San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Hello. I am a lesbian vampire orc pirate.


Apparently, Delaryn Summermoon, a Night Elf Dark Ranger, was updated to have red eyes:

Not really sure what to think, though I do admit, it looks kinda cool. Granted, Night Elf Dark Rangers are rather iffy with their implementation, but we may see what happens with them in the near future.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report! :wine_glass::bat:


Well, back for a month but still find WoW boring. I like what’s coming with the next expansion though since I find every class boring and very similar. Not gonna lie, I’m a little upset we still don’t have playable ogres.

Not sure if anyone mentioned this but I didn’t see it anywhere. A Bellular video, not the same one posted above, talks about the San’layn returning in the next expansion. @ about the 8:52 mark he mentions they return so this is very promising. Not sure though if they are now just straight bad/evil and no hope for us to recruit them or if this opens a door.


Also did one art piece, the only one in fact, since I last posted on this forum over a year ago. It was going to be my OC gunner character for Lost Ark but I turned her into a San’layn in Gilneas holding Quel’Delar.


Here’s how she evolved:

+1 Playable San’layn


I don’t get the hate my glorious Sailor Bois get, I love their models, they just need more customization



Very nice! Love it!


It’s just a preference thing. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who enjoy them, and that’s awesome for them. But some people won’t like them as well, and as long as said people aren’t rude about it, then it’s not a problem. Preferences are fine. I personally don’t like them myself and simply won’t play them regardless of what they get.

Same idea with elves or Vulpera, two things I really enjoy. Some don’t like them and won’t ever play them for one reason or another.


Thanks for posting them Bagzak. Much appreciated.

BTW, I am working on a new pic of a Runecaster Ogre, the above character turned into a necromancer with a Murloc or Worgen undead pet and a Sethrak tinkerer.

Thanks. She’s just a draft/unfinished version. Her lines are not straight they are all over the place and Gilneas was quickly drawn but I’m learning, slowly, to not invest too much into my first couple of attempts because I ALWAYS end up changing things. the second pic proves it, lol.

From that first pic to the last one is like 10 attempts or more. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to drawing and judging my work.


Cool to see you still working on art, that’s awesome, and great work :slight_smile: Gods, so much time has passed, huh. I can’t believe some of us have been here for many years now. It’s crazy.


Are Vulpera your fav non elf race?


Actually, that is the first piece I’ve done since I left WoW and it was done maybe a month or two ago and was originally for Lost Ark when I was playing it. Thanks.

Yea, I know. Crazy, lol. It’s been around a year or so I’m guessing, there are too many posts since my last one so not checking, lol. I’ve tried to keep up on San’layn and Stonemaul but sometimes months passed without me even checking in.

I mainly subbed because of the Bellular video talking about the San’layn returning. I was hoping someone would post it in the forum but no one did. So had to share incase anyone was interested in their return.


Oh yeah, you bet. I love how adorable they are! I really wanted them playable the moment I saw them. I’ll probably make a couple more when I return to the game. But yeah, foxes are my favorite animals.

Next to vampires, kitsune & dragons are my all time favorite mythical monsters. (I know Vulpera are definitely not kitsune but they are their own unique thing which is neat.)

Plus, their basis, the fennec fox, is simply adorable. What’s not to love about that face?!

It’s the attitude I take with beast races I enjoy. I find them adorable :sweat_smile: This would apply to things like Sethrak if we got them playable too. Or Arakkoa (they look more cool than adorable to me though). Or Saurok.


When the vulpera released I tried calling mine Kitkatkitsune but it was too many letters, lol.

I ended up going with Gloomtail, Infoxicated, Skidmark and my favorite Nobletail. I deleted Infoxicated and Gloomtail and let the community know and Infoxicated was taken fast.


Yeah I was big on the megathread. It’s so nice when a megathread requests becomes reality. I really hope this one does too. I wish they’d get a pass over for increased customisation as they barely have more than core races did pre extra options. Think the only thing we got were eye colours. I do enjoy the “dead eyes” cuz it works for my characters but would love to see more fur colors, tail types (including no tails for those who want em) ears shapes. I just want more! haha. But I love their racial and animations very good.

Well you got foxes, and dragons incoming. Hoping for vampires too!!!

Fenecs are adorable.

Oh god I wish. I want snek folk so bad.


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What;s happening? :o something get announced or datamined?


Just this. It’s speculation for now but it screams customization options to me.


Yeah I remember that megathread, I loved it! I was so happy to see Vulpera become playable. I hope they get a pass too! It’s been so long since I’ve played truly (Feb 2021) that I sort of forgot what customization they got. If Death Knights ever get more eye colors, I’m going to apply red to mine.

Oh! A friend of mine gifted art of my OC :slight_smile:

More tail types and fur colors would be awesome. I want fluffy to the extreme.

Here’s to hoping for sure!!

Major same here. I won’t let go of my dream for Sethrak druids. But I guess a paladin would work too!

I got excited for nothing XD Yes red eyes would be neat customization to use for sure, though sadly it wouldn’t include vampyr elves, just Dark Rangers. Unless they mentioned vampyr specifically as well. Which would be alright. More customization in that vein would be nice though in the future if they add just red eyes x.x


You got my hopes for an annoucement up :gun:


Interesting. Makes me feel like this is much more likely to be a customization for Belves and Nelves rather than an AR.

Still hope to see San’layn some where along the line.

Sethrak for the players!