San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I just preferred stonetalon before the changes in Cata. I liked the quests, but navigation is a pain.


Making some mogs with the npc options that night elves already have of them being undead. Wish they were on the horde rightnow : /.

I made another with blood elves hoping for shamans one day. My version of undead darkfallen battle mage/shaman.

These are all customizations in the game already.

Vampire dwarves.

I’m 93.69% sure that that is not correct. Even if that were correct, the only thing it’d mean is blizzard would HAVE to honor refunds which they usually do anyways. There would be no punishment or penalty for blizzard.

So 9.2.5 is coming out tomorrow! I wanted to post a few things to help give people some ideas of what to look for to report findings back here.

A few things to preface this post:

First, we may not see anything involving playable races of any sort tomorrow. If this is the case, we still have the Dragonflight preorders to look at when they’re available. If preorders don’t have any new playable races or it isn’t Darkfallen, it doesn’t mean we’d never see playable Darkfallen at all. We’ll just keep supporting them as usual in that case.

Second is to set expectations low and focus on just reporting stuff. I admit I’ve gotten excited from before, but as we get closer to 9.2.5 coming out, I’ve been lowering expectations more and more. Moreso when seeing MrGM on twitter mention how he isn’t expecting any new races tomorrow. And as I said, IF we do get any new playable races of any sort, it could be tied to Dragonflight preorders.

Third is that maintenance is currently scheduled from 7 AM to 3 PM Pacific. This assumes we don’t see extended maintenance, extended extended maintenance, or the rare and dreaded extended extended extended maintenance. So it may be late in the day before we’re able to check anything out.

Let us now consider what things to look at.

-The Splash Screen-

As you know, 9.2.5’s splash screen has been encrypted, which is a first for datamining and very suspicious. Soon as we log in, we should be seeing a splash screen and can see what all is involved with it.

I assume there would only ever be the one splash screen. If there was another one, it might be when Dragonflight preorders come out. Regardless, this will be the first thing to report on.

-Tirisfal Glades and Calia-

As you may know, there is something going on in Tirisfal Glades that we barely know anything about. All that we know is a few tidbits from the Alliance questline of it and nothing at all on the Horde side of it.

The first thing to see is if this questline is live or not. It wasn’t mentioned when 9.2.5’s features were announced, which is odd. It seems like it begins in Oribos, so that would be a good thing to check.

Assuming the questline is in, then we go through it and report our findings here of what exactly it is. Again, please keep expectations low.

If it isn’t live, then it’ll cause suspicion and assuming the events mentioned to be occurring during 9.2.5 aren’t staggered to go off every week or so (no confirmation on this at all), will be something to discuss.

This is likely one of the biggest things to report on, regardless of what it could lead to. It’ll be one of the main things to focus on.

-Blood Elf Questline-

This is a lesser one, since we’ve covered the majority of it, but worth mentioning just in case.

A new questline for Blood Elves that gives some heritage rewards will be available tomorrow. In order to do the quests, you need the following:

-Be a Blood Elf
-Be level 60
-Be exalted with Silvermoon
-Optional: Be a Paladin to get an armor transmog

As far as I know, being a Paladin opens up an extra quest that gives you an armor transmog. I don’t think it’s part of its own questline and I’m not sure if Blood Elf Paladins get extra dialogue or anything during this questline as a whole, but I still wanted to mention it.

Of interest is that San’layn, who is stated to be acting on his own. There are no other San’layn involved, and this questline is where San’layn are classified as being part of the Darkfallen as opposed to making up the entire group.

We’ve covered this questline before, including where I went through the entire questline and pasted dialogue of interest to commentate on it. If you’re like to see that post, you may see it here:

Despite knowing the majority of it, I figure it’s still a good idea to go through it in case there is something we are unaware of that wasn’t mentioned with the datamining. Best to not leave any stones unturned when it comes to reporting back information.

So far, that is all I can think of and it wouldn’t surprise me if I forgot to include something. If anyone has anything else to mention checking out, it’d be a good time to do so. As I said, there is a good chance that we won’t see much regarding any new playable races, so the idea is just to focus on just reporting out findings.

Hoping for the best regardless! :wine_glass::bat:


At least the last time I checked what people were seeing on the PTR/from datamining, Liadrin offers an additional quest where she awards you the set if you’re a Paladin. There didn’t seem to be anything else you had to do.

Still hoping something comes of this, rather than it just being an incidental detail.


I’ll take pink everything please. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Even without the other curious changes, this alone was mighty suspicious. It’s pretty rare for them to add one of those “tell me more” options to a quest dialog. Let alone to contextualize a villain who is otherwise self-explanatory.

Hopefully we find out something tomorrow!


I hope we hear something about BEs getting a second visually distinct theme soon to offset the loss of visual uniqueness.

Otherwise I’m going to get bored and wanna play other games which I may wanna do anyways idk.


Sometimes I wish I could enjoy playing other games. This expansion I’ve found I’m getting bored or tired somedays and that’s really not happened before. Could be just me or the game I don’t know.
Yet I’m really better off not playing other games it gives me more real life time. I can always pick up a good book also.
Glad you and others can find other games you like though. :hugs:


I am not a fan of taking from one class or race and giving it to another. Off the top of my head Warlocks and BE’s have had that happen to them.

It’s O.K. to play other games. I do it all the time.

Back in my hardcore WoW days, pre-WotLK to Nov. 2011, WoW was all I played and it was all my free time. Now I’m older, WoW isn’t in a good spot and there are SO many good games out now, or coming out, that it would be a sin not to even try them out.


Yeah. BEs had their looks copied, which sucks for people who valued the visual distinction (it’s great for me though). Warlocks made out even worse because they actually had their stuff straight up taken away and given to DHs. That’s brutal.


Looks like we have extended maintenance announced. ETA for it being done is now 5 PM Pacific:

Completely understandable, as I’m sure implementing the Cross Faction stuff likely isn’t easy. Best to be careful when it comes to these things. Hopefully things go smoothly for them and we don’t see extended extended maintenance or the dreaded extended extended extended maintenance.

Whenever servers do get up, I’ll be sure to help report any findings of interest. :wine_glass::bat:


I made it to 60 right under the wire. I had to decide between Ikniq and my Dark Iron warrior (subtle hint for those of you who don’t know who I am and cannot guess off posting style: a pvp arms, pve prot female dwarf warrior who runs in going warrrrrgh a lot).

Fortunately, I straight up wasn’t sleeping last night, so I made it. And got her PvP set to make questing less painful.

As much as I like dwarves, a juicy questline with potential IMPLICATIONS and a mount, weapons, armor at the end wins over a barebones pick up the stuff without lore mount and weapons.


A friend and i tested it a bit on PTR only a day or 2 ago and it was SUPER broken so yeah.


I got my belf pally to 60 last week. Was able to convince myself to do it by making her the character I’m grinding all the Covenant plate sets on. It was going to be this character, but I had already started grinding the mail Covenant sets on my Horde server, so I decided I’d just do all four there so I could stockpile the gold I get from Callings.

It’s funny because I started out SL by herbing on my Alliance druid, so all my gold was on this server at first. But I ended up switching when I decided to chase Sylvie’s bow and quivers, but I ended up skipping most of 9.1 so sadly that didn’t happen.


This heritage weapons thing has thrown my list of who to level into chaos. I have everything at 50 and exhalted with their people where applicable, so it was just going to be the races that don’t have heritage first so they’d be ready. BUT NOW ALL BETS ARE OFF.

…undead hunter and blueside pandaren monk are next down the chute regardless.


My Pandaren is Horde as a nod to Chen Stormstout helping to form the Horde, though mine’s a priest instead. I consider my velf priest my main priest though, since I’m kind of an elfoholic.


I love him, like really love him, one of my favorite in game/story characters ever. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


My redside pandaren is a death knight now because I combined two characters to make room for incoming options.

…and I like death knights. Though unfortunately, that means I’ll have to bust her through some levels coming up since I’m now BEHIND.