San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s been pretty good. They did mess up on a few things though.

  1. Primary issue - locked eyes to skin, should not be.
  2. Death Knights can’t use it.
  3. Nightborne can’t use it but Void Elves can.

It’s a solid step though in general for customization for Darkfallen, so I see it as a win. Hopefully they fix those initial issues, and then I’m of the opinion that we now have a foothold and can ask for an expansion of the customization in general.


My initial thought was that it would be received the same way that the Wildhammer fans received the additional customization options on Bronzebeards: it’s better than nothing, but still a kick in the pants to anyone that wanted to see something a bit more fleshed out.


That’s fair >< Dark rangers aren’t San’layn or vampyr, so I feel like we have a solid case to ask for expansion like claws & fangs. Though hopefully with class/race combos opening more, Wildhammers will get their druids.


I mean, a win is a win. Far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth (too closely).


Well when you give a vampire mouse a bloody cookie.

< Snicker >

Seriously though. I full on support further expansion of Vampy customization options. The skin/eyes is a great start, and I am super glad to have them. But now I just want more!


I do hope we see a lot more in the future.
What we got is great. I love it and will use it on many characters.

But its also very limited.
Only one way to look like a dead elf.

And while i dont think blizzard is racist at all, only white elves can be dead apparently.
Its very strange they would not allow for dark skin tones as well.


It’s a nice start. But more can be added to fully appreciate it.

Such as…
Decoupling eyes. Especially if you prefer the darker skin tones
Adding the other undead dk skin tones for more variety with undead skins.

Eventually they can add…
voice lines, which I think would be a nice layer of customization for mamy races. To get wildhammer, farraki, high elf, darkfallen, and other races voice line customization or maybe like voice packs Similar to overwatch where we can pick voice lines and sprays for our characters to use.

Darkfallen esque tattoos, more shades of red, darker hair colors, like dark red, dark purple, dark pink, etc.

Not to mention for San’layn they could use a whole bunch of customization as seen in Fallyn’s video.

Personally I wanted to see the night elf undead model usable on horde. They could have added a bodytype to forsaken to be night elves for example in the barbershop. That would have been really nice. Or given that to nightborne too for the similar models.

Or maybe allow for a way to switch your race to the other faction eventually. Definetly would swap most races to the horde since I prefer horde transmogs and cities.


Yeah it’s pretty damn sour after their claiming to want to allow diversity with more racial skin options and then give us this… can only be undead if you have pale skin I guess… just not a great feeling.

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Classic Blizzard. It has nothing to do with race and all to do with least amount of effort. Maximum profits form minimum effort. I hope they unlock the eyes from the skins, they probably will… eventually?


Oh i 1000% think it was due to laziness.
The assets existed already so they just used those.

But i think its weird in an age of inclusion from blizzard, they would exclude like that.

It just proves how low effort this was


This. I have a black blood elf and void elf as well as a Night Elf with the darkest skintone and I can’t use the red eyes without being forced to be white.


Yup. Like, don’t get me wrong. I am very glad to have this option now. But I still hope Blizz isn’t patting themselves on the back just yet.


100% everyone should put this in the suggestion box in game. Idk if they even read the forums or that. But the more angles we come at them more likely SOMEONE will see it. Can also try tweeting some of the devs. (don’t harrass anyoen though) just let them know we want these changes.


I think it just came down to a matter of it being low hanging fruit. The skin and eyes existed for NPC use. Many people (myself included) suggested making them available to players precisely because it was an easy win/low effort. Yea it would have been nice to have a variety of shades to denote what color your skin was before you died, but at least it’s something for now.

Rather than berate Blizzard for giving us the NPC skin and eyes, I’d think it better to pursue requests to flesh out the theme a bit more so that there is more diversity. Even something as simple as enabling the Death Knight skins on non-DK’s now that the precedent has been set, would give some level of diversity. Decoupling the eyes from the skins would also open up a plethora of headcanon origins as well.

Death Knights though, really need to be able to use the new skin tone, and if not the current red eyes, Blizzard really should make some different colored versions of the wispy DK eyes so they can have more variety (with red, green and purple being available at the very least to represent the different types of magic DK’s wield IMO).


The weird thing is though, the NPC ones weren’t stuck together like the player ones are, at least not when you turned on NPC options in the Wowhead dressing room. So it feels like they were tied together intentionally for whatever reason, unless they actually were tied but Wowhead’s dressing room was untying them before somehow.

DKs should 100% get the DR eyes imo. There’s a DK NPC in Acherus who’s been using them since Wrath. That and DKs can use the Night Warrior eyes. Why not the DR eyes? It’s weirdly off-balanced.


It does seem odd to purposefully link them. Hopefully requests to decouple them will be answered sooner rather than later.

DKs should 100% get the DR eyes imo. There’s a DK NPC in Acherus who’s been using them since Wrath. That and DKs can use the Night Warrior eyes. Why not the DR eyes? It’s weirdly off-balanced.

I mean, I don’t disagree with you. I think options other than the wispy type of eye are fine, I just figured it would be cool to have the wispy eyes in more colors than just the current icy blue DK’s have by default.


While I would have preferred this on one of my Death Knights (but needs red eyes to pull together), I realized that this armor recolor is usable by any plate wearer so my Blood Elf Warrior may soon be getting a Darkfallen makeover…

But could you imagine if we ever got a red color option for Paladin spells?


Still hoping actual Dakrfallen for the rumoured pre-order Allied race.


I’d say that hope is all but squashed now that we have Darkfallen customization. It’s about as likely as Blizzard adding a race named “High Elf” on the Alliance at this point. Best bet now is to push for additional Darkfallen customization to flesh out the theme more IMO.


Unfortunately, that is likely the case.

Never thought I’d be disappointed to get Dark Ranger customisation.