San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’d like to draw attention to a new vampire survival game I just discovered. It’s called V-Rising, and I’m very positively surprised. Character customization is great, as you are practically an elf vampire who can choose among a great variety of eye colors (inc red and pink), skin tones, amazing hairstyles that flow with the wind, accessories like bat ear jewellery, and evil cackling faces xD I must say the customization greatly reminds me of elves in WoW!

And best of all you can make your own vampire castle, sleep in coffins, turn into a wolf, and suck people’s blood for powerful stats and magical abilities. I’m really liking it so far !

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Couldn’t undead druids work if they utilized drust magic? I thought that was the ‘death magic’ side of druidism. I’m pretty sure there’s no worship factor in that case, right?

Not to mention, maybe some vampyr/undead in general could actually worship a loa. Blizzard could bring Hi’reek back for example. That would be a cool way to get vampyr druids. Also, I really want a redemption arc for that character :frowning:


Reminds me that I was going to grind the bajeesus out of the Darkhound at one point. Still haven’t gotten it.

I’m too busy! My main focus, such as it is, is hopping on one of the 4 50-59 toons I’m leveling and getting their BG win. Of course, the possibility of heritage weapons for everyone has thrown my carefully structured “Get the ones who don’t have heritage armor to 60 so they’re ready, then classes I don’t have” plans into disarray. Whatever. I basically just play for random BGs to charge and bladestorm people. …Eventually I’m going to bump into one of my casters on the list and that’s going to be a PROBLEM, because I am absolutely addicted to charging at the opposing team and seeing them all scatter so they’re not the first one to be hit. Even if I usually die dramatically afterwards.

Right now, my highest leveler is my blood elf pally for heritage reasons, then a dark iron arms warrior who is 100% my favorite to play on the list, then an undead hunter to pad my bets, and lastly a blueside pandaren monk.

My redside pandaren is a low level hunter, but I keep hearing a little voice in my head going “Wouldn’t she be better if she was a warrior?” Those unique pandaren animations are good.

Whatever. Someday, I will blitz that rare drop with an army of 60s in full PvP set. Though I may have to go back to gear up some of the first ones through (like poor Sledge, who I love, but who has really fallen by the wayside with my disinterest in 90% of max level content this pack).

I’m all for increasing player options and choice, but the San’layn are always depicted as being incredibly powerful. None of them are “one-off” powerhouses, the race itself is inherently very powerful.

The writers would need quite a bit of time to make San’layn a believably playable race, likely needing to rope in leftover dark rangers, Calia Menethil, and the Blood Elf race (which may further justify their reason for staying Horde, particularly since Sylvanas is gone).

Not really, we haven’t encountered any “civilian” San’layn, they’ve all been emissaries for their faction, so yeah they’re powerhouses. A civilian/adventurer San’layn is completely viable and believable.

Before Wrath Deathknights were one man armies, now they’re a player class balanced around all the other classes.


Drust style death Druidism is what I would have thought of, we have that, worship of nature spirits, and the Night Elf and Tuaren version involving the Emerald Dream, which I’m not the most knowledgeable on I think it takes being a certain way or soemthing with someone’s soul to be Druid I believe, it’s not just read a book on Druids 101 like with Mages. I could be completely wrong and misremembering though.

In my case, given we have playable DK & others in the same way who are really powerful, I would decline that it’s necessary, given our player characters are already super powerful.

However, we do see weaker San’layn even in Wrath; there’s trash up to Blood Queen, but there’s also a ton of them in the Temple City of En’kilah:

And then again more recently, in Battle For Azeroth:

Which are just trash mobs easy to off by the player. Similar to, well, any other player race in that case. You can kill off forsaken & the San’layn there as an Alliance player during the war campaign in BfA. Also, this implies new ones are being made! Given the definition of Neophyte!

Also, my point here is made regarding “Darkfallen” :stuck_out_tongue: The San’layn were the original “Darkfallen” so I stand by saying they should 100% be represented in a supposed playable race.

Seen here too with ICC trash, yada yada


The Drust/Thornspeakers were blessed by Athair (the deer spirit in Drustvar), who is implied to be a Wild God.

But, yea, Hir’eek could probably hand out druid invites. Dunno how long it takes for the wildseed cycle to work though.


Thornspeakers still use the same concepts and powers that Cenarion druids use they just focus on the cycle of life and death and consider death as a piece of the whole whereas the Cenarion druids tend to focus more on life.

That said Forsaken could easily use that same concept. Nothing really stops them.

Even better if blizzard has some loa or wild god come forth in their area, perhaps changed a bit by the events of SLs to be more in touch with death, to bless an order of them.

There’s actually 3-4 Wild God entities in Kul’tiras. Two of which are deer. One for the day and one for the night as far as I can tell.

There was also a wolf and possibly a hawk.


Looks like we’d need some interesting storybuilding, but yeah I feel like it could be possible!


I totally nominate you to write it, you are actually really good at writing so I know it would be in good hands. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


We play a fair amount of powerhouses… especially after the whole Legion interlude.

I’m not sure the averages San’layn has been depicted as more powerful than, for example, mages or warlocks or death knights or paladins, or even our underloved friend, the shaman.

And with the new Evokers, it’s really open season. They have some different toolkit, but nothing really outlandish.


I forgot the wolf and hawk, but the stone tablet thing only mentions the deer doing the blessing.

But, yea, if Blizz gets more Loa involved, they’d probably be more flexible than Cenarius. I could totally see Bwonsomdi making a deal with Sylvanas to create Forsaken druids just to troll the life-based Wild Gods.


Bwonsamdi death druids please. Hir’eek could owe a debt to Bwonsamdi for helping us save him and be more reluctant to help the Zandalari/Horde. Perhaps the San’layn start to form a bond helping him, and maybe he has some insight into blood magic that the San’layn are interested in.


I am so honored, lol. I would probably come up with tons of new loa/wild god ideas because I love that sort of thing so much.

Folks in the posts above though suggested some AWESOME stuff too though that I love :smiley:


Don’t Kul Tirans already have the Death Druic thing locked down?

As far as we know the Kultirans aren’t actually death magic. They are neither dead nor alive. They are in between.

And in the fourth war we did raise kul tirans so they can just as easily make undead forsaken out of thornspeakers that were risen.

And death druids can be expanded to other races, such as all the races pertaining to night fae for example. And we see the Stonemother who created all the storneborn still able to use druidic magic as a Venthyr. She created a whole race of stone beings in the shadowlands. Which is quite impressive as a druid/former elune worshipper. The teachings of Cenarius may be an Azerothian take of Druidism, but it seems there are quite capable other forms in other realms/dimensions and planets in the wow universe.

The Kultirans get that magic from the drust who have there own unique lore in the shadowlands and we haven’t fully explored. There was a datamined drust raid but that never came to be, so they probably didn’t put in alot of drust assets. There are also rumors that say Korthia was supposed to be a drust zone. (It sorta makes sense given the landscape).

But that lore seems to be all but abandoned and they probably will change it up a bit for future lore. Kul Tirans had first dibs on drust magic, but I think it fits the undead more.


I’m still so annoyed about this, not going to lie. Like… nothing for the FORSAKEN who literally are undead and death magic would fit for. Had to be for humans. I personally dislike those models so will never play one, either, even if I really like the druid forms.

It’s frustrating. I hope they expand it. Druids of the life end of things have expanded considerably. Making death magic ‘special’ to KT is silly.


Yea I do think the horde fit that theme better but history was already made. I have a kul tiran alt on alliance. I dont mind him but I do think it wouod have fit an undead better.

As for the kul tiran models I dont mind them so much, but there are many annoyances I have, the female helm shape feels weird, the male stomach basically shows painted on abs for some mogs… which is interesting… in a bad sort of comical way.

Also lack of sailor tattoos and facial hair options.

They have the potential to have cooler models as evidenced by fan art. Fan art > Playable models

I think it would look nice for the undead to have drust forms, barkskin (druid spell but wood based elements seem common on drust beings)/ decay, customizations. Instead of leaves/flowery magics more fungal magics like Marasmius, there nature magics more based on decay/poison/thorns. Beasts like the Tauralus would make a good travel form. Perhaps the risen kultirans can have drust ancestry too and get some of those customizations based along like blue skin.

I honestly don’t blame ya for that, lol.