San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Alliance got undead druids before horde did : / sadge


I just realized that, gods damn it lol…


There’s two factions now: Alliance and neutral, we will not get anything. They have exclusively been handing our options away.


I’m glad the customizations aren’t class locked though because it leaves the option open to make undead Blood Elves of varying origins, not just Dark Rangers. With the options open to all classes, you can portray your character as a Dark Ranger, San’layn, or something entirely new. It’s just like the golden eyes not being restricted to Priests and Paladins.

neither should have them. DR should only be blood and night elf and only ranger classes like rogue and hunter.

I’m just mega sad that the NB can’t be Dark Rangers.


I can’t recall off the top of my head but shouldn’t be difficult tof igure out while messing around in the ui on the ptr.

I get that but what I’m saying is if they gave it to VE’s why didn’t they give it to Nightborne? I was expecting it ONLY for BE’s and NE’s and that is it.


Yeah, it is really…really frustrating that the Alliance got even more this time around.

Personally I’m not for and have never been for factions, but until we can actually choose to be neutral on every race (which will never happen)… it’s just… really not cool.

This could have been resolved if Nightborne also got it, I guess, but like… it’s still just… meh. I dunno.

Plus, these skins are meant to be Dark Rangers. Which are part of the Forsaken, as confirmed by the questline. I thought void elves hated the Horde? Like, they can’t go into Undercity without being attacked, so… there’s little logic there.


I’m very happy with what this option represents…

But the actual execution is kind of a muffled splat in my heart. There’s a lot of questions, the eye color being locked to one bone white skin tone (and I can get the skin tone only applying if you have dead eyes, but let’s be real, the monochrome Ranger Corp is going to get dull fast), and then there’s weird sidenotes like “Why void elves? If void elves, why not nightborne” and “how many red eyed night elf druids claiming to be druids of the nightmare are in my immediate future” and “COME ON WAS IT REALLY WORTH ALL THAT ENCRYPTION FOR ONE EYE COLOR, NO MATTER HOW INTERESTING?”


Actually might be fun to RP a paladin of the light being turned against their will into a vampyr.


Even then, dark rangers are and have always been a Horde thing.


Which has been seeing BEs lose visual uniqueness.

So it’s no surprise people who have advocated for that somehow have managed to make Blizzard think BE fans do not care about that.

Well I very much do so I find it in very poor taste.

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How do you do this new quest btw?

I’d call that a bit of an overreaction my guy. Pretty sure the reason Void Elves got them was because it didn’t actually require any work to give it to them due their models.

Oh I like that idea, yes, agreed.

And my major point to everyone who argues against undead paladins is: It’s been confirmed that you can use the light as an undead, but it hurts a TON. And I will be using that in my character’s backstory and lore. They will be incredibly stubborn and refuse to give up the light. But it will be painful.

Yeah :confused: woulda been cool if the Alliance got something of their own.

Level 60, talk to Calia in Orbidos! I can’t get into the game right now, though…

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So I promise not to get rapped up on this but is there a chance there might be an allied race at the pre order or no?

Funnily enough I was wondering if you could pick the undead skin tone with holy eyes you would get like a lightforged undead blood elf xDDDD
I wonder if you can do that?

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Go to Oribos it’s called the Call to Lorderon or something. Right at the table you choose your Shadowlands zone.

EDIT: It did not appear on my map I actually had to go there to see it for some reason. Oribos never lets me see the quests there and it is annoying.

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No because the eyes and skin are tied, currently. The red eyes.

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