San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I just want dark ranger eyes for my Belves. If it’s for an allied race, then I have to race change my Hunter to have her how I see her. And I can’t have red eyes for my Warrior. It doesn’t need to be an allied race either. The eyes and skin tone are already in the game. Just enable them for players.


Not to be a downer (okay, I’m being a downer) but it more and more feels like it’s going to be nothing, and the hype was here but for nothing. Who knows. It’s just tiresome. I want to see playable vampyr elves on the Horde for sure. Either they’re going to make it as lackluster as possible and shove them aside to ‘shut us up’, or we won’t see anything at all.

Edit: For me, no, Dark Rangers wouldn’t be a good enough. That’s awesome for the DR community of course. But I want vampyr specifically, which are different. Granted, I’m so tired of asking for things and getting complete silence that I might just walk away regardless.


“I just vant to suck your blood. Is zat so much to ask?”

12 Likes bellular video talks about darkfallen!


So far, the video is pretty much speculation over stuff we know. Dark Rangers are mentioned specifically in said speculation, with San’layn mentioned when talking about the reclassification of Darkfallen.

Allied race theory talk at roughly the 5:49 mark:

Not sure if much more is said about it. Still listening to the video. If there is anything else, I’ll edit this post or make a new one. :wine_glass::bat:


I know there is a possibility it may not happen but if darkfallen become allied race what will be there racial mount? I know this is just speculation but I’m really having fun figuring this out.

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Nothing else in that video really talks about Darkfallen in general, so just the usual speculation talk.

I am starting to notice a trend with these content creators and speculation talk that seem to be high on the idea of more encryption being used in general for PTR patches. It baffles me, since as a content creator, do you really want barely anything to make content videos about with time between patches being as long as Shadowland patches? Especially since feedback has on occasions helped knowing some stuff coming ahead. I feel like Phoenix Wright would have a field day pointing out the contradictions here.

If time between patches were much shorter, I could understand more encryption being used, but I have the feeling that won’t be the case any time soon. I feel like hiding too much for too long periods of time has more of a chance of backfiring in multiple ways. As I said, we don’t need to know everything immediately, but being completely in the dark for too long, especially with some features like if we’re getting new playable races announcements being withheld for long periods of time after a patch ends, does little to help customer retention, in my opinion.

As for the Darkfallen racial mount, a lot really depends on how playable Darkfallen would be handled. If they were focused on either just Dark Rangers or also include San’layn is one example, as well as Night Elf Darkfallen in general. Hard to really pinpoint a racial mount for them.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


For the mount:
Two options would be cool if they combined DRs with Vampyr. A cloud of bats and a ‘banshee mist’ form. Works like worgen’s ‘running wild’ except is either a cloud of ghostly mist or cloud of bats. Could even be red mist (there is an item you can use in game to turn into red mist) for San’layn if they want to be lazy and not animate a cloud of bats (though they could literally use pieces of the Hallow’s End Hearthstone animation which has bats flying around it…)

Also, wanted to bring up something cool I saw. I was watching a new anime on Netflix, Vampire in the Garden, which is an apocalypse with vampires (a genre I enjoy dearly, as I write it.) I like the vampire lore I’ve seen already a lot.

So, they turn into bat-monsters, sort of. Their arms can spontaneously morph into wings. They don’t need to transform all parts at once, either–see here:

I couldn’t get the clearest grab of the full form (I just watched the first episode, left an awesome impression, I’ll be watching more) but perhaps I will in the future. I love it, though.

It really is a shame that vampyr elves were never expanded to be like worgen except with bat monsters. That would have been so neat.

Edit: Also they have regular ‘human’ forms I assume they utilize when not fighting all the time. They aren’t always those bat monsters. I see them use it only in combat.


A Darkhound if it’s just Dark Rangers.

I’d like San’layn to have some sort of bat… Though now I think on it a darkhound would work for them too.


A bat would work for Dark Rangers as well, as Forsaken tend to ride bats. I ride the Witherbark Direwing whenever I use my Dark Ranger mog on my BE Hunter.

Racial mounts are always ground mounts though, so the Darkhound seems more likely.


So if darkfallen blood elf’s and night elf are coming which classes will there be? Personal I’m choosing rouge outlaw and death knight unholy.

Think I gave this in the main thread. Though it’s a bit outdated and I am too lazy to edit it. But yeah… also, DK would be on the ‘very likely’ sphere now. I wrote this prior to ARs getting DK.

Edit: as you can see by my sass edit there, lol. Pretty sure that was passive aggression toward someone in the past who gave me a hard time for not being 100% up to date every second.


Darkhounds are heavily based off of the Barghast. Which is also the fearsome dog that Dracula transforms into.

So it would work for both.


San’layn Feral Druid would be a great nod to Carmilla.


San’layn druids would hands down be a dream come true. I’d switch my main to one in a heartbeat, not gonna lie. Like… I’d switch her story around to accomodate too. (or just say she started worshipping the loa/wild god/whatever would actually grant her the magic.)

I doubt it will EVER happen, given we don’t even have San’layn yet, and they may be shoved to just being customization anyhow. IF that. Sadly I have doubts we’ll get even an interesting smidgeon lately.

However, a woman can dream. I would be so bloody happy, ugh. If only…


Well if Blizzard actually makes good on the whole “the goal is eventually that race is not a limiter to class” claim, and if they can, at the very least, give Blood Elves the Darkfallen customization options (if not an outright Darkfallen allied race), then your dreams of a vampire Druid may not be so far-fetched.

Unfortunately, even if Blizzard comes through with proliferating all classes to all races, I’d bet a good chunk of cash that Druid will be the last class to get spread around just because of the model work required.


Yea, droods will be complicated. Not just because the forms, but the lore is a bit more specific than “just learn some magic lol.” Unless they just let everyone buy Wild God blessings from a vending machine in Moonglade, some sort of cosmetic class variants might not be a bad idea.

If San’layn got Blood Druids or something, they wouldn’t need a Dream connection to shapeshift if it comes (super)naturally to vampires. Spells could of course get blood magic effects in place of the leaves and stuff.

A class variant thing could also be used to implement Dark Rangers (shadow effects for arcane/cobra shot, skeleton stampede?), or to spice up some of the existing combos.

It would be a lot of work, to be sure, but probably easier than trying to make everyone fit into existing druid lore. Especially mechagnomes.


I’d love to have Nathy’s dark hound mount he uses in Stormheim.


I would love this so much. Cobra Shot is just so goofy.


What? You don’t like my green snake doing the electric slide through the air when I fire at someone?