San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


bless us blizzard buddies. if not a idependent allied race more customization options.


Algarian Earthen?

Yeah, the ones mentioned in the Observational report, earthen that behave as dwarves and founded a place called Khaz Algar, looks like there will be more involving them before too long. Maybe in the next expansion, but possibly as a lead-in to it.

Another elf race for the Horde? No thanks!

We already have Blood elves for the Horde and now Void elves for the Alliance. I’m pretty sure when I say that we don’t need more of these types of elves.

And would the Venthyr be a better choice for a vampire race for the Horde? Sure they don’t drink blood, but draining anima (or sins) from their enemies is a good 2nd choice.

With the upcoming fun hair colors for Blood Elves and although I would prefer San’layn as a separate Core Race/Allied Race for the Horde it would be the perfect time to at least add a bunch of San’layn customizations for Blood Elves. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Not to mention it would be a great way to flesh out and add more differentiation between Blood Elves and Void Elves and I’m all for that because the more difference between them the better in my book. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:

Plus I can never and will never ever get enough of the cuteness of bats. :bat: :bat: :bat:


If you are going that route you might as well go Nathrezim.

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Did you know San’layn like soup? Well, blood soup of course, but still! Maybe they can teach the Tuskarr how to make it.

Anyway, got some more recipe goodies to share for Halloween stuff! Starting off is some bat truffles, which there are many ways to make them:

And this is a brownie bat treat:

Recipe for that one is in the video’s Youtube page under the Description section.

And finally, since we do have a broom mount finally, I came across this neat video showing how to make a witch’s broom treat with string cheese, pretzels, and a strand of celery:

And if you’re interested in trying these recipes out, heres some relaxing music to cook to:

Timestamps to all the tracks are in the video’s Youtube page under the Description section. :man_vampire:

—26 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Baby fruit bats are the cutest!


Hard no to venthyr being the vampire race. I hate their lore and everything about the expansion they came from. But people already know my attitude toward them. Hopefully we’ll leave Shadowlands in Shadowlands. I personally can’t stand that expansion and it’s what got me to quit roleplaying in WoW for good.

San’layn would make a good allied race, ‘no more elf’ people or not. That said, it’d be fine as customization too if there was effort put into it at least, but we all know there’s not much effort put in on Blizzard’s end with that, as demonstrated recently. We’d get some more lore for them, at least, but it’s be paper thin and not fleshed out, which would be a shame.

This uptick in interest in vampires may be my bias seeing things, but I’ve noticed the vampire season for Diablo IV (even though the armor this upcoming season is not to my taste and very lackluster.) and the new season of Castlevania.


Anything better than having more of the same elves! :roll_eyes:

I think you’d be better off leaving this discussion if you’re not going to bring anything constructive


Speaking of discussion, I finally got onto Balder’s Gate 3 to snag a few pictures of eye colors ideas.

At least so that we have a visual finally of what we’re talking about. Yes, we have that in the first post, but doesn’t hurt to see another game with it.

Possible eye colors we'd like to see?

Naturally I like the jet-black eyes, but I also love the idea of being able to use a black sclera. That said, I couldn’t capture a pure red eye like we’d see on many vampyr elves if they were to implement them in Balder’s Gate 3, but this is more to think outside of the box at possibilities. I know we won’t capture this with WoW of all things, too, but still. It’s fun to poke at what eye colors would be neat.

Primarily I want to think about jet black eyes though, as that would be neat. Obviously Night Warrior has that already, but implementing it for vampyr elves would also be excellent. Not like a ton of races aren’t sharing customization at this point anyway.


I made my dark elf with those kind of eyes. Would love to see that option


Same for me and my tiefling. I love how much customization is in that game, lol. This is Vice.

I’d love to see something like that in WoW. As I said, doesn’t have to be perfect. But it’d be cool as hells to see more variety and ‘eerie’ eyes for all races (especially things like San’layn if they’re added, though, and LETTING DEATH KNIGHTS USE THEM TOO.)

(Also more customizable makeup. For men too. Please. x.x)


please for the love of god blizzard MAKE this happen


Who’s gonna be the 15,000th post by the way?


Hard to tell sometimes things go so fast.

San’layn for the Horde!


Awww, it’s such a small GIF but I love Selena so I am still using it to reinforce my support of yes for San’layn for the Horde. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Looks like I’m the 15,000th.

San’layn for the Horde :slight_smile:

(Art credit to Galdersart!)

Picture in case a past post gets deleted and changes the numbers


San’layn could have been a thing for BfA and Shadowlands, we miss two perfect opportunities to get them as playable race. I hope we could get them later or at least customizations for Blood Elf in a near future.