San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Well if we can at least get Blizzard to decouple the eyes from the skin, add additional Darkfallen skin tones, and let Death Knights use all of the above, that would be something to smile about in my book. Letting Blood Elves have some (if not all) of the Void Elf hairstyles would be nice too since several of them work well with the theme.


I would say it’s a bit disappointing yeah, but at the same time, expected. I lowered my expectations a while ago. Best we can hope for is that, somehow, we get to keep Venthyr abilities, or have them turned into a toy, of sorts. Those would be awesome for a perma-San’layn use.

One benefit though is that (I know I keep saying this) we now actually have a foothold, when we had 0 argument before, ever, because we simply could not play any variant of undead elf. Now, however, we can at least suggest and argue for expansion of this customization.

After all the obvious things (unpairing skins and eyes, letting DKs use it, giving it to nightborne), I think claw and fang options would be the next awesome step. Neither of those things seem incredibly complicated to ask for.

As for vampyr lore, I really hope they expand it. I imagine they might in Northrend–as it was emphasized twice that something is going on there. Perhaps in the prepatch. Really hoping the lore is solid for these folks, it’s the lore I really fell in love with in the first place.


I still feel like San’layn specifically still would have a chance as their own playable race.

Having a general vampire theme with vampiric racials would really make them stand out. Things like a bat form, vampiric features, voice lines, and vampiric customization would be in a big amount to warrant them as their own race. Not to mention all the storyline possibilities they’d have more of a bigger impact as their own race.

Sure, they could work as a customization race and still have a presence, but I feel like it’d be very downplayed. Not to mention no real vampiric features like bat forms and vampire themes. Not to mention that they’d likely be treated like their parent race is cosplaying and LARPing as them, if anything like how Dark Rangers don’t even have a voice filter and have a cheerful personality as opposed to someone who has had to suffer being undead after being a slave to Arthas for a long time.

It remains to be seen what direction Blizzard will go with San’layn, assuming they go anywhere with them. As someone who likes the race and wants them playable, I just want what would be best for them to flourish. As a customization race, it all just seems a bit flat and disappointing to me to see how they get treated.

We’ll see what happens when/if it happens, I guess. I just hope for the best with whatever happens for San’layn. I wish customization races were treated better, but unless we see an expanded sub race system, I feel like it won’t get much better unfortunately.

Still hope for playable Horde San’layn, of course. Preferably as their own race. :wine_glass::bat:


Would be cool if we got more ways to change ability colors too. Like a glyph of blood to make ALL your Death Knight abilities red, maybe even have entirely different visuals (like say using Venthyr style or Blood Troll style vfx). A wide enough variety of visual options can allow for a fair number of themes to be portrayed.


Right, I think this would really satisfy a ton of people, to be honest. Plus, maybe a dusty grey for druid spells – that would explain the undead ‘decay’ druids and probably put more people at ease.


I’m still on the San’layn train, though I’ve been a quiet supporter. In the meantime, I just have to make-do with one of my alts being Darkfallen for now.


Fully agree
To the detriment of basically everyone
It sucks

I’m still hoping for an actual san’layn allied race, I’d switch to horde for that (though it could very well end up as an alliance one seeing how blizzard lore is).

As it is, this is just a skin. I’m wearing it on this character (I am using it on my blood elf paladin too just cause its new and neat), but it still shows as void elf in-game or blood elf paladin on my other character and it doesn’t change my race. Like if I chose “high elf” cosmetics, it still be a void elf. Having the darkfallen skin as just cosmetics is kinda disappointing to me, as its not a race at all or even a class (a dark ranger subclass to hunter like leaks seemed to imply been just as good as a race to me personally as far as darkfallen stuff goes, granted that still isn’t san’layn stuff as far as I’m aware).

But if someone puts darkfallen cosmetics on, it doesn’t change from being a blood elf, or night elf or void elf. Its just to RP as that, but gameplay, what it shows for tooltips in-game and anything that kinda matters more than RP, its just a skin, not an actual race :frowning:

It makes the chances of san’layn less which is disappointing. Though san’layn and darkfallen aren’t the same, right? Other posts seems the lore is muddy about it. Still hoping they make san’layn an allied race and that be an amazing pre-order bonus, I’d switch so fast like I said. Be an easy expansion buy at that point lol


also why aren’t the eyes for DK :frowning: that be the perfect class for this skin and make a bit of sense I guess gameplay wise anyway, especially with the blood spec

Last time I tried, you can have DK night elf warrior eyes (the black ones)


Yeah, they’re different for sure! For one thing, the vampyr curse is a mutagen, I’ll share some key examples here:

We can see from this fellow that his ears became more bat-like. We’ve never seen their mouths, but they do wear fang masks, so supposedly they have fangs (and they SHOULD. I am of firm opinion there.) Also, look at those claws! Super neat.

Then, with Lana’thel:

She has those ears too, though the most obvious change there is the wings. Technically… we have an argument for wings on a San’layn allied race now given Dracthyr.

I imagine if we did get them, based on how they handled Dark Rangers, they would be neutral. Especially since they are walking away from the faction war, seemingly, which was a long time coming.

The vampyr do drink and crave blood, as confirmed by their lines in game as well. As far as I’m aware, banshee are not vampiric and do not drink blood! Their origins are also very different.

Also, the thing is, the vampyr curse really hasn’t been explored as much as it could be. Just how far does this mutagen even go? We don’t know. There could be many variants or things that could twist a character more bat-like. It’s been proposed they could have a bat-monster form, something I love the idea of. Sort of like how worgen would work. Sadly, it’s never been shown in lore to be a thing.


thanks :slight_smile: I did scan through the first post (will have to read it more in the morning), some of the artwork and what not is really neat. They look amazing. That is actually good to know though san’layn is pretty much rather different than darkfallen.

Also sidenote…THEY BROKE THE NIGHT ELF WARRIOR EYES ON DK!!! :frowning: I just went to make one to see if it was still possible and they just have boring DK eyes :frowning:


Wait they did? That’s… not cool, wow. They should be doing the exact opposite >< Argh, that’s so frustrating. I hope there’s complaints up.

San’layn were the original Darkfallen, believe it or not! It’s only recently that Dark Rangers also were considered Darkfallen. The San’layn, or vampyr/vampire elves (who knows at this point) are now considered a variant, though.


actually I think they are just broken. I can’t get the black eyes with any of the classes for night elf, at least for me the night warrior skin shows up but the eyes stay yellow


Oh okay, phew. I mean, that’s not good, lol, but it means it’ll be fixed for all (most likely… it better be.)


yeah, I posted it in its own thread

Since thats kinda its own topic, not really san’layn. But figured I’d pass it along here if that is ok. I actually really really like the night elf warrior eyes :frowning: especially when they were working on DK, it was amazing looking.

But outside of that…

the darkfallen skins are still cool. It does give an undead elf vibe, even if it is just cosmetics. Even as posting on a void elf that is using the skin (though dont think shows on forums yet), I was surprised they handed them out to void elves tbh. I mean I didn’t mind the high elf cosmetics personally, the darkfallen stuff is a bit much honestly. Even night elves feel a little weird to have it, but I guess it shows in-game somewhere they were being raised, I forgot if I saw that or not.


Yeah, people are upset and understandably so that void elves keep getting everything while still also being able to have those void cosmetics blood elves can’t. I’m not as upset, though understand it and want more for Blood Elves that is unique too.

My primary issue though is that Nightborne didn’t get it too. The Alliance got 2 elves with it, Horde got 1. Even if they just said “Oh we’re working on it for nightborne too” it would be alright. So far… radio silence on a number of topics. As usual. sigh.

But yeah, I’m hoping they fix that, unpair skins, and let DKs use it.


Just did that part of the quest. Pretty interesting.
Shame we don’t have playable necromancers yet, but seems like that would make them ripe for the whole class skin idea of having necromancers using various sources of magic to empower their spells. Also would make necromancer something that could easily be available to any race by use of such.

Would be neat to see them build on that.

Would be fine with me :stuck_out_tongue:

I get that, but I’d be pretty happy if they just opened it all up and had a whole selection of paladins powered by various magic forces. Light just being one, but if someone wanted a shadow or void or death paladin or pretty much anything else…

Elune and Shadow/Void paladins should already be a thing with the way the lore exists.

If they’re saying a necromancer could use magic source they are able to animate unliving flesh, then why couldn’t a paladin do the same in protecting the weak etc?

It’d just be another great level of customization.

San’layn paladins wielding blood or death magic spells…sounds good to me :smiley:


I’m really sad to say it but I ended up changing my look back to how it was before due to the red eyes being locked to the super pale skintone and not being able to use them on the other darker skintones like the one that I’m using so like I said earlier today I really hope they will take the feedback to unlock the red eyes and to allow us to use them on all of our skintones because until then I’m super heartbroken but back to the light side of things. :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


Yea I would like some of my blood elves/void elves to also maintain there dark skin as well. I really hope blizzard fixes that.


I was just thinking, Blizz is in kind of an awkward place right now with regards to how races are setup. Not even just elves, but stuff like Zandalari being a race, while Sandfury are an option for… Darkspear? Moving forward, there’s probably a bazillionty things they could and should add, but picking what’s a race (allied or otherwise) versus just a customization will be rather arbitrary.

Honestly, at some point, they might just need to revamp how character creation works.

Imagine if instead of the start screen cluttered with icons for 4 different elves/humans or 2 each of Orc/Draenei/Troll/etc, it had the"top level" options, with a branching UI to drill down to specifics.

One might pick Human, then get an option for being from SW, Gilneas, KT, or Lordaeron. Next option, where applicable, could be to select a “curse” to decide if you’re Forsaken or Worgen or not. This way one could, say, have a British accent and a top hat without having fleas. Or a living Alliance person from Lordaeron. And all without blowing up the main menu with more icons.

Elves could likewise pick home city/affiliation to choose the base flavor, then Nightfallen as a curse option. This could also open up stuff like Night Elf Worgen.

Not to mention oddball things which otherwise wouldn’t be seen as numerous enough to be a race. Think stone Dwarves or former Man’ari Eredar.

Racials could then be redesigned so one might get a core racial from the “home” level, and a couple of specifics from their “curse” (or lack thereof). EG, Belf-based Darkfallen might get Arcane Torrent and a couple of vampyr abilities.