San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This is the only allied race I really want to see, I’m just afraid Blizzard would make them too pretty. If they use the blood elf model as a base then I’d honestly rather them not. Don’t get me wrong you guys did great with the mock-ups, but they look like gothy blood elves not blood drinking monsters.

I think an upright forsaken is what they should use as the base. Blood elves are too filled out and healthy looking, IMO these guys need to look more gaunt and emaciated. That first drawing is what I mean, compare that to how round and fleshy the blood elf face is.

Maybe I’m in the extreme minority but I don’t want royal and elegant, I want half-crazed from the hunger and more likely to tear you open and stick their head inside your chest cavity than put two little pinholes in your neck.

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The San’layn are by their very nature Blood-Elves though. They were created exclusively (to the best of my memory) out of the soldiers that followed Kael’thalas to Northrend in an attempt to kill Arthas to avenge Silvermoon


Admittedly, but I think the ship for that has mostly sailed.

The time for that was, like, vanilla. When they could have added a bit of grey to the Alliance by making them also the faction of undead former Alliance races.

same mostly, though i dont want them to look as disproportioned and rotted away as the forsaken, I also don’t want them to just be pale blood elves with cutesy goth fangs. They aren’t pretty romantic vampires who give you a little peck on the neck, these guys rip people apart and slurp their blood and munch on their good meaty bits and leave an unrecognizable heap of gore in their wake

But at the same time they still hold on to some of their elvish origins, they still dress up nicely and are pompous and arrogant, they’re just monsters at the same time

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Sure, I’m not arguing from a lore perspective and tbh I don’t much care what they’re supposed to be. I’d personally rather not see blood elves who look like they just came from a Sisters of Mercy show. To me that’s a supremely uninteresting take on vampires I could do without.

I’m not saying you guys are wrong for wanting it, I just don’t agree. I’d prefer something else to be an allied race if that’s how they’re going.

Yeah, exactly. I very much still want them to be elves, I just don’t want them to literally only be blood elves with make up.

Like I said, I think that first drawing is great. That’s pretty much what I’d want them to be.

the headshot of the dude who looks like an angry cat after somebody stole its favourite toy? yes i like that one too, i want this.


I’d rather them be more beastly than rotting in my personal opinion. I personally don’t mind the whole ‘elegant’ thing vampires have going for them, it makes use of a good lure and acting like a trapdoor spider. At the same time, they certainly shouldn’t be too pretty and nice either.
For me, I’d love to see:

  1. Just like that drawing, a mouth full of sharp teeth with two sets of prominent fangs, but otherwise with a carnivore’s dentition
  2. A pure black eye option, making them look even more malicious. Red is fine too, naturally, but it’s harder to pull of a pure blood-red color and get it exactly right.
  3. Ripped ears, or bat-like ears, in which are unnaturally modified to be bat-like. I think it would be super neat.
  4. Scarring options

I think that first drawing encompasses all of that perfectly, except for the eyes. We don’t have much to work with in terms of model modifications, so those displays are all we have. We want monster elves, not just gothy pretty ones.

He’s correct, said Blood King is a mystery but trust me that position is already filled :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh dear I hope my eyes won’t bleed.

Make it stop indeed, hekhekhek. flies into a wall

I love this joke so much.

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It’s rather nice of you to give him the position of Blood King. After all, if you really wanted to, you could go all British Monarchy and make him into the elf version of Prince Philip so that you could wield all the power yourself.

Clearly, you are a merciful Blood Queen.

Quite un-immersive for a vampire, I must say. Your mercy makes you weak.

I know this isn’t the place to talk about it, but elsewhere I’ll get :poop:
People don’t want to hear it but Dark Rangers are just as viable and likely a hero class as Tinkers if not more so for story reasons. I just took on Dark Ranger Clea (who killed me multiple times). I just noticed she has two named shots, one like Sylvanas from Heroes of the Storm has, wailing arrow and the other is shadowburn shot (hits really hard. This is in addition to black arrow and a silence.

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You dare question my authority? I’ll feed your intestines to the blood princes after restoring your flesh several times over with my magic. We’ll see how long “forsaken can’t feel pain” holds then.

It’s probably viable yeah! What if they did a greenfire/night warrior thing for Dark Rangers as well, where your spells would get a dark ranger look along with the DR customization?


Oh very well. Not like I’ve got anything else planned for tonight. Sure as hell ain’t watching the Superbowl.

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To be fair, I’m not either. No interest in sports, personally. :stuck_out_tongue:


We have interest in one sport, and one sport only


Now that’s just rude!


So much of your humor is self-deprecating, I legit wonder if you’re ok sometimes.

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Now this is a game I would watch.

San’layn vs Worgen Gnomeball.


We would be disqualified pretty quickly for chewing on the ball :confused:


This made me giggle :stuck_out_tongue: I love it.

I think we would too though, to be fair…

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what about blood bowl? D: