San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Oh I’m in agreement there.

but as everyone else is saying Void Elves get it it makes no sense that Nightborne don’t, Night elves get it and they run on the same frame.


I’m a little sad about no allied but awesome looking darkfallen!

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Like I said, I don’t actually care about Void Elves having the options on a personal level. It’s just that, I wanted you (and players like you) to have something exclusive to Blood Elves (and I wanted it to be more than a single skin and eye color), so you got some sort of second theme that you didn’t have to share with Void Elves.

You don’t have to believe me, but it does genuinely annoy me, because now you’re going to have even more reasons to complain about losing your uniqueness, and justifiably so.


Well, we all know where to go from here.


…And to unlock the eye color from the skin tone. I suppose it would be all right if the “dead” skin tone was only available for red eyes, but red eyes should be an option with more than one skin tone.

None of my elves are that pale, Bliz!


Because on a personal level you have personally supported BEs losing visual uniqueness at any and every chance this far, so it makes sense this is something that doesn’t phase you.

Another thing for VEs Sledge? Like I said earlier -

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They do have those bat travel form glyphs now.


Admittedly that questline was pretty meh. I wasn’t a fan of Calia’s involvement and any of that nonsense. San’layn were not mentioned at all. They were just slain’layn in the Paladin questline.

I mean… yeah, it is still possible to get San’layn as an Allied Race. I figured it wasn’t, but it is. Still, people are going to complain even MORE since we got this stuff now. But… with the eyes locked to the skin, and it just being… well… and eye color that’s been in game for gods know how long now… hm.

My paladin won’t be evil. They’ll be antihero. Far less evil than, say, most light-obsessed paladins, to be honest, lol.

Not gonna lie, that’s pretty sweet. Worgen can have red eyes so… lol, I wonder if like… hops to my worgen hunter eventually

Right, that is what I was thinking.

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Do eet, make the San’dorei

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Well. I’m stuck in Sinfall. Can’t really do anything >.> sigh.

If you want to use me as your personal punching bag over this I can’t stop you. But do keep in mind that I have never asked for such options for Void Elves, nor have I ever shown support for them, and have even called out those making topics asking for such. I’m not naive enough to think that will earn any sort of good grace from you, but take what I say as truth because I have always been up front about my wants and motivations.

I do actually like the ranger set’s looks. I might not have any elf hunters, but I might have to mix’n’match.

So can Forsaken so it is nice. I consider them more of the Dark Ranger type then BE’s to be honest.

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I have seen you do this, yeah, and it is appreciated. I hope Blood Elves will get something distinct. I still hope it isn’t ‘lightbound’ options. Phoenix stuff would be far better to me.


dark rangers should not be every class blizz wtf were you thinking? and why are velfs dark rangers too suddenly?

Honestly, if the hunter armor is unlocked, this is who I’m going to be using it on (Sledge).

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To be fair death and life ironically don’t seem to contradict in this universe. The drust even suggestion a link/connection.

I didn’t get that either. If VE’s get it why not Nightborne? No sense to me.

Ranger tattoos would be nice.

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Oh yeah, I agree entirely. It’s why I’m STILL salty about KT getting death forms… BUT. NOT. FORSAKEN. I know people argue ‘but it’s wood’, pretty sure it’s deadwood, and besides it doesn’t matter, they look skeletal.

But yeah, it’ll just be a death druid, to be honest. Like a shadow priest to a holy priest. Simple.

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