San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

? What lol. I don’t think that’s law

There’s something like that I heard before, having to do with something else. It might be specific to some countries though.

Some people have sued for false advertising.

Let us have some hopium man. Just because something is unlikely doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Let us hope for the best on tuesday. A full on AR would be nice. But I’ll take san’layn and DF customization as well.


Agreed. I’m just hoping whatever they’re keeping hidden is something worth getting excited about, and not just a small questline that sets up Dragonflight a little bit with no significant rewards to be had.


Yea Blizzard is good at disappointing people so I’m always a skeptic. Imagine it’s some random mob stuff that they just decided to add into the game or something lol. that would suck.


I don’t have faith in Blizzard in this regard.


who does tbf lol.


Indeed, that would be so bland. That or just a generic questline leading up to the beginning of pre-Dragonflight that just ends in an “and now we wait” speech from someone.


Yea. My worry is that it sounds exactly up Blizzard’s alley. But who knows I want to be pleasantly surprised.


It’s mostly because of the leak. I don’t think people would think much about it without the leak.

Some stuff was datamined about Tyrande, a new seed from Ardenweald, and she is said to make things right for her people. That can include the undead dark rangers. Probably leading to a nightwarrior-like customization for darkfallen on horde and alliance or just lore updates, like regrowing a world tree.

The leak that came out a few days before the announcement said an allied race would be included as a preorder bonus. That happened with BFA preorders so perhaps they would do it for Dragonflight.


Even without that “leak” that occurred before Dragonflight was revealed, I think we’d still be suspicious. Not to the level of what we are currently, but we might still consider a possibility of something like a new race coming.

There still would be a number of things datamined and encrypted that would cause us to raise our eyebrows. Moreso with things like the splash screen encrypted and some armor and sound files datamined. I suspect content creators would talk some about playable Darkfallen speculation still, which would have help fueled the rumor fires.

Not to mention Dragonflight will have something as a preorder incentive like what BfA and Shadowlands had. Hopefully, it would be more exciting like the former than something like the latter that didn’t really feel like much of a preorder incentive and should’ve just been available to begin with, in my opinion.

That said, in the best case scenario, we could see early access for some pairs of new races, ones people have requested, come from Dragonflight preorders. However, I really don’t want to get my hopes up at all with this. Much as I’ve gotten excited before, I’ve been tempering expectations as we get closer to 9.2.5’s release. We likely won’t see much with 9.2.5 until a potential with Dragonflight preorders.

Right now, my focus is to help report findings on what is and isn’t in 9.2.5. I’ll type up a post tomorrow, here and the Dark Ranger megathread, to suggest what we should look for to report back here. I did see from the launcher that the maintenance downtime is from 7 AM to 3 PM Pacific, so short of any extended maintenance or extended extended maintenance, it’ll likely be later in the day before we can do some searching to report any findings.

It’ll be an interesting day, for sure. :wine_glass::bat:


Could they have encrypted things because Azeroth is getting an update? I’ve talked about them updating the old zones instead of creating new ones and I know others have stated similar things. Would seriously love an update for dated zones TBH.

I did not know this. This is very disappointing if true. For me the AR’s, though not as good as a core race like Ogres, was still looked forward to by me. And I love messing around with them and seeing their theme and racials.

Core Race > AR > Customization > No AR

-1 For no AR’s till after Dragonflight.


Agreed, an Azeroth revamp is so needed.

Being stuck in the Cataclysm era is so silly. At this point, Azeroth has been locked to the Cataclysm era for roughly twice as long as it was in the vanilla era.

An update to the old world can’t come quickly enough. In my opinion, at least.


The only thing I’m aware of for 9.2.5 and the old world (of Warcraft!) would be the events mentioned during it. Other than one involving the Horde Council, as well as the Tirisfal Glades stuff going on, nothing was really mentioned with regards to specifics on what the events would be about. I also don’t know if it’ll all be available or if it’ll be something drip fed to us every week or so. We should hopefully learn more once 9.2.5 launches.

An old world (of Warcraft!) revamp is very much needed, though I imagine such a thing would be something we’d see on a more grand scale, like with Cataclysm, if it were part of an expansion. I’ve heard rumors of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms getting another revamp, even some lesser rumors of a return to Pandaria, but it doesn’t seem like that’ll be happening anytime soon. Maybe if an expansion after Dragonflight arrives, we could see that then, but in the meantime, we may just see smaller zones get updated just for events leading into an expansion or something.

It would certainly help open a new chapter in WoW. Especially if a bunch of new playable races were involved. Wishful thinking, but still! :wine_glass::bat:


Blizz didn’t like how Cataclysm was received. So much effort into restoring the old worlds, and barely anyone experience the new leveling zones. So I would expect them to do more stuff like phasing in BFA with the invasions. Cataclysm was also harshly received for the endgame, but they changed much of the game, much of the zones, but via the leveling zones, so it was underpreciated by people who only had max level characters and tended not to have alts and already leveled.

So I would expect zone specific phasing for specific zones if they went that route, not entire continents.

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Azeroth has been in 2010 for 12 years.


Anything to stop sending us to 2007 cough sorry, I mean Ghostlands for the millionth time would be a start.
Seriously, that place needs an update.


I’d say something about Quel’thalas but it’s always an odd turn of events to be reminded it’s not counted w the rest of Azeroth bcz it’s on the OL map


Same, granted I don’t have faith in them in any regard anymore.


they really need to change all that lol. revamp please god. I know cata is unpopular but we kinda do need a revamp.


Honestly they should be doing it piece by piece as to not ruin entire tiers for us while still updating the game.