San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I put together a small collection of transmogs for each armor type that might fit the Darkfallen look. By no means am I saying there aren’t better looking outfits, I just grabbed a few of the saved outfits from my Darkfallen characters. I tried to stick with relatively easy to acquire outfits, and class agnostic within the armor type, but there are some exceptions. Some of these outfits are Horde only (my Darkfallen themed characters are all Horde).


This is my San’Layn/Darkfallen appearance. When you go Venthyr, they throw the mogsat you. Additionally, I’ve been collecting mogs ever since that Tmog system was implemented.


I have to say that even the females with the covered face look good as San’layn. The female Rogue (?) that’s 3rd row down and 3rd in from the left in the black and red armor looks similar to the male San’layn we see. Going to look into masking a red eyed elf and see how it turns out.


SLs still has it beat for Alliance bias imo


Him saying they had to stop Jaina cause she was too far gone and had killed too many???

Them replacing the Quillboar attacking that one town with Horde at the last minute which led to the hilarious instance of them being hostile to Horde players as well for awhile XD


Despite everything else going on around it I rather liked the “Is he the bomb this time?” scene

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Garrosh: “[expletive] you, [expletive] you, [expletive] you, you’re cool, [expletive] you, and [expletive] you in particular.”

Scene was cool, still hate Garrosh, but still.

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Blizzard entertainment should be sue’d for sucking so much hehehheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheeheheheheheheheehehehehahahahahahhophohohohohohohoohoh

Oho! I like this. Very nice!


A new Castlevania anime announcement occurred today:

Happy to see Castlevania in general continue to get some love. Goes to show how popular vampires can be.

Hopefully, we’ll see Horde San’layn get some love someday. :wine_glass::bat:


I still haven’t seen the other Castlevania series, lol. Guess I’ll have to start watching it especially if it has any of the characters from the games. Prefer the first couple of games and the one with Alucard, Symphany of the Night (?).

On to a San’layn question. Do the San’layn have blue eyes in ICC? I was doing my umpteenth run through that wretched place for Invincible and decided to see if they had red eyes and they don’t. I thought they all had red eyes but I guess I was wrong. I wonder, if they do happen to add them to the ICC San’layn could that be a hint at a possible playable? Probably not. :frowning:

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Morbin’ time not as poplar.

Most of them seem to have yellow eyes, they’ve also been seen with the dk blue eyes and red eyes.


Yea you see the san’layn with both options. I recommend you do the Legion quests Warsnarl for dks. You see a bunch of them doing the frost dk stuff.

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The weird frenemy status is especially odd considering how Blood DKs are kind of implied to be vampires by their toolkit. This could be simply a “rule of cool” thing for the spell names and effects, but nothing really explains why everyone in the game is cool with a Blood Deathlord saving teh world with their demonic vampire axe back in Legion, but San’layn are sus at best.


I reckon this would be without a doubt the most popular AR.


Void elf, Vulpera, and Zanda stand aside we got vampires.

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Yea, the ones I saw had blue but they looked more HE blue and not DK but I wasn’t really trying to notice anything but the color. I thought it weird since I equate blue eyes to HE’s, which probably isn’t entirely accurate, but I don’t think of BE’s or San’layn as having blue eyes personally.

The class quests? I think I did do that but I don’t remember San’layn unless you’re talking about when we go back there. I wasn’t really looking around that time and I haven’t played my DK in a long time. I do have a Zandi DK I never did level so I could always level him and keep my eyes open.


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All things considered, my void elf Darkfallen isn’t sticking around most likely.

I’ve done a dungeon or two on him, and it just doesn’t “feel” right. I don’t know if it’s him being on the wrong faction or something missing in my heart, but I think I’ll save that space for a Drac’thyr.

…Or a goblin warrior. My heart is an idiot and wants more warriors.

Horde is where it is at.

I am so sorry to hear about your taste.