San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

not really. they don’t really gain anything from buying retweets even you admit it would be a self ratio lol.

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I think Night Elf vampires are an interesting concept to explore, but I don’t think they’d do it unless they ended up exploring something entirely new, whereas Night Elf Dark Rangers have already been ‘established’ in lore.

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True, but if we get an undead allied race on both sides, I’d expect them both to just be called Darkfallen, have the aesthetics we’d expect for undead elves, and designed so the player can decide if they are a Dark Ranger, a San’layn, or something else entirely.


I see them as traitors unless it’s made very clear that they had no freewill, but even then it sucks because they should have had their moment of breaking free and fighting sylvanas.


Yeah, I just hope they explore night elf vampires if they do end up adding those too. They interest me far more than the Dark Rangers. I hope they do end up exploring elf vampires entirely if they add them as a full Allied Race. I don’t see why they wouldn’t though, given the San’layn were the original Darkfallen. We also know the curse can of course go beyond just Blood Elves.


Given previous post history, I’m unwilling to take it straight on the account of bias, but I recognize a half-decent point.

Even then, given all their detractors are blocked for QRTs filling the quotas of ‘rofl, lmao’, I find it very interesting that no one noticed until a 3rd party discovered.

So it’s either a very intense Self-ratio to try and win an ‘argument’ that wishes of death in a discord known for campaigned harassment are okay based on group social mentallity, or people who have just been laughing at this incredulously decided to pay for a ratio despite having accounts that are significantly larger.

Gonna go with the first, cause it seems a bit simpler.


Night elf vampires I’m on board with!

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That set I almost put on my Slyvanas toon but went more for her earlier, stomach showing, leather type outfit and I prefer it.

But I saw someone else who also did a Sylvanas toon in that armor, and she looked like her, lol. I actually thought it was one of those toys that makes you look like a WoW hero it was that good.


Just adding my thoughts but the person who was quick to notice the bots also the same person who’s been harassing OP. I think the odds are they did to continue their narrative they’ve been painting and are trying to drive home. I feel like people w narcissistic behavior are really good at manipulating a convo and it’s sad.

That being said, the convo is around Horde Undead Elf options.


Moris Dreadvale?

Are you sure you are the one to talk about who’s narcissistic?


Nothing more can be said on it.

No, we don’t condone it.

Yes, we’re aware she said it in anger & when she lost her temper on someone who is constantly harassing her friend.

Yes, she apologized for saying what she said.

I apologize for not speaking up at the time because I was very angry too, given the narrative being painted about me off media yet still. Even though I apologized for not speaking up when I should have upon a friend of mine making a racist insult given orcs are coded a certain way that I didn’t know at the time. No, I didn’t speak up, I replied to the second part of what was said. Yes, I realize I should have called it out, but I was anxious and cowardly. Yes, it was a mistake, yes, I learned from it, yes, I will call it out next time rather than being silent.

That’s all I can say. Despite me saying that, the narrative continues to be twisted. I brought up said narrative angrily, things were said, and this all exploded.

That’s the ins and outs.


I don’t know what kind of insult you can use Orcs for except AWESOME SAUCE! Orcs are the F’in best race. If I got called an Orc I’d be like “Damn right. And don’t you forget it.”, lol.


A mood.

I’m afraid it’ll just be the giant hole in ICC disappearing kind of like argus leaving from the sky and being replaced by that red dot.

Yeah this is super sussy. I’m curious. I wonder if undead galakrond or ressurected somehow will be a raid boss in DF.

Fingers crossed.

I too would like some photo drakes.

All this encryption there better be something. And we’re looking at upwards of a year wait on DF. I’d like some actual content of some kind to keep my busy.

I miss the timeless isle tbph. That kept me busy for like 10 of the 14 months between the last MoP esxpansion and WoD. Unfortunately WoD was kinda bad outside the levelling experience so I continued to experience burnout. Timeless isle still exists but I’ve done everything there is to do there. Honestly they should aim for something like that to end every expansion. Some kind of content that has a lot of replayability.

BFA had some good, and some bad. Honestly shadowlands did too. It’s just shadowlands good was the individual zones and covenant stories. While the over-arching univying story/zorvaal/sylvanas story was just… bad. I used to love Sylvanas. I was a huge Sylvanas fan girl but they not only destroyed her character in the present but retconned her to be destroyed in the past. Any hint of grey replaced with pitch black. Once I said with pride “dark lady watch over you” now I womp womp. I’m tired of sylvanas lore. They don’t know how to write her. Everything after wrath for her was super iffy. The cata storyline wasn’t as bad as it is now. It didn’t make me hate her. But by the end of legion they had villian batted her. Can’t have a horde leader not villian batted or retired or killed I guess… Exasperated sigh. I’d of rather he be completely ignored then this.

The damage logs: Unknown hit for 505 shadow damage.

I want an AR cuz I want racials that represent vampirism. But honestly I’ll take what I can get. Not like the worgen racials really represent lycanthropy very well.

Blizzard has for the last… many years been. “this is our vision take it or leave it” they rarely if ever engage with the playerbase. And they think they know better than us about what we want “You think you do but you don’t” is their mindset with almost everything. Mechagnome not wearing gear fully was a HUGE criticism and demon hunters being limited to 2 races. And then they made Dracthyr Evoker. They just do not care. It’s so strange because a company is out to make money and you can’t make a profit when you spite your own customers so severely.

Female beards noa! My dwarves deserve epic beards. Picture a female Didwarf with an epic beard of molten lava. Melting me in my dreams.

Worse because moonkin as your race you can still have tauren, night elf, worgen, troll options versus Dracthyr only getting human and blood elf.

It’s blizzard entertainment. My hopes haven’t been super high for them in awhile. I pretty much lost all faith in them years ago. Yet I still find myself hoping. How silly I am.

Yeah I really don’t think it’s possible for us to get enough barbershop options to cope with the amount of armor options we’re missing. Even if as a race in the barbershop they’ll have more options then male orc they’ll still ultimately have less than male orc when you count armor options.

Yeah… I wish I could wear leather or plate or just anything but mail. Most of the good mail sets are from classic (and thus low poly) or are class sets that evokers won’t be able to use anyways. That being said we’re supposedly getting other classes for them at some unknown future. I wanna make a dracthyr warrior and druid. Black and green respectively.

To be fair. Half of mail is shaman and shaman is the redheaded step child of WoW.

Would be cool if we could modify our choosen mounts to work even fi the animations aren’t as good but meh.

Oh yeah I forgot about this. I’m a lesbian/sapphic too but I don’t mind cuz it’s just a joke but If eel you. To be fair nightborn have a lesbian /silly or /flirt so I’m all about that… mmm I need more nightborn hehe.

Disable some of them at least would be nice. Some are annoying/super long.

Or let us choose which joke.

Pretty sure DK npcs in archeus have armor and weapons never available to players. Exasperated sigh

Me? I’m an evening elf, maybe a twilight elf.

Oh god I am like 100 behind… I don’t have the brain juice to read em all right now. But when I come back I’ll be even further AAAA


To be completely transparent, it was calling orcs/orc players ‘apes’ for acting honorable and then turning around and not being honorable at all/hypocritical.

I did not respond to it at the time. As I said, it was a mistake on my part, I should have spoken up. I know I made a mistake by not speaking up. I realize the impact of the insult now. I’ve been educated as to why that’s a huge problem. While I didn’t agree with the insult, I ignored it, which isn’t good. I felt a ‘pang’ about it but ignored it because I was nervous.

All of that said, yes, some orcs are awesome, like you. And I appreciate you for being great ^^ Hoping to see fel orc options someday. I think it’d be cool to see an updated version.

Edit: The one in question who made the insult was not Somand.

Ho . .ly . . crap. You just published a book, lol.

Also to be even more transparent: I still support orc vampires.

Vampires for all, actually.

(Honestly exploring the concept of orc vampires is a super cool idea to me.)

I mean, cool. Glad you guys apologized and hope it is resolved going forward in future.

But your community has to wear that now, as long as that person is a member. That’s part of group identity in current social norms, which means this reaches thru to stuff like this thread, particularly after several months of targetted harassment and bandwagoning other threads; now that attitude is brought up, becomes more wide-spread and known, as the result of the consequences of the actions of a group where-in that individual continues to propogate.

And it’s clearly not a ONE individual issue, given the defenses, attempts to rationalize, moments of “it’s a joke lads,” etc. in an attempt to normalize outside of the group, so popularly that it seems to be the social norm INSIDE the group.

When it is certainly not so elsewhere.

So I’ll wish you guys all the best, and I hope for your improvement, and I’m glad you apologized. But this is a ‘wearable’ moment.


I want Orc druid and Pally also.

I am the only person who gets to determine if an apology is acceptable or not, and it isn’t.