San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I think it’s neat.


I’m stuck in my garrison with no barber, oof.

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That would be hilarious since they don’t have eyes, finally a reason to play one aesthetically XD

(I just unlocked Night Warrior stuff the other day but realized halfway through… wait, I can’t use this on my only Night Elf that I have :joy: )

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Can Night Warrior stuff be used on DH?

nope, no eyes

Okay so I doubt they an use this stuff…

I’m a bit annoyed that Void Elves got the same options. I mean on a personal level I don’t care, and I can understand why Night Elves got the options, but I was hoping it would just be Night Elves and Blood Elves. Void Elves getting these options is just adding salt to a wound that was still raw.

I was hoping that Blood Elf players would have this (and more options in the same vein to expand the theme) as an exclusive so as to sort of balance the scales after all the sharing they did with Void Elves. Blizzard seems to have had other plans.


Yeah I just tried to hearth back to Oribos to do the Lordaeron questline when it sends you to Maldraxxus, and it stands there for a bit until it derps out and plops be back at Brill with an error message in the chat box: “Transfer Aborted: Instance not found.” Guessing Oribos may have crashed.

I’m expecting some emergency downtime to occur tomorrow to help fix some of the bugs popping up. Shame as it was working just fine awhile ago and I wanted to see if Undercity was accessible again. Guess it’ll have to wait.

The under part of UC is still blighted, but a bunch of NPCs have moved back into the… overcity? Was nice to be home on my Forsaken rogue!

And, yea, super weird that DKs don’t get the new eyes. Guess there’s still some duct tape to peel back on how the customization is wired up for them. That the other races don’t have extra eyes might break something if they added an eye option for elves?


In all honesty I’d be more inclined to believe “oh wait crap, Nightborne can’t have it since we don’t have those customization options set up for them in the backend, crap crap crap crap” rather than “Nightborne can’t have it… just because they can’t”

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I honestly suspect the answer for why void elves have the option and Nightborne don’t is laziness, yes.

…Having the eyes tied to one skin is genuinely awful, though.

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Yeah, have to agree with you there. I’m pretty neutral but it is really frustrating how Void Elves got it but not Nightborne. Alliance got two variants of undead elves, only one.

I’d be happier though if the skins were not tied to eyes, because that’s annoying too, and really should not be a thing.

And DK should be able to use it.

As for San’layn stuff, yeah we’re far from done. This is just the beginning. Not only are vampyr NOT dark rangers, but they can very well build on this customization now. Night Warrior felt like a one-off thing, not much to build. But undead elves are more than just red eyes.

Especially vampyr, as we’ve seen with Lana’thel and the Blood Princes.



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And now the game has become unresponsive, where I can move around but can’t do things like summon my mount or have my pets follow me. Guessing the game severs in general crashed just now.

Ah well. I’m sure the patch isn’t an easy thing to work on with random bugs and crashes occurring, but hopefully it’ll get fixed ASAP. :wine_glass::bat:

They shouldn’t have included VEs period tho is the main take away.

But since they had to include them yet again

To sledgehammers satisfaction it seems

NB should have in this circumstance also benefit.

I have my doubts like I said earlier to someone else.

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I’m going to try to find out about the hunter thing one more time, and if it continues to be taffy… I’m going to call that enough WoW until after my meeting, and when I get back I’ll do the weapon unlocks and MAYBE play a bit with the customization.

I agree that if Void Elves were going to get the options (not that I see any reason why they should), then Blizzard should have gone the extra mile to make a version for Nightborne as well. I also agree Deathknights should have been able to use the options.

I keep hoping that DK’s will get red and green versions (and perhaps other colors) of their “death wispy” eyes some day. Maybe during Dragonflight Blizzard will find the time -_-


Just saying, I am 100% making a San’layn paladin out of spite.

And maybe even a night elf vampyr druid, once again out of spite.

And because I like the concepts but we won’t talk about that.


I personally do not want just a customization. I ran through that Dark Ranger questline so fast I didn’t read anything and do not want to do that with San’layn. I have no patience for reading nowadays unless I’m reading a book.

Maybe just make them unlocked to begin with but we have to use a San’layn to unlock making more or to unlock their heritage armor or something. I want to experience the new content with the race it’s connected. Part of the reason I didn’t like the Zandalari unlock quest is because I wanted to explore Zandalar with my Zandalari for the first time not with some other race.

On to the Dark Ranger customization. You can use it on any class a BE can be so Warlock works nicely or evil Paladin but DK’s eye don’t get it neither do Nightborne which saddens me. Why not Nightborne? Some lore garbage as to why?

All races can use the Dark Ranger gear though. :+1: