San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Hehe. Thank you. It’s always nice to be, not eaten.


You are so very welcome.

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Fallynn! My Beloved Blood Queen! I just need to get my Horde toon, from level 108 to 110, and then I can recruit the Nightborne into the Horde! Lady Sylvanas would surely be proud of me, as would you be, My Dearest Queen!

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I’m betting the next expansion. They are setting up death to be major plot points. So they will probably give undead allied races to both factions next expansions.
Also they stated allied races would not get access to death knights in BFA or demonhutners. Which is another reason I think they are waiting for certain allied races for next expansion. I could also think maybe like the nightborne and void elves part of the pre-expansion event.


Yeah, if the next “Batch” starts at 50 or above then there is no reason not to give them Death Knights.

It may also determine if they get flying or ground mounts.

Edit; seems every thread is being locked… EVERY THREAD!!!


This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Well, that was an exciting minute.

Everyone alright?

We shall not be silenced!!

I hope the culprit of this offense is locked in the deepest, darkest cell of the Stockades!

The ones with the kobolds, yes

Blue post was saying the forums are having issues.

The culprit was technology. I knew it would turn on us eventually.


I was so confused when I saw all of the locked threads.

Clearly another sign that Skynet is nigh.

Also, according to one poster on another thread anyone who wants San’layn is an edgelord.

Well… They’re not wrong…

It’s like being an edgelord is a bad thing. Also my understanding of edgelord is someone who says something edgy and intentionally insulting to garner attention.

Good pupper! Indeed I am! Nightborne are neat, I hope ladies get more hair styles myself so I can get one I really like on mine.

I wouldn’t mind that. I do wish that they’d tell us if they’re not ever planning on putting them in, including next expansion. But a death theme for an expansion sounds lovely.

I survived lockmageddon!

Could be worse. I’d rather be the Queen of edgelords than the queen of “Nice guys”. Granted the emo stereotype thing and nihilism is annoying because that’s very far from my actual mentality.

Edgy can mean multiple things, but usually it’s an insult. Granted not one I take seriously. A troll stirring up trouble is a different “edgy” than "I AM MY SCARS"edgy. (I loved that cinematic)

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I think they will put them in. Especially if they have s financial incentive (people willing to race change for example). Like I have wanted an elven horde druid since Cata. i was hoping for nightborne druid but an undead blood elf druid is something I would consider race changing into for example taking inspiration from the icc polymorphs, blood magic loa, and maybe the druid deathknight cards from hearthstone! As far as the progress if the kultiran models teach us anything is if they modify models to give us slightly different races it can still take awhile. So if its a blood elf reskin that may be quicker but a better sanlayn model would possibly have night elf/ blood elf model choices, unique casting animations, different melee animations, and gait / movement to show they are undead. Maybe an unsated form and gaining a racial buff after killing units.


This thread inspired me so much to get with the vampire shtick that I spent more time on this alt and WABAM! I now have a mask with fangs.

So, I’m basically a vampire now, right?