San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Campaign Manager? you look like the guy who forcibly bribes and threatens people into submission more with a face and mask like that mate.

Not to mention being soulless like most warlocks.


I once had a soul, but it was ripped out when they didnt announce shanlyn at blizzcon but with the power of our great leader i can be happy once more.
And i only threaten the opposition.


Heck ya! I second that motion.


Rad I didn’t know I had a campaign manager :smiley: also I’m honored to be considered Queen.


We elect queens now?

Yeah sure, whatever, I’ll sign this motion. But just so you all know I’m running for the position of court jester.


That’s fine, there’s like… every position open in the Kingdom, it looks like, anyway. Considering we have like no word yet otherwise, eh? Hekhekhek.

Does every title start with Blood?

Blood Queen.
Blood Prince.
Blood Judge.
Blood Sheriff.
Blood Secretary of Waste Management…


Can I be the royal exsuccutioner?

you see, it’s like the royal executioner except succ because we’re vampires aaay


Well from my years of playing Stellaris i noticed that Queen is just a artificial title for royalty of an imperialism style government who have new leaders generally through bloodlines.

A Queen by right can be elected if its just a title for a voted leader, only reason we dont’ do this in the real world is because nobility and royalty aren’t usually a favoured sight cause of what they have done in the past and some still do to this day to other people they think are below them and this creates a negative image of Kings/Queens as a title.

well… the position has been open for about… 3 expansions now.
I mean, who is the queen bee behind these rambunctious bats at the moment?

Yes. We are recruiting for open cabnit positions. Also looking for supreme blood judges for the supreme blood court.


I too second the motion to vote Falls as Blood Queen. I get to be a Blood Prince under her rule!


Not Blood Boytoy?

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honest i think thats a royal blood bag. Has great benifits but terrible turn over. High mortality rate in that job field too.

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Well, she’s got her Blood King already.

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  • Writes down handy notes for terrible tumbler fanfiction *
    10/10 much approved

Blood… boy… toy…

Good god the vivid imagery.

M-make it stop…


If the horde gets vampires, they will need blood. They should set up farms that harvests cow blood to feed the vampires.

Call them the vampire dairies.


Just take your like.

That should be one of their jokes.

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I call blood princess!

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Just need a guild with a terrible name on an RP server now.