San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Happy Halloween! :jack_o_lantern::man_vampire:

Thought I would link some more spooky music to celebrate the day. The following videos have multiple tracks and should have timestamps in the YouTube pages for them under Description:

And of course, this organ music I’ve linked many times before when I mention the idea of San’layn in the Ghostlands with their leader playing something similar to this on occasions that would echo through the area:

Whatever your plans are for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe Halloween! :vampire: :woman_vampire:

—3 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Hot dang, this post is old. But i agree, would LOVE san’layn customizations. I’d take these over dark ranger elves

In fact a lot of people would. But Blizz will be blizz and add customization options hardly anybody wants, except for the vocal few


I’m starting to think that they aren’t going to shadowdrop our castlevania elves for Halloween :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, it’s your friendly neighborhood elf who won’t shut up about vampires, back again to be either obnoxious or inspirational.

Your choice.

So! We know what’s coming for Allied Races, and I’m not intrigued by the Earthen coming along - however, I know a niche community is, like with mechagnomes, and that’s great for them. Definitely happy for them.

One important thing of note is that Earthen do have lore and have been in the game a long while, so they’re not just pulling a random Allied Race out of nowhere. It does in fact fit the theme of the expansion, and even if lackluster to some, is a race that’s been in the game and makes sense to be playable.

Here’s the thing - it could have been customization, but it wasn’t. What does that mean for us?

It means we can stop meekly asking for scraps and to be ‘just customization with a few quests’. Unfortunately, that was the fate with Dark Rangers and Man’ari.

Man’ari in the very least should have been an allied race, or had more to them, like fel scarring. Honestly, they should have been given WAY more love and care than what they got.

Dark Rangers meanwhile don’t even have the eye color and skin separated which is still ridiculous.

Yet, we’ve seen the dwarves which really don’t deviate much from DID be added as a fully fleshed AR and all. Which is actually a wonderful thing - because now, any of us asking for things like San’layn, or any other ‘race too similar to the original EVEN IF WE SUGGESTED DRASTIC CHANGES BY THE WAY’ has a lot of merit.

I really hope if they’re not going to AR-ify Man’ari, they add more to the customization aspect and even more quests so they’re not left behind.

So, I feel like this thread will return to its original direction. No - I’m not going to post as often as I was before. I’[ll pop in to share ideas based on what’s going on or what I hear about or give thumbs up to ideas here.

But we know from “Midnight” there are ‘scattered elf tribes’ we are reuniting. What’s one of the scattered elf tribes we KNOW have been looking for a home? :thinking:

Could it be…


Also, we’re returning to Northrend after that.

So this all should reinvigorate the idea of San’layn as a FULL allied race in general. I meekly accepted ‘fine, customization with a few quests before’, but clearly?

We can ask for a full AR, we have a bounty of amazing customization ideas and story ideas here. Let’s continue and make ourselves heard folks.

I’d like to do a recap post at some point as a reminder of some good story beats that could be used for San’layn - but one thing I want everyone to think about that’s interested in San’layn is how they very well know the inner workings of the scourge, which are still rampaging in northrend - and would be an amazing ally to counter that when we return to Northrend.

They’d even be great against the Nerubians, having worked with them in some fashion, but there’s no sign of them in this upcoming expansion yet, so my eyes are on the future with ‘Midnight’.

Edit: Okay main thread is emphasizing AR now and that’s all no longer hidden.

Buuuut the highlighted threads on there are outdated, so I guess…we should start brainstorming new highlights, and relevancy, because they’re definitely relevant again but in a different way :sweat_smile:


I’m left wondering if they might do more if it’s going to be an actual class option via the heroic talents. Would be a nice thing to do.

San’layn definitely need to be a thing.
I was also getting vibes that maybe the dragonkin could become a playable option with the way the questlines with them were going, but maybe not, or maybe it’s something planned later on. I mean they’ve teased Broken possibly becoming a thing.

Wildhammer could have had more options as well, but it feels like we are kinda getting those options, just on a new allied race instead. Kinda feel like there could be some crossover there.

I’d really like to see them flesh things out more. There’s a number of things definitely deserving of it, and a lot of races people want to be able to play as.

The inclusion of the nerubians in the upcoming expansion kind of has me thinking it’s too bad the Nightborne aren’t on better terms with the Fal’dorei. Seems like they’d be a great asset when delving into locations they’d happily call home.

Saw another good point…The Last Titan could be another real good opportunity with us going back to Northrend, but before then would be even better.


They definitely should, and they were a shoutout at the con, so who knows.

As for San’layn, yes they do for sure. Now there’s a much higher chance, hopefully we’ll see them show up in story in the future again. The “scattered elf tribes” thing is super fascinating, I feel like there is a high chance of that at least including the San’layn, which would actually be interesting to explore.

I don’t know about dwarves much, so I’m not sure what the fanbase would say to counter that one :sweat_smile:

But yeah. The thing with San’layn is, as we’ve pointed out, there’s so much you can do with them and so much lore that can evolve/be added to. The blood curse, connection to vry’kul, all that sort of thing. The ways one can be turned, how the curse could mutate the bearer, powers gained.

Don’t think people realize how flexible San’layn in particular can be when they just see ‘another elf’. There’s so much elbow room to add.

I mean, even look at the Earthen here and how they’ve changed and have gems all over them. That wasn’t a thing before, it’s additive lore.

Same thing can happen easily with San’layn. They need a chance to grow and be given love from the writing in the story. They at least have interesting story to grow off of unlike certain other elf-related additions people want (and already have…) that I just feel are incredibly boring.


The Q&A thread has opened and I asked a questions on behalf of a few race request megathreads. I’ll post a link to the post and the question I asked for this megathread below:

“Given the mention of tribes of Elves, going back to Northrend, and that they were offered to join the Horde in BfA, will we see more of the San’layn in the future and work with them in the near future?”

Worth a try, even if it will likely not get answered.

I’ve got a lot to say with the expansions announcements, an odd thing to type out there, but as mentioned, it seems like the chances of San’layn as their own race instead of being a Customization Race may have risen. Tribes of elves mentioned? A return to Northrend? Interesting things to say…

Expectations tempered of course, but anyway, I’ll type more when I get a chance. Regardless, I stand by the San’layn as a playable Horde race and will continue to support them to the best of my abilities. :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


So want this. Great thread. Maybe we might see something about this in Midnight, since its elf focused.


This could happen when we go to Northrend again. I don’t really see Midnight having San’layn.

Mostly because San’layn are so far apart and different from regular elves that they can’t really call themselves elves anymore

Fair point, though try telling that to the “no more elf” crowd :stuck_out_tongue:

Felbloods and Vampyr are very distinct, yes, and that’s why I constantly say they have the potential to really be morphed and changed/have additions to them that will make them very distinct.

In this case, though, I do think there is a chance in Midnight since even if they’re twisted/morphed elves, they are still elves. Though the argument that ‘forsaken’ are no longer ‘human’ would kinda apply. They still have that blood elven history.

My mind immediately went to felbloods + San’layn as the scattered tribes, because otherwise are they talking about the random spots with certain vanilla elves everywhere or something?

If Midnight just appeals to them then I’ll be even less intrigued than I am with the upcoming dwarf expansion now, I will admit, but I find high elves to be incredibly boring. There is so much potential to add a variety/look into the stories of elves with (again - personal opinion) far more intrigue.


Midnight and the Last Titan are both great opportunities for San’layn involvement.


“Midnight” is such a cool expansion name, at least in my personal opinion. I dunno, I just really like it.

Also - isn’t it canon (correct me if I’m wrong!) the undead have a resistance or total immunity to void control/corruption, and that’s been a problem for void-centric villains? I feel like something like San’layn will definitely be a major helpful ally to the factions if they get story love again against the void.

They could be similar to void elves & Demon Hunters (and DK, of course, but that is kinda obvious) in that they use their darker magics for the benefit of the innocents/saving the world.


Check the Death Knight section.

It seems there is a Hero Spec called San’layn for Death Knights.

Not sure what this will mean for the race.


I want San’layn to be a race but this seems to nail the coffin shut, so to speak, unless they add customizations to races later on.

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It’s just a name. Infact based on feedback they are willing to even change the name.


Sure maybe, but san’layn does sound like a sweet blood or unholy hero spec.

I don’t think san’layn is def not going to happen now. Oh well, it is what it is.

Ehh. I don’t really see it meaning much. Shadow Priests have a talent called “San’layn” as well, and these Hero Talents aren’t set in stone. Even then, Dark Rangers are up there and they’re playable as a Customization Race, so I doubt if any other race has a title in something, it would mean much on their chances of being playable. Also funny how San’layn is a potential Hero Talent for DK’s when the Darkfallen skin can’t even be used for that class still to my knowledge.

Besides, it was mentioned that these systems wouldn’t be evergreen forever, so things can get revamped. Even then, I really don’t see this at barring San’layn from ever being playable just because it is the name of a talent and potential Hero Talent.

It’s far too early to just give up in despair. Especially when there are “elf tribes” and a revisit to Northrend to go to in the future. I still think it’s important to keep giving feedback and support on playable Horde San’layn as a result, since the expansions are of interest to them.

While I still suggest tempered expectations for the future, I still see a chance, and I’m not giving up any time soon. :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


That is a very good point.


Thst there won’t be one.