San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Ooooooo i would love it.
lets be fair though the animations would look pretty sock puppet silly

Have there been any more appearances of the San’layn? I haven’t done the new war campaign yet.

Not so far, unfortunately.

Yep, the first major issue you see when arriving at Vol’dun to do the Alliance war campaign. Not the songs, though, those were added. (I know I didn’t need to say that, but it’s fun to say anyway ^^)

What Balesong said, there’s been no new information at all on them yet of any importance sadly. We’re waiting on the Quill questline (for inscription) since it refers to Lana’thel. Hopefully that quest will expand upon San’layn lore.


So apparently it lets you create blood contracts, whatever that means.

Sounds interesting.


At least is shows that they are still on the minds of the developers.

Wishful thinking, but I like to think it’s in part to this thread.


I wonder what a Drakonid model strapped to the Kul’tiran animation rig would look like…

Vampire lore in WoW is so under-developed. Yes they are cliche, but vampires are so cool imo.


I don’t know anything about them, though I suppose I’d like to in case they become more prominent. Maybe blizzard has plans to help those of us who are unfamiliar with them to be brought up to date or at least learn of their past, present and future beforehand so they won’t feel forced and out of no where. I’m not a big fan of elves, though I’m not sure if vampires are limited to elves. If blizzard’s take on vampires is cool, I’ll check it out.

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Laughs in elf


No they’re actually not. You can find a few here and there. Mostly vrykul.


I’m not sure what all that means but vrykul are awesome! Makes me want to know more about’m. Though I really like the vrykul rune magic and think it might make an awesome class or spec of a class…maybe one day!

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Nothing much. Just got meme privileges today so I decided to use it for a little bit o’ elf pride.

Vrykul vampires pop up in Legion, Stormheim specifically. Go to roughly the northeastern coast and look for Sir Finley Murgglton. He gives quests regarding a particularly troublesome vampiric vrykul.


Oh, ok! Awesome! Ty so much!


Also, if you do Island Expeditions when you hit 120 (I’m not sure if that’s your main or not, but it’s a new BfA feature) you will notice that the Vry’kul very frequently cast blood magic. Like, a lot. And the spells hurt! It’s quite unusual.


Great. Now I gotta do island expeditions I guess.

My favorite :smirk:


Vry’kul where almost all Vampires but they changed their mind.

Yep, kinda why the name is what it is. Sort of a mash up of vyking and dracula.

Lots of human vampires he’s commanding too.

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Yeah that’s true. I just couldn’t remember if they were full-fledged vampires or just thralls.

I suppose a tomato is a tomato no matter how you slice it.

Have you started questing in Northrend yet? The San’layn are part of the story there. Howling Fjord is noteworthy, especially as a Horde player.


Oooo, I didn’t know there were vampires other than san’layn. Very interesting.