San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

love is a very strong word. I love chocolate cake but i dont want to brutally yell at a baker. Does that make sense?


Yea… But what if I want to yell at the baker? Who doesn’t like a good “I LOVE THIS CAAAAAKE!!!”?

i beleive the baker in some ways.
Hes worried that he may be baked into a cake if you say that.

Simple, the races are just copies now. Void elf is a copy of blood elf, for example. People keep whining they want more races and it just gets worse and worse the more they put in. Why are Dark Iron Dwarves part of the alliance? Because we fixed an anvil?

They were part of the Alliance ever since Moira joined the council of Three Hammers. They just weren’t treated as such due to stigma, so they mostly kept to themselves.

They’re basically the ogres of the Alliance.


Asking for more races that we’d like to play isn’t whining, it’s speculating and showing interest.

They confirmed there’s more coming as well, so it looks like you’ll have to deal with it. There’s an easy solution though: simply don’t play the things you don’t like.

Also you can mute threads now and never see this one again so have fun with that.


My support for sanlayn, queldorei, vulpera, and ogres!!! (And sethrak)


asking for races you want to play isn’t whining, but asking for races you want to play that i don’t want to play is whining

but for real i hope most races get to be playable, other than 2 certain races that i personally do not like the idea of being playable, so long as they make sense

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I want this and high elfs


slips Krokuul and Mok’nathal into her list…ooh and Vrykul

It’d be a smart way to go, They’d make a good pair for releasing together.


Very good point indeed. It always seems like asking for an aspect of the game that people want somehow equals insert insult here. And yeah that does make sense.

Anyway thanks for the continued support guys!

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Agree. Alot better Dark and Unique Evil Elven race unlike the Nightborne and the Void Elves.

Plus atleast the San’layn’s Heritage Armor wouldn’t be all Flashy and Purple.


Guys… guys… guys…

This made me crack up.


New allied race confirmed.



he was makin his way down town, walkin fast, faces pass and he’s dinner

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This makes me think. People freaked out when:

  1. We found out what was said specifically about them:
    Rokhan: “Sylvanas wants ta give 'em a chance. Dey got no home left. If dey can work with us, den dey got a home with da Horde. If not, dey be gone.”
  2. This glorious, Glorious scene. It’s been meme’d and caused an explosion of hype for the San’layn.
  3. Quill of Lana’thel, an odd-one-out if you will. So many San’layn hints, then suddenly an item designed around the San’layn theme.

Surely they had to know the community would be hustling and bustling about it. Vampires are well liked, after all… and with an expansion that has some heavy blood themes, I dunno. Perhaps we will see more, and perhaps our hopes will come to fruition.


ohhhhh wait till after this one. Cause azeroth will be draped in a crimson dress when nzoth comes with full power.
The armies of undeath will only mobilize if they are threatened. There jailer wont allow any to escape after the few who left wandered to make friends with the banshee queen.

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Is that an actual quest? That’s hilarious lol.


It is part of the alliance war campaign


I support Darkfallen as an Undead AR.
Ogres as a core Horde race.
Mok’nathal as an Ogre AR.
Black Drakonids as a core Horde race.