San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Have you been in FFXIV all this time? You must be enjoying it if it’s been that long. I tried it but I just could not do it. I love reading but not in games. It was mostly reading so I just sped through quests and I wasn’t feeling the classes. Plus, I am not subbing to a game ever again. It just isn’t me anymore nor are any of the current games worth it.

I prefer games with voice acting if possible or something I’m interested in. Final Fantasy was something I was into when it was FF7 and then a little bit into FF8. After that I just moved on. I do like Chocobos though and I think you could breed them or some such thing in FF7 and I did all that back then for a black and then I think some gold color one or something. Good times.


If its true I would swap my worgen druid to night elf and finally be an undead druid… but on the alliance sadly. We can only wait and see.

Mostly worgen since I dislike the sounds they make when they get hit by melee attacks, just feels like animal cruelty hearing those sounds -.-

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Yeah, my FC (guild) got their house recently, and I LOVE player housing. It’s tough building said FC though. It feels… different? I dunno how to explain it. I think I still just need to get used to it. It’s not hooking me like WoW roleplay did. I think the issue there though is I just… need more friends to play with, maybe. I dunno. I’ve been hoping to find some more monster roleplayers, but it’s tough to find there.

I could see tons of vampyr roleplayers in WoW and it was always such a cool thing, you know? I felt comfortable whispering them, and we gushed about our OCs, and how much we enjoy vampires.

Just… with how Blizzard was handling things, and how the RP community was definitely vanishing due to them just not caring or listening, it was time to go. I was among the very last of my guild to leave, believe it or not. I do have hope that, maybe, they’re listening now. I really hope so. I hope there’s positive changes in the company.

That’s why I’m still here (use gold & other methods to maintain my sub for forum posting, etc). Dragonflight looked interesting, barebones as it was. I hated everything about Shadowlands, especially 9.2. I refuse to even go to that zone or touch the patch if I ever do rejoin. Just everything about it seriously is something I dislike–even the art, which is something that usually carries a patch for me even if it’s bad. Same situation for 9.1, but not nearly as bad.

Yeah I like how in FFXIV you can customize the armor and color of the chocobo. One of the reasons why I’m interested in Dragonflight is the customizable dragon mount. I won’t lie and say I’m not the most excited for that in particular. And Dragon Riding. Given How to Train your Dragon is my all time favorite movie… yeeeeeah. XD

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way, lol. Granted, I’ll still play worgen because they’re neat, but those sounds make me really sad. It’s why most of my roleplay characters will have issues actually killing worgen, believe it or not!


I have learned to mute combat sounds for some characters and it really helps alot. I did really like my worgen mage away back but I opted for dwarf mage, then swapped her to dark iron and thats fun.

Worgen look cool, I wish they would let us pick a different sound file for them that doesnt sound to close to irl dogs.


Hmmmmm. Hmm.

Well, something is happening with Darkfallen anyway. And somehow i suspect it’s not just use as set dressing.


We gave him the True Death in Castle Nathria already. No, High Torturer “Darithos,” you are not fooling anyone.

Nope. That’s enough suspicions. I’m combining my Alliance Death Knight Pandaren and my Horde Hunter Pandaren to give me a Horde Death Knight Pandaren. They’re all low level, and… If nothing pans out, I need the space for a Drac’thyr anyway.

Or maybe another goblin, if I’m honest. I kinda want more.

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One day we’ll get pandaren druids and I will make one.

One day…

As for if we end up getting Darkfallen, truly, I don’t need to worry about new characters…

…but I will have to worry about race changes in the very unlikely event of an AR.

If it’s just customization, though, I can just go to the barbershop.


I’m in the camp I want San’layn and Dark Rangers as Allied Races but at the same time I’ll take them as just customizations for Blood Elves if I have to so either way works for me but I agree, the barbershop in that regard would be better than having to shell out the cash.


Yeah, like if they specify it’s both vampyr & dark rangers, I wouldn’t mind. I guess we could ask for more customization in that vein for Blood Elves relating to Darkfallen in the future anyhow, come to think of it.

Void elves have their ‘void customization’ thread, after all, so this would turn into a Blood elf ‘undead elf’ customization thread request. I’d have to rework OP but that’s not a huge issue.

Night Warrior for Night Elves can’t exactly be expanded, as it’s a pretty new concept and I didn’t see any appearance updates. It’s pretty straightforward.

Whereas undead elf stuff, there’s tons to ask for, like bat-like or ripped ears, jet-black eyes, fangs, claws, you name it. The tear streaks as well. We know the vampyr curse is a mutagen, so if they are (rightfully) included, we could ask for things that explore that.

Definitely not the end of the road if we get them as customization. I doubt we’d get a ton of options we’re asking for–sadly, I think it’d just be red eyes, maybe skins. But hopefully more gothic elements would be added, as the ‘preppy’ feel of Blood Elves could be expanded to encompass the gothic feel of undead elves/forsaken.

I’m leaning toward customization being far more likely, although I really hope it’s not just red eyes, and that’s it. I realize many people would be satisfied with just that, but me personally, I would want a bit more. Just an eye color really isn’t enough. With how they responded to the Dark Ranger questions, I feel like they’ll likely be leaning toward the customization aspect v. the Allied Race.

While I favor the Allied Race, naturally, it makes sense for customization. Still… from a business perspective, they wouldn’t make nearly as much money given people wouldn’t be spending on race changes :stuck_out_tongue:


I am holding out for mechagnome druids and I’m not even kidding.

…I actually don’t want dwarf druids (entirely) or troll demon hunters, because that would be too much temptation to just make all my characters dwarves or trolls.

And regardless of what happens, y’all know I’ll be wandering through these threads yelling, “More customization for everyone!”… Mostly politely.


I have a similar problem with blood elves and void elves.


Ironically, I don’t actually have a lot of blood elves or void elves. But I care a lot about customizations being added, and I have SOME blood/void elves, and I come from an RP server so I do enjoy seeing what people come up with and seeing them get tools to support that.

So I’m in favor of shinies for all my characters… Which is primarily how I engage in WoW these days anyway. A smattering of RP or wandering through hubs, and random BGs. And we all know that whoever looks best in the BG is the real winner, no matter what the scoreboard says.

I more or less just want more Warlocks, specifically Kul Tiran Warlock, Draenei Warlock, Zandalari Troll Warlock and Tauren Warlock, probably more than that but those four rank really highly on my list of wants really badly unless of course they actually add San’layn or Dark Rangers and then yeah I’d want those as well or to change to one like San’layn Warlock because that would be badass.


Wakeners Rise!


I’m stuck in the ‘I want elf druids’ boat :sob: Or Vulpera or pandaren. All of that. I’m very glad Death Knights were expanded, though…



The one I’ll go to the mat on is Lightforged, Goblin and worgen monks.

Every species should be able to punch things with the libation of choice, and that class fantasy has lots of wiggle room.


I fully support Death Knight eye color options including red, green, purple, orange and black. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I think Druid wise I most want Dwarf and Belf, followed closely by Pandaren and Draenei.

Also Amani but that requires more work.


I only use gold to sub because this game is not worth real money imo at least not in the state it is right now. I’ve been doing that since I had returned sometime in 2017 after leaving WoW the end of 2011 cause we got Pandas instead of ogres and they screwed with the talents tree. And I was burnt out on the game but the Panda thing was just the last straw for me. Still no ogres. :rage:

I like dragons, even born in the year of the dragon, so getting a playable dragon race is cool. I just wish they were a little less Zandalari boomkin form looking and a little more dragon like or at least an option to make them more monstrous.

And the customizable mount I’ve suggested many times before. I’m sure other players have too so it’s nice to see something players have wanted introduced. A little bummed by the class being locked to the race though.

Glad you like FFXIV. I tried a couple games since I left. New World was terrible. Lost Ark had promise that faded. I went back to SWTOR but 7.0 just screwed up a lot of little things and it bothered me so I left again. I’m back rocking the stone in DRG. The BEST rando PUG game I’ve ever played. ROCK . . . AND . . . STONE!

Right now I play ESO a little. They have housing and you can have more then one. I think I have the starter houses for all 3 factions and I saw a house that had stables and a dungeon but was out of my price range. I want it though. They also have playable vampires, which I loved about Oblivion, and werewolves. Only don’t like the combat that much. It feels lacking.

Druid is probably my favorite class and I am hoping they allow every race to be one since they want us to play any class with any race in the future. Unfortunately that will be a lot of work due to all the individual race animal forms. I’d prolly make one of every Horde race when that happens. A little miffed we didn’t get Vulpera druids tbh.