San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

People are disappointed with the shadowlands? Surely, you jest!




Yeah, I’ve basically checked out until Tuesday. If it’s not with the patch, then I’ll just accept it’s not coming at any other point.

Some of my hopium is because everything art/cosmetic-wise we know about in 9.2.5 was finished ages ago. The belf/DI dwarf rewards from 8.1.

But also we know at least the mount + back cosmetics + pet for pre-order were finished in 9.1.5 and 9.2.

That leaves the question of what the artists were working on for 9.2.5, if not an allied race or extensive customization options.


Seeing as how the rumor was that any potential new playable race/races were tied into Dragonflight preorders for early access, I’d wait until we see Dragonflight preorders open up to see what the incentives are for preordering before we can determine whether the rumors are true or not.

Of course, a lot will depend on what all is in 9.2.5 with its events, so we’ll also have to consider that as well. Not trying to get my hopes up, but will still hope for the best. :wine_glass::bat:


The only thing that has gotten me a bit hopeful was the update to the red eye model. Hoping they at least give us the stuff already in the game at the very least. (undead dk skin tones, red eyes etc). Although ideally it would be cool to get better customizations fitting for an allied race.

Especially since many of that stuff is on npcs already.

Why is everyone thinking there will be a reveal with 9.2.5? Do they normally release pre-orders or news when they give us the last verion of an xpac? I’m lost.

If it’s about the encrypted stuff I just take it to mean they are tired of WoWhead and others having the surprise party without them. If I made a game and wanted to surprise players I would definitely try to hide/encrypt stuff. Guess we’ll see on Tuesday but I’m just expecting 9.2.5 and not any other info, pre-orders or AR annoucements.


Based on past expacs, I’d think the pre-order would be available already or at the very least announced. That’s probably why people are hoping it’ll come with the next patch.


Honestly for me it’s the encrypted splash screen. Seems really odd for them to be holding it back at this point.

Makes sense to me that they would hold pre-orders until they’re ready to announce something big and they’re putting some fanfare on this patch.


Just elves holding out more hope that they get more stuff, even though other races deserve way more attention.

You give these elves an inch, they will take a mile.

Run for your life.

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You walked into the thread my friend.

If you don’t want to see such things feel free to mute it.


Just here to throw my opinion out, as you do yourself.

Didn’t say you couldn’t.


Then all is well here :nerd_face:

When a company announces the preorder then they have to release the game within 12 months of the announcement, Blizzard is probably going to hold off on announcing it until DF is farther ahead.

I’m not looking to take a mile, I just need a minimum of 7 inches…


May God have mercy on your soul. :man_mage:

We may not see any new playable races as soon as 9.2.5 launches, but there may be a chance we could see at least one as a preorder incentive for Dragonflight as an early access feature. No guarantees, to be clear, but that is starting to seem a bit more likely IF we are getting new playable races of any kind. However, there is a lot of hype going around for potential playable Darkfallen for several reasons:

The whole rumor comes down with a “leak” that posted a number of things about the Dragonflight reveal a few days before it actually happened. In it, it mentions a new playable race tied to Dragonflight preorders (which was stated not to be Dracthyr, though I’m sure early access to them would come with Dragonflight’s prepatch).

There have been a lot of encrypted things found since Dragonflight was revealed. A lot of it involves whatever is going on in Tirisfal Glades, which wasn’t mentioned as part of the 9.2.5 content reveal information. What all we even know of it is small tidbits from the Alliance side. Nothing from the Horde side.

There is also the splash screen being encrypted for 9.2.5, which I assume will be the splash screen used for when it launches as opposed to when Dragonflight preorders open up. Splash screens have not been encrypted before to my knowledge, so it’s very suspicious.

Another interesting thing was an interview with Blizzard devs, in which they touched on a question about Dark Rangers as a customization option. They were open to the idea and mentioned something like that is a feature in general they wanted to add when it made sense. As one was starting to elaborate more on the subject, the other dev quickly interrupted and cut them off.

Given there are suppose to be several events in 9.2.5 regarding how things are on Azeroth while we’ve been in the Shadowlands, it’d be fairly easy to implement storylines of some races leading up to becoming playable as a foreshadowing. With BfA and Shadowlands, there have been preorder incentives to get people interested and making new characters. With it comes potential revenue streams of level boosts and race changes, so seeing new playable races as a preorder incentive isn’t completely out of the question.

As for Dracthyr early access, I do expect that to be a feature from Dragonflight preorders. The reason we’re not expecting them to be that rumored new race is the idea that they would implement Evokers in the current system, only to completely revamp them again shortly afterwards with the new talent system seems like a waste of resources when they can hold off on them until the prepatch for Dragonflight goes live. Not to mention the “leak” was specifically stated to not be Dracthyr.

I’ve likely missed some things, but these are reasons why there is some form of expectation of a new playable race within 9.2.5 at some point. Even if it isn’t there at launch, then we still have to wait for Dragonflight preorders to open before we can close the book on the rumor.

Of course, there may not be any new races of any kind whatsoever. A lot depends on what we find in 9.2.5, as well as Dragonflight preorder incentives. Until the latter happens, we can’t close the book on this rumor at all. But even if nothing comes from it, it doesn’t kill playable Darkfallen and San’layn chances. We still march on supporting playable San’layn as best as we can. :wine_glass::bat:


This makes me sad. :frowning_face: I love new races and new classes.

I am hoping for an AR with Dragonflight with all the talk recently whereas I wasn’t even expecting an AR ever again. It appeared that Blizz just up and abandoned them when I thought they were a very good idea.

And if they finish off the AR’s and their connections with core races we have Undead for Horde and Worgen for Alliance. Now the San’layn fit the bill for Horde and I’ve heard NE Worgen for Alliance, wtf are those. But anther furry creature might work since I’ve seen a few Alliance players wanting more creatures on Alliance. But I thought the alliance didn’t like non-human stuff. All confused.

+Infinity New AR with Dragonflight pre-order


Lot’s of people in here want more attention for other races as well. A lot of races received a lackluster customization pass.


If we don’t see any new races from Dragonflight preorders, it wouldn’t mean we’d never see any new races ever. It would likely be awhile before we saw any more, since Blizzard mentioned they aren’t planning any during Dragonflight.

I don’t see the allied race system completely abandoned. New races are pretty exciting marketing hype and often lead to revenue streams. I don’t see there being 10+ in an expansion again like with BfA, especially since new races take a lot of resources, but I’m sure we’ll see added gradually as the game continues onward with expansions.

With the new character creation screen, I don’t know if being linked to a core race has much importance as it seemed to be a theme with BfA allied races, but the good thing is that there is plenty of room for new races in general. So it doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be related to Undead or Worgen in some way, making it more open ended.

The best thing to do is to temper expectations and see what happens when we see Dragonflight preorders. Even if nothing comes from it, it isn’t the end. Even if we get a new race or races, it may not be Darkfallen, so who knows?

Still hoping for the best, though. :wine_glass::bat: