San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Just wanted to say thank you mods for helping the thread stay slander-less!

Context for the missing stuff: Someone came in here saying horrible things.

Now we can move on and discuss real matters again. Like hopefully finding out what ARs are coming up soon.


I could see it like a racial similar to the zandalari’s Pterrodax Swoop, and would look like a demon hunters glide ability


Damn, I missed another deluge of trolling and personal insults?

That’s my favorite part :frowning:


Guess that means they’re paying attention to our thread more than we thought.


Would instantly level a San’layn up, loved them since WoTLK and still love them now, a most welcome addition and will probably be my favourite allied race if it happens!


I would never be happier with playing any other race than I would be playing san’layn. I could finally play an undead elf with more than one class.


Exactly, maybe I’ll finally be able to play a San’layn Assassination Rogue!

I’m hoping, anyway.


A new version of Blood Queen Lanathel NPC has been added to patch 8.1.5.



They appear to be all the same models though, with no edits. I don’t know why they’d be mentioned for 8.1.5 though. Could mean something, but could also mean nothing. I’ve been told files just kinda… get edited via name through updates and the end it’s typically meaningless.

I’ve gotten excited over much that turned out to be nothing sadly, so I’m not going to get my hopes up this time. :frowning:

Okay, I thought they’d be interesting. Sorry.

Nah don’t apologize, many things found could be useful information! Definitely keep it up. I just want to warn people not to get their hopes up too much, only to be crushed. It’s what happened last time for me, and I’ve started to become a bit hopeless and jaded.

Location “unknown” however is kind of strange. I dunno.
For those that do want to click:

Also, view in 3D will show you the models. It does say "added in 8.1.5(then a ton of numbers) though which is kind of strange.

Edit: Ok so this actually might mean something. It also might not so again take everything with a grain of salt. But a model being marked like this does in fact mean it might be used for this upcoming patch, as I found out. Rather than just random edits.

Therefore, perhaps we could start brainstorming for what? Flashbacks have been brought up, and I think it’ll be linked to the Quill.


It might be linked to the quill, but if they’re using these models it could mean they’ve been resurrected/ raised again and we’re making contact with them for the quill. Hopefully more than just flashbacks. There’s also a suspicious amount of LK NPCs as well.

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Yeah I’ve noticed a lot of attention on Northrend lately. What with us going back to talk to Bolvar (whenever that happens), the random updates with the map, and what have you. I’m glad my favorite continent is getting some love for sure.

That’s not too far-fetched either. Them being raised again has happened before for sure. The only issue I see however is the lack of model updates. They’re not polished by any means, same with Dreven. So either: They don’t have time to finish the updates but need to progress the story (which is certainly likely) and plan on updating later, or those models aren’t going to be used much further, but other models for things like Theraldis and Atherann for example will be.


I feel like they haven’t got the time to focus on updating their models just yet because they need to get the story going forward, but think they’ll update them later. Maybe if we get San’layn.



But interesting.


They could be involved in a Flashback involving the quil.

It’s not “New” but it is something.

That’s what we were thinking, yeah. Still, it’s expanding upon San’layn lore regardless of how the models are used, which brings me hope. Somewhere on the dev team they like the idea of looking into this stuff, vampyr in general, more.

Devs, if you’re watching? Thanks for that. Obviously you can tell that you have fans here :wink:


Fallynn for blood queen.


Fallynn for Blood Queen - 2019! Make Azeroth Great Again!!!


Make Azeroth Necrotic Again!
As fallynns campaign manager, i am impressed with the amount of support shes getting.