San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Agreed so much, yeah. I have so many male San’layn (blood elves) and one void elf male San’layn. I couldn’t get into game as much to play with things. But I’ll fool around tomorrow if things work better. I love how they look so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Now if only they let Death Knights into this party…

You’re not wrong. Roleplay-wise, he’s a villain-turned-somewhat-hero. And grumpy about it.


Wait he’s been roleplaying the entire time?

Damn I gotta give him props.

Think he’s trying to insult me

Like someone else pointed out in another thread he’s been insulting users who value visual uniqueness all night.

I hope he argues in good faith in the future but who knows.


oh I thought he was commenting on the screenshots I shared o.o Wait, I need to go back in the conversation, now I’m confused…

Edit: YEP Sorry, my comment was on my character. I completely got my wires crossed. Oops…

Sort of off topic, but i think it could be cool to have human darkfallen models for undead to toggle to as a body type. I honestly felt like this is how they should have incorporated BE and NE darkfallen

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That’s why this confused me. I thought you were talking about my priest I shared before. Oops. No, I didn’t mean that.

Read that again, I didn’t insult her, I told her to quit acting like a child over some pixels.

I just clicked the blue alert without looking, you death gripped me back into here XD


Now this makes more sense.

I am venting because one of our races was intentionally excluded from getting this customization when they should have it.

Your response is that people shouldn’t be allowed to vent or critique this move.


You replied to me initially.

There you go again twisting words.

Given Void Elves & Night Elves got it, but only Blood Elves, Nightborne should have also gotten the customization.

It would be fine if it was a ‘not now but we are working on it’, but they have not addressed it.


Yeah Nightborne always get shafted because legit Void Elves having Dark Ranger customizations makes just as much sense as Nightborne Dark Ranger customizations which is none and Nightborne need the customizations, Void Elves don’t.

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I’ve said before that I was against Void Elves getting them. But ya give them to the Nightborne, they need eye options badly.


(I’m out of likes)

Yeah, hopefully they listen to folks who do want Nightborne stuff too. I feel like they should get a few more eye colors as well.


Its the better thread anyways I’m sure

There’s a likes limit?

In addition to the red, throw in some blues, and purples, hell toss in amber and some greens too.

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did they officially anounce this at all? Once again bliz fails at communicating.

Hello I am an undead druid. Can even use the nightmare skins from legion for an undead-esque look.

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Pure speculation at this point.