San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I still really want to see a Blood King. :frowning: Or return of another Blood Queen. That would be so cool…

Edit: If we get actual playable San’layn that isn’t low effort on their part, I’ll get some art of my male San’layn (shirtless) with the wings & a crown as a Blood King, by the way.


I liked the idea of the mage guy that always wears the mask really being San’layn and hiding the fact with magic. That would be cool if he became a racial leader for them. The thing covering his face/fangs.


I would think they’d be under Delaryn Summermoon.

Who would I assume be under Tyrande.


Lots have brought him up as a potential Blood Prince/San’layn. I think it’d be very interesting especially given what happens in 9.2.5.


Me too, that would totally rock, I would lean more towards queen over king though because I’m a big fan of Blood Queen Lana’thel. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Also, hot, I totally approve of this already and I haven’t even seen it yet. :fire: :fire: :fire:


She is my all time favorite character :smiley: I’d love if she came back or if we got a new one, yeah. That’d be glorious. It’s too bad she was never expanded upon or given a redemption arc. Ah well.

Can never have too much art of my male OCs shirtless :smirk:


The Horde gave the alliance back Sira Moonwarden, Tyrande almost killed her but was held back by her daughter and another night elf I believe and She forgave her.

So she started forgiving them before shadowlands. I think they can reintergrated back into the alliance if they choose. But I personally would love them to stay horde. I realize that’s probably not going to happen but I do love night elves and like the idea of playing them on horde. But lorewise they would probably rejoin the alliance unless they decide to stick with the new forsaken under Calia, since it seems they follow her now.

So it really depends on the important lore for 9.2.5 and whatever happens there.

It could happen, never know how Blizzard would try to spin it if we do get playable San’layn or at least customizations. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

I have to agree because really I’m a big fan of shirtless men, it’s a really good way to get almost instant likes or comments from me, here, in Discord, on Facebook, etc. :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:


I’m not a fan of night elf Darkfallen. Hate that whole story.

I’d rather they remain Horde.


I would love to play the model on horde. Since some of the san’layn looked like they used the night elf skeleton in wotlk. And it would sort of give us a way to get undead druids maybe. I also liked Sira Moonwarden and her transmog.

It would also let the horde get access to wardens if they kept them on hordes someday.

And it could be like the high elf equivalent to horde if maybe the forsaken could play as that model.

She and Nathanos bickering in the book hehe.

This, I gave your other post about Delaryn and Tyrande a like a few ago but I’d still rather them not ever actually be a thing.

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If he IS a vampire he’s been succesfully hiding it for what 10 years? if not more. Which means he must have complete control of his thirst. That’d certainly be interesting.


Or perhaps he has a donor… :smirk:

dodges the inevitable smack coming my way

WHAT I’m just saying…


Lol, I mean dood is attractive (doesn’t he get kidnapped by harpies or am I thinking of another blood elf?) and high ranking elf of Silvermoon sooo…


True! Or on a more ‘monstrous’ note, perhaps he targets enemies to drink from. There is no shortage of enemies toward the Blood Elves. That would mean he’d have to vanish every so often, though. But perhaps people wouldn’t be suspicious for so long because they just assume he is sleeping/doing something else.

There could be pirates who steal from SMC (or try to), or those who commit violent crimes, the possibilities are endless because again there’s plenty of enemies in WoW.


Someone over at mmoc found new entries in the item appearance table on PTR for a hunter set with icons from the gear dark rangers wear:


The plot thickens!

Or he exiles people to the Ghostlands/Plaguelands so he can hunt them down in discretion so as not to harm the actual city or let Silvermoon know there are Vampires in their midst.

Wait… Didn’t he call the San’layn in the new quest a traitor… Oh… OH!


MrGM made a speculation video, uploaded on May 16th, 2022. No real new information, although at the 3:35 mark roughly, we see some models of undead elves in the character creation screen. I assume they’re just some sort of fan made model as a concept as opposed to anything officially datamined, as I’ve not seen them talked about before.

Video here:

I will say I disagree with his stance on more encryption being good. In my own personal opinion, while some story things being encrypted is understandable, as you can see from what has been going on here, it has been causing more of a headache and frustration than any excitement since we’re in the middle of some kind of radio silence until some arbitrary reveal date of some kind. I’d rather not have to wait in a similar length of time between patches in Shadowlands for patch info of any sort, since feedback has actually helped change some things for the better. Moreso if it potentially involves playable races, which at present, the game could really use something exciting to draw interest back and entice pre-order numbers, and it needs it sooner than later (we are in a bit of a patch lull seeing as the current patch is pretty much at the end).

It also just seems to have a higher chance of leaving bigger sour tastes in our mouths if it ends up being nothing (to be fair, the rumors of new playable races are coming from unofficial rumors and speculation) or something really asinine, like the Light themed Undead nonsense. I could go on, but I’ve done that a lot in this megathread on the topic, and I’m sure it’s yet another thesis paper I could write.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


I am so tired of Blizzard being silent and not communicating.

Its exactly the opposite of what they should be doing. If they’d just tell us what we were getting we could be excited, instead I’m just sitting here expecting absolutely nothing good is going to happen and frustrated that I know nothing of what to expect.


You guys and gals inspire me to give my theory about undead allied race. Even though it is not about darkfallen I wanted to thank you for giving me courage to tell my opinion. Undead allied race Theory Here it is if you are interested.:innocent: