San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

What would be your best guess for a preorder date?

I’m thinking maybe as early as this summer or whenever it is they are starting the new season, but I never really kept up on when preorders started so I’m probably way off.

O.K., this explains why when I looked up Darkfallen after the Dark Ranger customization was released I saw both Dark rangers and San’layn. I would’ve swore I saw them both separated and not both grouped as Darkfallen.

I’m not wild about them now being part of the Darkfallen but maybe this means there is more of a chance for them now. Just hoping the Alliance doesn’t get them or I’ll probably quit. Not because I have anything against the Alliance but because I believe that werewolves and vampires should be on separate factions.

And also because I think Blizz either needs to give both factions one or the other or both factions get access to both werewolves and vampires. Neither faction should have access to both and the other faction has one or none. This I won’t accept.

Your guess is as good as mine. I do think the earliest we could see a preorder announcement is July because of quarterly revenue reports companies have every three months, though that doesn’t seem guaranteed at all.

Aside from that, there is the need to have a more concrete date range for Dragonflight’s release date. There is also the question of when WotLK Classic will come out and if Blizzard would announce preorders for Dragonflight with it or after it. Hard to know what to expect, really.

Honestly, the sooner the better. I really want to put that rumor of a new race or races to bed. I am excited to preorder Dragonflight in general, of course. Especially being able to eventually make my Dracthyr characters, likely in a prepatch before Dragonflight releases I’d assume. :wine_glass::bat:


Same. I would probably preorder right away if it was an AR/core race but other than that I’m not sure I would Tbh. Nothing else makes me want to preorder unless maybe we got a new class like Necromancer or Tinkerer but I really don’t see them adding any but I hope I’m wrong.


I decided I wanted to go void elf for my new San’layn just because of the boss for the blood elf quest. But now I kind of want to ditch my original void elf to avoid more roster bloat… And because their concepts of angry himbos keeping everything in line through tea and ineffectual mantras overlap a lot.

…Buuuuuut after the mess where you couldn’t get your Dark Iron quest at all if you didn’t have your original Dark Iron who hit 50 first, I’m really jumpy about actually deleting a toon.

I believe they fixed that bug.

I am just not entirely sure I trust Blizzard not to make the same exact mistake ONE MORE TIME.

For funsies.

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you need not worry about that dwarf, for you are not an elf.

Blanket Blagondork. should be avile to all.

This is an old video from 2018 that I ran across while looking for San’layn Druids but I’m not sure if it was ever shared here. I apologize if it has been.

I did not know the Horde actually mentioned San’layn in BFA. There is a conversation between Talanji and Rohkan about them.

Talanji says:
“I do not trust dis Dreven, Rohkan. It is not wise to involve the San’layn, of all things, in dis conflict.”

Rohkan says:
“Sylvanas wants ta give 'em a chance. Dey got no home left. If dey can work with us, den dey got a home with da Horde. If not, dey be gone.”

It comes off as if Talanji knows the San’layn though I wonder from where if they are WotLK characters. I know she has Blood Trolls in Nazmir but I don’t remember any San’layn showing up. Is it talked about out of game or something? Maybe in a book/novel I haven’t read? Or is it just that she was in the meeting with them and Sylvanas?


In BfA, San’layn didn’t show up at all aside from the Alliance war campaign. You don’t even hear about them at all as a Horde character. And San’layn only show up in BfA in that one Alliance questline, and nothing comes from it afterwards.

It’s a shame, since it was a potential carrot dangling before us, only to have it just taken away. It would’ve been a good time to have San’layn as an allied race, especially when dealing with the Blood Troll situation. It’s one of several big missed opportunities of BfA.

We don’t hear/see anything about San’layn until we see the one San’layn in the Blood Elf heritage quest in 9.2.5. Who knows if they’ll just villain bat San’layn in general or if we’ll eventually see some that end up joining the Horde?

And I assume most people are dubious to San’layn because of events in WotLK. Not sure why they are specifically dubious to them as opposed to the countless undead that regained their senses (Forsaken, Death Knights, etc). Not helping things are the San’layn we see, who should also be free and regained their senses, are mustache-twriling generic evil doods who are evil for the sake of being evil doing evil things. A shame, as getting to show Talanji and the Horde that they aren’t all bad would’ve been pretty neat for an allied race unlock questline.

It has been frustrating to think about in general of what could have been. I still have some hope of seeing San’layn joining the Horde still, but it gets a bit harder to do so as time goes on. At this point, it seems like all we can hope for is a cut scene of them joining, more customization options for Blood Elves, and some presence in-game and being on the Desolate Council.

We’ll see what happens if it happens, I guess. Still hope for them being their own race, of course. :wine_glass::bat:


That’s from the Alliance side war campaign and we never hear anything about them Horde side.

The only place you see them is during the at sea quest where you recover Derek’s body and only if you swim across after the battle up top to see what’s on the other boat.


In the video I just posted it has Talanji and Rohkan talking about San’layn. I can’t see Alliance characters being privy to that. It must’ve happened in some quest I didn’t pay attention to on Horde side so they actually were mentioned at least.

Nvm, comment above says it’s from Alliance side. :frowning:

EDIT: And comment below, lol. Double whammy. :frowning:

Triple whammy. :frowning: I’m in bad shape now ugh. :stuck_out_tongue:


No it’s an Alliance Quest. The Alliance Player is in stealth listening to it.


That discussion only happens during the Alliance questline. You sneak in and spy on the Horde outpost in the area to hear that discussion. The Horde war campaign doesn’t have any mention of San’layn at all anywhere, and Horde players never see any of it or hear anything about San’layn possibly joining at any point during BfA. Not even a brief flavor text mentioned by NPC’s.

It’s also quickly dropped afterwards on the Alliance side. You’d think the Horde would hear about San’layn potentially joining the Horde, but nothing comes of it sadly. It seems like they were put in to be a monster-of-the-week for the Alliance to beat up and fist pump in some manner of feeling good or epic.

It’s really disappointing in general, as a lot more could’ve been done with them. Especially if they became an allied race. A real shame, sadly… :wine_glass::bat:


BFA was nothing but Alliance Bias if you ask me.


BFA was, overarching storywise, a slow motion train wreck with plot twists broadcast from a mile away in neon that we were somehow supposed to be surprised by.

It suffered from massive amounts of telling but not showing. The plot lurched along only by slamming both factions into the ground with the idiot bat. The invisible hand of authorial intent was not only visible, it was making rude gestures at us. Plot contrivances were so common that it was almost surprising when something happened without a SURPRISE ELEVENTH HOUR TWIST or a melodramatic “But for that…” Character motivations were either poorly explained or nonexistent. Dumb lines like Rexxar yelling about throwing Kul’tirans off Horde land in the middle of FLIPPING KUL TIRAS abounded. The zone stories were mostly passable, but unfortunately the overarching story was waiting out there. Nothing was explained. No repercussions were ever discussed. The most in depth on emotional fallout anyone who wasn’t a spotlight character was a damned easter egg…

…but of course, I have no strong opinions on BFA’s story.

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Anyway. A boy.

Faction subject to change. He’s very polite and civil and perfectly safe.

As long as he has a lot of tea and there’s no loud noises.

Sometimes I think it’s clear blizzard does not real the forums. Nor do they have anyone reading the forums and relaying information.

Of course they don’t actually read the forums, if they did, it would require them to own up to their screw ups.

How does an Elf with a spirit not a soul become a vampire? (D&D Rules…)