San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m not joking or trolling but all four elven races should have the option.


Did you expect Blizzard to make a completely new model for the Void Elves?

I have no interest or desire for Silvermoon to be available to Void Elves/Alliance players, but you already know that since I’ve stated it many times in the past and denounced those asking for such.


No, I expect them not to keep giving void elves new Horde races they can customise into being.

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You expect Blizzard not add more customization options to race because it infringes on the identity of a Horde race?

That’s not an argument Blizzard is going to hear, what they see is a popular race they can give a lot of customization options to with no real effort.

No, obviously not because they obviously just see the Horde as a source of new potential Alliance customisation.

But they should.


It’s hard to believe given your stances, and people w your stances often say that and then still turn around and ask for Silvermoon.

I don’t believe that but that is simply my opinion based on stances you have.

In general it’s a shame we don’t get along Nico but I find it pertinent to call out anti BE stances.

And this latest victory for you could have been a win for BEs and VEs arguably didn’t need another win, which you once mocked the idea of keeping track of but I guess now you know why, because you really start to stack them up if you don’t want people counting.

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Man, talk about sportsmanship quality.


I feel like you’re taking this too personally.

Should Void Elves have gotten the Dark Ranger customizations? No but they did, that’s just how it is.


This right here. Blizz just trying to appease a certain group is all I am taking from VE’s getting it and Nightborne not. Sad times. Blizz has learned nothing in all these years.

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It’s kind of obvious that it’s easy to copy paste VE/BE and NE already had it implemented, while NB is just too much of hassle to work on with their precious time for new expansion.


And I feel like it’s a lot easier not to take it personally when it’s your faction that gets given stuff instead of the one who has its stuff given away.


keep in mind until recently the NE Black eyes were tied to a skin, this will prolly be the thing here. I really wish they would let us turn off the “cold” and “fel” eyes on DH and DK to allow for better customization (using red eyes)


The least they could do is atone for it and say it is in the works. Getting tired of lazy work from Blizz tbh.

Should have just left it at BEs and NEs

And yet they didn’t for what ever odd reason but the people who didn’t value visual uniqueness seem to be who Blizzard is unfortunately listening to, to BEs continued detriment.


This. 100% this.


Just tell that to the devs using worgen model for the new dragon race.

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Have you, kind of thought about your attitude is really more of anti-VElf than pointing fingers at people accusing them that they are anti-Belf?


It really obviously uses the demon hunter meta skin. Why do people keep saying the worgen model? It’s not remotely similar.

Really? My faction got the short end for an incredibly long time.

It’s not a contest, Blizzard just being Blizzard.