San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I also would’ve been cool with them using the regular undead voices. Better than the blood elf ones anyways.

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Its weird because in the PTR for 8.2 or w/e the patch was that had us return to darkshore and get those dark eyes there was a bug that enabled undead skin tones and eyes for night elves. It had SEVERAL undead skin tones not just one. And the red eyes were disconnected from the skin tones. A ptr bug is better than what we got on live years later.


Kinda feels like the least effort necessary.
Don’t go through and flesh things out and cover all the bases and put out something for the players that is

A darkfallen allied race covering both San’layn and dark rangers would have been a pretty cool way to go. Give them voice lines and such.

Not just the wildhammer treatment which was poorly done.

It’s something, but from a company like this, we deserve more.


This exactly what I’m going to do. I would have liked tear burns, scars, damaged/batlike/missing ears, gothic hairstyles, gothic jewelry, multiple undead skintones, eyes separated from the skin, blind eye options, and a new hair color.

I also think Wildhammer Dwarves should get more customization to flesh out the fantasy., not to mention other “subrace” categories.


I find this pretty unlikely due to the whole doing the bare minimum thing…

but I was reading through a thread complaining about alliance having two races with dark ranger options and horde only having one. I do think the VE addition is odd…I’d have much rather seen the orangish N’zoth style eyes instead…but what if the reason it’s 2 to 1 is because the allied race thing is still something coming for the preorder?

Could San’layn still be on the table and they will have the same dark ranger options available to them as well as other San’layn options? There’s a number of other eye colors they’ve been depicted with. They don’t always have the deathly pale skin color either.

Would be a neat addition and might help explain why so little effort was put in, because it’s being put in elsewhere.
Although a voice pack or something could have been added for the dark rangers.

I’d really like to see voice packs be a standard often added customization option. Lots of places they’d work quite well.


MrGM did a tour of the new Undercity area you can explore along with a look at new Brill:

While not a whole lot of excitement, I again felt it was a good thing to link in order to reference anything for future examination.

I’m curious if we may see Undercity eventually open up again. If we ever saw playable Horde San’layn, they would fit very well in the area I’d say, though I still feel like Deatholme would also be a good racial hub for them if they became their own race.

Will be interesting to see what happens in the future with Undercity. :wine_glass::bat:


A few more thoughts.

In the questline we’ve got Sindayne making a point that it doesn’t matter who an undead is created, they’re undead. Calia also says she’ll help forsaken find their place no matter how they are created.

This feels like foreshadowing to a new method to create forsaken, maybe even by a variety of means. Currently, there’s pretty much not going to be any new Forsaken. The Val’kyr are gone. So new methods need to be found or the race will die out.

I also saw someone say they’d like to see Forsaken paladins and druids…I fully agree on Paladins, I feel we should have a variety of cosmic power sources to choose from as customization.

For Forsaken Druids, which could easily be made to work with San’layn druids as well, what would make for a great theme for undead druids is Decay.
This would still be a theme tied to Life as you don’t get decay without life.
In environments where life can’t flourish, you don’t get decay. Cold/Arid/Vacuum/Salt…all means of halting decay by making the environment inhospitable.


Question; Do you think the remaining undead options request should be compiled under the San’layn request or should we push for more Dark Ranger things as dark rangers?

I figured I should ask you as you’re the author of the Dark Ranger thread.

Yeah, they all could use some more. Especially in the lore departments. Wich this Dark Rangers for Void Elves thing has me worried about.

I would hope we get all the races compiled, but I would be okay with more customizable racials and options to flesh it out better.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice that they gave the options for Dark Rangers after almost 2 decades.

But adding it to Void Elves, rather than the stuff they where requesting, with no explanation adds a bitter taste to my mouth. And not letting Nightborne in on an “Elf” customization makes it even more bitter.

It makes me worry about future request a bit.

Good or bad, it seems we are going the Wildhammer/Sand Troll/High Elf route and sometimes Night Warrior/Dark Ranger route.

Though I still think we should still push for allied races.


I get adding easy to do things like the dark ranger options, but I also feel like you could put in the effort to put out a really excellent product instead of just doing the bare minimum.


Ehile this is true at least we got something.

I dont really mind the voice stuff because I mute voices sometimes when I play over my music.

I have seen some amazing characters with just the one skin tone. I would greatly appreciate if they kept adding adding darkfallen and san’layn stuff. And added voice customization later on for other mixed in races pike wildhammer, farraki, dark troll, and any new race/tribes they add like I personally would love to see grimtotem warpaints and voicelines for taurens one day, especially since they are getting mages and rogues.

Also hope they do a bloodmagic class skin for a few classes. Or at least some glyphs.

Many bolt spells could easily be changed to have a blood bolt feel for example.

Just for fun, I put together some Darkfallen looks for all the classes Blood Elves can be while using the Darkfallen customization. That leaves Death Knights and Demon Hunters omitted for the time being, but who knows what the future may bring!


I should be very happy but at this point I’m not. At all. I logged in maybe once to apply the stuff to my alts and haven’t since.

Came to the realization today that I’ve been hopeful and cheering when they’ve put bare minimum effort in actually listening to the community. Seems like everything we suggest falls on deaf ears. When they finally add something, it’s a literal case of ‘corrupt a wish’. Eyes are stuck to skins. The Alliance, who historically has hated undead, gets more of the undead options for their races than the Horde. Death Knights, the undead class, cannot use this customization.

I feel like they just added it in to get us to shut up, won’t expand, and won’t do anything. Yeah, I made the ‘foothold’ comment but until I actually see acknowledgement and them listening for once, rather than putting in the barest of effort, I’m done.

I didn’t realize just how disappointed I was until today. Some folks are happy, which is great. But at this point, I think it’s time for me to move on and stick with another game. I’ll try out Dragonflight for the customizable dragon. Return to RP and story making though? No. There is nothing to be excited about or bother returning to.

Like, it’s shown with the Dracthyr, honestly. Tons of customization requests and work go into this ridiculous race AND class locked thing when they could have put effort into fulfilling requests for races people have played for years. It’s a gimmick and honestly I’m so tired of it.


Yea I’m really happy this got added for myself. I love it. But the reality is that it’s undeniably incredibly lazy make no mistake, it’s literally just one eye color and skin tone. no additional skin tones that work with it. just one pale skin tone and red eye color that can’t even be separated. Everyone should expect more, it’s 2022 but blizzard is still somehow stuck in the early 2010s when it comes to game character customization.


You’d probably appreciate even the minimal effort more if you could actually use the options on Fallyn. >_<

Keep making suggestions using the in game tool to request the eyes and skin tone be decoupled and also made useable by Death Knights and Demon Hunters.

And hey, maybe Dragonflight will surprise us all and slip in a bit of extra customization with pre-patch. Until then I hope you find joy in whatever you end up focusing on. :frowning:


Kinda wondering the fate of the san layn now.

I am sorta mad they added it to void elves and not give like horde a night elf undead option.

But I am literally playing with alliance in mythic plus right now that use this option and it feels cool.

I also have more void elves that can use the customization then blood elves that can. Blood elf turned to nightborne a while back xD.

So far it’s Blood elf rogue, blood elf dk, blood elf demonhunter. Only my rogue can use this customization. My blood elf paladin turned into Zandalari an expansion go.

On Alliance I have a void elf monk, void elf shadow priest (formerly a blood elf but transferred a while back), void elf rogue (swapped from dwarf when void elves launched) but planning to make into lightforged or normal dranei.

My Void elves currently have cooler looking hair styles for the customization and dark colors. But like literally I can group up with horde so it sort of feels like it doesn’t matter.

I just wish they could use the horde transmogs at this point, the alliance mogs is sort of worse unless you are going for a good theme, or lawful justice sort of look. Horde weapon mogs > alliance weapon mogs.

I would 100% make them horde if possible mostly for the transmogs.

But it is nice grouping in mythic dungeons and seeing the darkfallen night elves and even void elves with my horde toons.

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Made my mage look like San’layn with these looks. I didn’t go Dark Ranger with my Hunter though.


I don’t want to be cynical, but I think the ‘surprise’ element was used by Blizzard intentionally. If they had put this on the PTR months ahead of time, they would’ve been unable to say they didn’t get feedback about how limited/barebones this customization is.

Now, 9.2.5 is out and they’re full steam ahead on Dragonflight, so any chance of feedback on customization being acted on is exactly 0.

Even THE big Dark Ranger fans on twitter - you all likely know the ones - who are overjoyed by this, have made comments about how much is missing from the customization.

It’s crazy how Blizzard knows Dark Rangers were a fan favorite and long requested customization, and instead of implementing them with the effort and love they deserve, they genuinely did the bare minimum.

It does not bode well for any other request players have.


Not to mention our dwarf druids!


This is my rogue (Terranox). Love the new looks. I hope blizz will keep adding to the dark ranger and san’layn fantasies.

The customizations.
Voice packs.
A heritage armor for both darkfallen and San’layn
Decouple eyes for more skin tone variety and possibly let us use dk skin tones/voices
Like the blood elves and dark iron dwarves, additional heritage armor quest lines would be cool.

Glyphs that turn class spells into blood themed would be cool, if not the class skins idea would greatly enhance the fantasies.

For example a glyph to turn frost bolt, into blood bolt with ice. Lightning bolt (if they get shamans in the future) into a blood bolt with lightning. Frost orb to be blood orb.

For melee glyphs like bloodier effects, and like a vampric frenzy state would be nice for some cooldowns. Like warriors have this glyph to turn fiery when they are enraged. Could get like a menacing bloody aura.