San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Not it has not. My motivations have been to get the customizations I want. Your loss of visual uniqueness is a byproduct of that. But my goal has never been to go after anything and everything Blood Elves have.

I’m dropping this now. I’ve said my peace and you’ll think what you want regardless of what I say. I made the effort to not be a jerk. :man_shrugging:


Oh ok. I think it would have been nice to get the dk skin tones unlocked probably on those races. And use the new eye colors. Maybe a better option.

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The theory was darkfallen, it’s confirmed that it’s customisation.

So no race.


Imagine you have to be level 60 horde? Is it live? or ptr only?

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It’s live and I did it! I didn’t have a chance to get the customization on my character though, because I had to log out of my DK and go to an alt who I play as a San’layn. Aaaand that’s when the game crashed.

I think you can be Alliance too?


You can be Alliance do to it.

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I support ya!


Pretty funny how that only ever seems to move one way.

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They should at least give us void elf hair styles ><


Oh shoot.

Interesting. I honestly cannot tell you how excited I am right now about retaking the undercity


My DK is 59. I think I am going to level her up to 60 real quick and then do the unlock quest… still wish dks could have red eyes. I rp my dk as a vampire. sigh.

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I do too, I hear you. Argh. :confused: And it’s even more salt in the wound given that, quite literally, Night Elf Night Warriors can do the dark eyes on their DK, but it doesn’t apply in this instance.

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tbh I’m not upset belf DKs didn’t get the skin option so much as I’m upset they didn’t just give DKs eye customisation when they gave our unique hair colours to everyone.


Hairstyles and hair colors. Most of the blood elf hair colors don’t really match with the undead skin tones… we need compensation : 3. So far void elves look better as undead imo.

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Me: Why don’t Nightborne get it?

Them: Nightborne weren’t at Quel’thalas or Darkshore to die en masse.

Me: … then why do Void Elves have it, they haven’t been killed en masse.

Them: Void Elves are Blood Elves.

Me: no [in this specific context regarding Dark Rangers]

Them: Void Elves are Blood Elves, they get everything Blood Elves get because of their fanbase.

Me: That’s not a legitimate reason though, and also that means there no reason for NB to not have it.

Them: It goes against the lore for them to have it.

Me: You don’t get to pull Lore Judo like that, if Void Elves get to ignore Lore in this regard [sidestepping the fact that between Legion and now plenty of them have died and could have been risen as Dark Rangers] then so do Nightborne.

Or are people seriously gonna claim you had high elves get slain by Arthas, turned into Dark Rangers, and then after got turned into Void Elves???

This isn’t a hyperbolic convo for me to punch up, actual argument I just had.


I mean Blood Elves got Void Elf facial hairs but what do you want them to do?

It’s a damn if you do, damn if you don’t situation.

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Yeah there is clearly tech for it. I Recommend trying to do a bug report. MY dk isn’t an elf so I couldn’t us eit anyways.


Which is in very poor taste given the disservice it has done to BEs and BE fans.

W cross faction here it was pointless too, you literally could have just played a BE. Something which btw idc about but I am glad to see, I would support cross faction guilds even but not neutral cities much to your dismay I am assuming given Silvermoon.

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Yeah, they should have 100% done this. Ugh…

At least Blood Elves got it. Some were wanting it exclusive to Alliance, but it clearly didn’t happen that way. Now we just have to get vampyr customization or Allied Race. And to unpair the skin with the red eyes.

Yeah I still forgot how to bug report, unfortunately :frowning:

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Facial hair determines how your character wears their beard. Alliance has been getting actual Horde races as customisation.

I want them to stop doing that.