San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It is a glorious mask.


Indeed, sister. It makes me want to bite things to death now.

Of course, that was a problem even before I got the mask. Comes with the territory of maining a worgen and all that.


Just need the clawed foot wraps from Harjatan to complete the look.


Running Nighthold over and over has been so draining as is… do I really want to add ToS to the routine?

Yes. Yes I do.

Luckily it’s the second boss so not as painful.

Sucks to be the raid I put together and then abandon 2 bosses in tho :3

Laughs in Chaotic Evil

Still haven’t managed to get past Maiden.

4 weeks in a row of everyone failing and leaving after one wipe.

You know what was fun to do?

Heroic ToS pug 3.5 weeks before BFA’s launch.

I really wanted that artifact tint for the mage tower appearance. You know how long that took?

7.5 hours.

I still can’t get it months after BfA’s launch :sob:

These days I don’t run raids unless everyone’s in VC. It’s, like, the best chance of having everyone receptive to basic mechanics in fights like Maiden.

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sniffles and grabs at the Shackled Ur’zul

Legion raids. Still rough. Ironically Aman’thul is worse than Argus, who woulda thought.

Iv kinda given up on that beautiful monstrosity.

Even worse than trying to do ToS.

My reaction when someone insults this thread in another thread:

Methinks jealousy gets to some people, considering I actually worked hard to put this thing together whereas the race they’re begging for has practically nothing, with no work output from the naysayer.

Don’t you just love people that whine and insult, begging for stuff they want without putting the work into it and putting everyone else down in the process?

I love the fact that people rage so much that there’s a need to bring up an unrelated topic purely because you point out an opinionated statement claimed as fact and they have nothing of value to retort with.


Hm? The orc from the gilblin thread?

Eh, some people will just be perpetually salty that Ogres weren’t a thing in Cata.

Other people will never get over the fact that elves were added to the Horde in BC.

Neither are people that are worth listening to.


Bingo. Orcbois and their “mah true hurde” nonsense. Luckily they’re not taken seriously, especially by Blizzard, so we can ignore their whining and know that there’s a variety of possibilities for the Horde.

Alliance too! As they’ve brought up.


More often than not people play orcs because they’re WC1-WC3 purists, so they have rather strong… uh… let’s say “ideas” of what “The Horde” should be.

What they don’t want to acknowledge is that “The Horde” suffered from so many population issues in vanilla that were only rectified due to the inclusion of blood elves.

I’m all for Ogres, Forest Trolls, etc. etc. etc. There’s room for the bestial stuff on the Horde. But Elves are already here too. A few more variations ain’t gonna kill anyone. The playground is more than big enough.


Exactly this. There’s nothing wrong with diversity, and every race has their own both brutality and gentleness. I don’t believe every orc is as dumb as rocks, nor do I believe every one of them is prone to only extreme violence.

The problem with people these days is that they look just at the surface. They see a race and then jump right to stereotype. No, I don’t mean forum stereotypes which apparently offends the weak minded, I mean actual stereotypes where that’s all they see with no room for creativity.

It’s those people I can’t take seriously and would never read literature from, because it would be very bland, cliche, and badly written.


Also, like, if you want to play with people that conform to a specific aesthetic… isn’t that what guilds are for?


Was the war won? Did the battle end?

There’s a reason I only post in a few megathreads.

One reason I like San’layn for the Horde. They fit both the monstrous and fancy themes.