct. 31st, 2020.

“San’layn Design” by KityMewNeko on DeviantArt

As usual, I’ll be keeping an eye out for San’layn and general vampire related artwork to share for playable Horde San’layn idea inspiration.

And with Halloween getting closer, here is an exciting remix to listen to:

Also, since I’m at three posts in a row, if someone could make a post in here, I would appreciate it. I can’t post more than three times in a row in a thread I didn’t create, so if someone could post, I would greatly appreciate it!

5 days until Halloween! :jack_o_lantern: :man_vampire:

—8 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Since we’re sharing vampire art here, I’ll pop in and share a piece I got for my OC from LOU R. PENA. This isn’t a San’layn, he’s a vampiric elezen from FFXIV, but still a vampire elf so it counts. He could easily fit into WoW with a few tweaks.

(Would love eyebrow shorteners for blood elves myself. Yet another thing that could have been even slightly more exciting than just hair colors they’re touting as something ‘big’.)


Baby fruit bats are just puppies with wings.


I could care less about the highelf model, but magic intertwined with their addictions turning them into vampires would be a welcome narrative direction.



Unfortunately blood elves (and void elves) in my eyes have been turned into generic vanilla elves with no bite at all. I used to be intrigued that they could be ‘beautiful monsters’ of sorts, or close enough to it, through the story in BC.

Now… they’ve become incredibly boring. Aside from the ‘ah I actually had edge once’ of Blood Elves, they’re no different than high elves. I mean, they are high elves. Void elves (which in my opinion should have gone horde, but meh) ironically capture, you know. What drew me to blood elves in the first place.

Though I have no interest in void elves because I really do not like the alliance as a whole. I don’t like the horde either, granted, but it’s still better than the alliance (personal opinion, sorry alliance fans). Granted given the choice, I would pick factionless. I hate the faction war and races being forced to tied to it.

So all of that said - yeah. Having elves with an actual bite that aren’t turned into some basic bichon frisés would be nice. Bonus if it’s vampires, because obviously I love vampires. Which we have the lore for, right there, and it has what could be even more interesting story behind it. Nuance. Similar to the DK stories.

Magic morphing them into more monsterous forms (though I’d like options for BOTH being beautiful and ugly rather than just ugly, please) would be nice. Bat-like ears. noses. Fangs (a variety). Claws, wings, scars, there’s a lot that can be done. Monster bat forms (like the worgen).

Also why felblood elves intrigued me, because they were what imo blood elves could have been and would have actually made me really interested, at least moreso than I am now. I was hoping we’d get felblood stuff with the customization pass as opposed to ‘please be excited about new hair colors that should just be shared across every single race’.

I know most people like the ‘basic elf’ formula, but what blood elves had offered was more unique, aaand now that’s gone. I wish we could have both.

Instead, now… I just… yeah. There’s no cross between ‘beautiful’ and ‘monster’ in this game. Any edge to more nice-looking races is stripped away. Man’ari are the closest things right now to it, but nope to the alliance, and void elves are getting more generic high elf customization than anything actually void related, so. :dracthyr_shrug:


Halloween is getting close! The excitement is in the air! :bat:

For this post, I have a video that goes over the history of vampires, of which there are plenty of videos on the subject on YouTube. A fitting time to post such a subject for a fitting place!

:warning: Viewer discretion is advised for the video below, due to some imagery, scenery, and topics discussed during the video:

And speaking of time, another Castlevania clock tower theme seems fitting:

3 days until Halloween! :jack_o_lantern::man_vampire:

—6 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Just sayin…

Halloween is tomorrow! I figured it would be a good time to celebrate with some general bat fact videos:

And since time is running out before Halloween, how about a song to rush to for last minute Halloween preparations:

1 more day until Halloween! :jack_o_lantern::man_vampire:

—4 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat: